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ESPN has full coverage of the draft ALONG with the NFL Network. The NFL Network gets to interview all the even numbered selections in the first round and ESPN the odd numbered selections. So after Berman makes his Bills prediction, turn it to the NFL Network to see the interview.

ESPN has full coverage of the draft ALONG with the NFL Network. The NFL Network gets to interview all the even numbered selections in the first round and ESPN the odd numbered selections. So after Berman makes his Bills prediction, turn it to the NFL Network to see the interview.


That's dumb. :blink: (I don't get NFL Network).

ESPN has full coverage of the draft ALONG with the NFL Network. The NFL Network gets to interview all the even numbered selections in the first round and ESPN the odd numbered selections. So after Berman makes his Bills prediction, turn it to the NFL Network to see the interview.



Oh...I wasn't aware.


I've got the DVR set to record all of the draft today and tomorrow on NFL network so that I can recap at my convenience tomorrow night.

I like the NFL Network but man does that channel need some personality



Until The NFL Network gets rid of their reliance on Current and Past Players in the Studio they will continue to be mediocre at best. The "Interview" this week with Chad Johnson was one of the worst I have ever seen on TV. It really was not an Interview, it was just a trash talking Segment between Johnson and Guest Co-Host DeAngelo Hall. It was brutal to watch...It literally made me nauseous...


During the Season their rotation of Terrell Davis, Rod Woodson, and Lincoln Kennedy is very average, and that may be an over-complement. Woodson is REAL bad at times, and none of the three are polished whatsoever. Plus they constantly have Jocks Interviewing Jocks and it just turns into a softball toss, or a trash talking contest...


Rich Eisen is no where near as good on The NFL Network as he was on ESPN...At times he just seems like a fish out of water Interviewing NFL Players, and tries WAY too hard to be one of the Guys instead of asking questions like he should.


Watching The NFL Network long enough could bring anyone with a Communications Degree to the brink of suicide. It can be awful at times... :blink:


Watching the coverage so far, I can't wait for a truck to hit these jerkoff Jets/Giants fans hanging out in the streets to get on TV

Until The NFL Network gets rid of their reliance on Current and Past Players in the Studio they will continue to be mediocre at best. The "Interview" this week with Chad Johnson was one of the worst I have ever seen on TV. It really was not an Interview, it was just a trash talking Segment between Johnson and Guest Co-Host DeAngelo Hall. It was brutal to watch...It literally made me nauseous...


During the Season their rotation of Terrell Davis, Rod Woodson, and Lincoln Kennedy is very average, and that may be an over-complement. Woodson is REAL bad at times, and none of the three are polished whatsoever. Plus they constantly have Jocks Interviewing Jocks and it just turns into a softball toss, or a trash talking contest...


Rich Eisen is no where near as good on The NFL Network as he was on ESPN...At times he just seems like a fish out of water Interviewing NFL Players, and tries WAY too hard to be one of the Guys instead of asking questions like he should.


Watching The NFL Network long enough could bring anyone with a Communications Degree to the brink of suicide. It can be awful at times... :blink:



The NFL Network will never have good journalism and reporting as its primary goal as its primary goal is to sell a product (aka the NFL).


ESPN also has as its primary goal (by law under the system of the good ol USA) to sell stuff to return profit to its shareholder, but to the extent this is achieved by getting a rep for good ports journalism, ESPN developed a rep for seeking out fact and reporting its opinion (like Mel Kiper challenging various GM's decision-making) even if their opinions challenged NFL stakeholders.


Yet, in the new world, NFL Network has been created because the fiscal powers that be recognize that if a third party like ESPN can make money even though at times they are simply pretending to be objective, that the NFL can make money by pretending to be objective as well.


I think we as consumers (it seems unfortunate that is all people have been reduced in a world with an information highway) can play a role of fostering truth and good jourmalism best by whining about the NFL Network (and in a growing amount ESPN as the CBA gas shown the NFL that there is more $ to be made by these individuals if the cooperate to get $ fir the oublic rather than competing between the worketrs and the owners) and by pointing out in as factually and statistical way as we can episodes of NFL Network not reporting the truth to sell their product.


On the other hand, we can easily ignore truth and just enjoy football.


Even when you are getting screwed, if you both enjoy the sex it is fun. The great thing about the NFL Network and TV generally is that we consumers can simply turn it off and go enjoy something else if we want.


No really does mean no when you control the remote. Turning off the TV (or the computer for that matter) and going outside is a big part of liberation.

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