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Why ESPN Pisses Me Off

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ESPN sucks because they've already had about 500 hours of NFL draft coverage so far in 2006 and the draft is still a few days away.


Seriously, spending 2 hours a day talking about the draft is not necessary.  It's garbage.


And, yes, the NHL playoffs are more important than a "hard-hitting" interview with Matt Leinart about why he took ballroom dancing his last semester.




What about the nonstop coverage of all 476,375 bases-ball games a year? Even when it's not bases-ball season, they friggin talk about it...

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What about the nonstop coverage of all 476,375 bases-ball games a year? Even when it's not bases-ball season, they friggin talk about it...


You're saying they shouldn't show highlights of all the baseball games? :D

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Waht pisses me off is that ESPN didn't sign the NHL contract this year and  show such big "sports" as sumo wrestling and paintball.




I'm going to disagree with this.


NHL does not need ESPN, NHL fans will be loyal no matter if the games are shown on ESPN, The Travel Channel, Playboy TV, or MTV.


I think OLN (with the expection of turning off games early) is doing a good job in its 1st year.....studio looks professional, they hire hockey guys to do the work (which is great)...


Id rather see OLN keep giving 100 percent and provide quality coverage then ESPN giving 30 percent and make it seem they are just trying to get through the coverage.


Screw E$PN. Go stick with the oversaturated and overexposed poker tournaments.

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Screw E$PN. Go stick with the oversaturated and overexposed poker tournaments.


ESPN2 Weeknights:




Sumo Wrestling


An eating contest


More paintball


Stephen A. Smith talking for an hour


Two guys playing Halo


Guys chopping logs



Yeah, you go ESPN. You don't suck. :D

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What's annoying me is before EVERY SINGLE commericial break, "still lots to come" is the phrase used. For the love of Pete... be creative occassionally. "Next up" or "Coming up" or "It's not over folks" or "Don't miss what's coming next" or "Stay Tuned"


Unoriginality annoys me sometimes.

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