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This is hysterical.



Moments later, Representative Dana Rohrabacher, Republican of California, opined that "nitpicking the president of the United States' words is not really constructive in this type of situation." Mr. Rohrabacher said Mr. Bush had driven the Taliban out instead of unwisely tolerating it, as he said President Bill Clinton had.


A bit later, emotions warmed even more as Representative Donald M. Payne, Democrat of New Jersey, asserted that Mr. Bush had misled the American people by taking the country to war against Iraq ("It wasn't difficult, because many people have a difficult time getting the details straight"), while the main mission was still Afghanistan.


"And I have never seen such a misuse of our power," Mr. Payne observed.


That was too much for Representative Henry J. Hyde, the Illinois Republican who heads the committee. He said that "calling the commander in chief a liar by every hour on the hour" was simply wrong, and was helpful to "the other side," by which he appeared to mean America's terrorist enemies.


Moments later, Representative Gary Ackerman, Democrat of New York, said he and his colleagues were "sick and tired" of hearing their patriotism questioned whenever they exercised their responsibilities and rights, as citizens as well as members of Congress.


Mr. Hyde did not mollify Mr. Ackerman a bit. "Nobody questions your patriotism," Mr. Hyde said. "It's your judgment that's under question."


The two lawmakers interrupted each other a few more times, until Mr. Ackerman said, "What's obvious, Mr. Chairman, is that you are a rather vicious partisan."


"Now you're really getting personal," Mr. Hyde observed.


"Well," Mr. Ackerman countered, "I think that willful ignorance is kind of personal also, Mr. Chairman."


"Just remember," Mr. Hyde shot back, "ignorance is salvageable, but stupid is forever."


"I know that," Mr. Ackerman said, "and I'm glad that you've memorized that." He went on to say that Mr. Hyde's insults notwithstanding, he had never called the president a liar.


If nothing else, the session underlined the importance of specificity in language, especially on the eve of President Bush's foreign-policy debate with Senator John Kerry, and the dangers of hyperbole.


"The time has expired, happily," Mr. Hyde said on adjournment.


Nice to see that the legislative branch of the government consists of 535 people who would most likely have half their posts deleted from an internet message board... :devil:

Nice to see that the legislative branch of the government consists of 535 people who would most likely have half their posts deleted from an internet message board...  :devil:



I heard that Hyde challenged Ackerman to a spearing contest at Dupont Circle.

Guest RabidBillsFanVT



What a great slice from Congress!


Yep, they are definitely board members, and they don't even know it! :devil:

Did a Democrat really say that?



I'm sure that he meant using the flintlock pistols.

Did a Democrat really say that?



The pistols would have to be properly licensed of course. And background checks made on the Congressmen before they proceeded to shoot each other.

Nice to see that the legislative branch of the government consists of 535 people who would most likely have half their posts deleted from an internet message board...  ;)



Goodness - i haven't looked here in over a week -


but Tom


That's a beauty :lol:

Goodness - i haven't looked here in over a week -


but Tom


That's a beauty  ;)



I still chuckle over the potatoes.

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