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House member trying to block Flt. 93 memorial


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Here it is. Not sure what was more surprising, someone trying to block the memorial for those people, or the fact i just saw Heath Shuler's name again, this time running for office.


House Republicans worry that Taylor is not doing himself any favors, standing against the memorial fund in the midst of a tough reelection campaign against former Washington Redskins quarterback Heath Shuler.

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You can take everything he said, and substitute "Western New York" for "Western North Carolina". He would sound like half of the Buffalo area candidates for Congress.


I guess Heath's a Democrat...this would explain endorsements from the local AFL-CIO and the Education Associations...



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Why would a guy from North Carolina be interested in a memorial in another state altogether. Geez.. how many hundreds of millions for their pointless and counterproductive war in Iraq versus 10 million to honor people who actually did something to attempt to stop terrorists? :)

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