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Are You Really An NFL Scout?


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That's about the truth. 99.9% of the mocks are regurgitated from what those "mockers" read on some website. It is basically unchecked plagiarism. They base their analysis on what they are told or a summary of what they read, and then they have the audacity to blast picks that professional scouts make. It is similar to my wife, not a doctor, thinking the kids have an ear infection because she read the symptoms in a magazine and then criticizing our doctor when she, a licensed pediatrician, says it is just a cold. These so-called draft gurus blast day one "curveballs" not because the pick is wrong for the team, but because it IS BAD FOR THEIR BUSINESS. Most, if not all, are not even qualified to select talent for my Pop Warner Team, yet we take their analysis as gospel.


I'll admit it, I've seen Justice and Ngata play once, I've never seen McCargo or Bunkley play and I have seen Whitner and Yubouty play three times. I noticed Whitner and Yobouty. I did not notice Justice at all and Ngata sucked the game I saw him play. I guess that qualifies me to have my own draft scouting service. Maybe I could take that on-line course I hear about on WGR and then I will be a certified draftologist or something. The best are these "grades". How do you exactly grade a pick? Isn't that like grading an exam by evaluating the quality and order of the questions? Also, can't these idiots at least wait for the full body of work -- we still have 6 picks left.


Donahoe got lambasted for passing on Walker and taking Clements, for picking McGahee when we had Henry and "reaching" for Evans who did not creep into the first round on many mock drafts until the last week. This seemed to work out much better than "sure thing" Williams at #4 as reported by every so-called draft guru in the land at the time. BTW, didn't Carolina get heckled that year for taking Peppers, an undersized DE, before Harrington, a can't miss franchise QB?


Bottom line -- we got three players who will either start or contribute heavily this season. Also, I am not an apologist. I liked Sherman over Jauron and would have rather had a GM with some experience. However, if this is a going to be a bad draft, let it be bad because the players flop -- not because some mock geek's big board and top 10 selections got messed up for next year's draft guide marketing campaign.

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