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The last line of that article tells all.



Yup. I doubt it's legal, but I've not hired people because of that type of history. Especially in an industry where it's very easy to get hurt.

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everyone wants to sue everybody


and this is repetitive on her side


like that DUKE girl..........pressing charges for rape in 97 and now.......something tells me people either lie alot


or they never learn anything

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ya know, I'm usually pretty open to jokes and stuff and oppose political correctness ...but what the hell is a company sponsored spanking?...just asking for it in today's society.  <_<



That is truly, truly ignorant, but at the same time I just can't see someone being forced to participate.

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That is truly, truly ignorant, but at the same time I just can't see someone being forced to participate
Not saying anyone was forced or not...just saying it's pretty dumb....Just when you've think you've seen it all...You're proven wrong.
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Not saying anyone was forced or not...just saying it's pretty dumb....Just when you've think you've seen it all...You're proven wrong.


Yeah, I kinda have to agree. Not saying the judgement isn't overboard, and surely no one held her down while she was spanked, but seriously...how absolutely, positively !@#$ing moronic do you have to be to think that (1) this is a good idea and (2) this is even remotely a good idea? It takes a couple of real morons to put the company in this position.
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Yeah, I kinda have to agree. Not saying the judgement isn't overboard, and surely no one held her down while she was spanked, but seriously...how absolutely, positively !@#$ing moronic do you have to be to think that (1) this is a good idea and (2) this is even remotely a good idea? It takes a couple of real morons to put the company in this position.



Then again, an ex-company of mine flew me to a week in Scottsdale AZ to sit cross legged on the floor and contemplate multi-colored pebbles in a pentogram pattern so we could determine our leadership styles.


More to it than that, but that was the gist.


As for the alarm company, I think they've been in trouble before. But juries-damn...

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It takes a couple of real morons to put the company in this position.
Yep, these morons were probally canned and if they weren't they shoulda been. At my company we have ethics training and stuff...Hell...I'm afraid to send a joke via email... I might get the boot. :blink:
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Then again, an ex-company of mine flew me to a week in Scottsdale AZ to sit cross legged on the floor and contemplate multi-colored pebbles in a pentogram pattern so we could determine our leadership styles.


More to it than that, but that was the gist.


As for the alarm company, I think they've been in trouble before. But juries-damn...


I had to attend a three-day Stephen Covey seminar, and by the beginning of the second day, when we had this "carry someone over a net" schitt, I basically took my leave. Waste of freakin' time and money.
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$40,000 for future medical costs?


I had to sit through some PC and Sexual Harrasment training videos one place I worked. They were hilarious. The PC one had an HR woman telling the employees, one being black, that it would be fun if once a week an employee would be the "slave of the day" and have to do everyone's bidding. She was "surprised" when everyone objected to it.


The SH one had a female employee telling a male employee that the comment he said made her feel uncomfortable, and to not do that again. He said, "Oh, okay" and walked away. I guess it was funny if you saw it also, due to the tone of voice they were using.


Here's a Sexual Harassment video (not the SNL-Tom Brady one) worth viewing. It does contain language unsuitable for minors.

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$40,000 for future medical costs?



i thought about that too. i got my ass whipped up and down the house by my dad for times i fugged up, and i have yet to see those smacks incur any future medical cost.

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The last line of that article tells all.


not really, i dont think it to far a streach to think that a woman could be sexually harrased twice in her life.


but since it was a group thing and did not single her out as a woman, i dont see how it is sexual harrassment, i would simply call it harrassment.


the company is just stupid for doing something like that.

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$450k for emotional damages? $40k for medical expenses? $1.2m punitive damages? That'll get reduced on appeal. As badly as that company's management needs to be taught a lesson (namely: that they're !@#$ing idiots), the award's excessive as hell.


What I'm really wondering is: where is that lady's pride? Whatever happend to simply saying "sh--, no, this is degrading and humiliating." and walking away, instead of allowing yourself to be the victim and suing over it? Have we really reached the state, as a society, where people can't even walk away from degrading treatment? This is one lawsuit I feel secure saying would never have happened if the plaintiff had even a shred of self-respect to begin with.

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$450k for emotional damages?  $40k for medical expenses?  $1.2m punitive damages?  That'll get reduced on appeal.  As badly as that company's management needs to be taught a lesson (namely: that they're !@#$ing idiots), the award's excessive as hell. 


What I'm really wondering is: where is that lady's pride?  Whatever happend to simply saying "sh--, no, this is degrading and humiliating." and walking away, instead of allowing yourself to be the victim and suing over it?  Have we really reached the state, as a society, where people can't even walk away from degrading treatment? This is one lawsuit I feel secure saying would never have happened if the plaintiff had even a shred of self-respect to begin with.



Not when you're planning your shopping spree.

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