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a very funny read

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the best quote:


While several women interviewed insisted that they considered themselves football fans, most said that the draft seemed to represent an insurmountable gender barrier.


"I used to try to make myself pass out," recalled a 26-year-old public relations executive in Washington who asked that her name not be used because she didn't want to embarrass her prominent foreign political family. A Washington Redskins fan herself, she nonetheless said spending two days in a darkened studio apartment watching the draft with her ex-boyfriend was like being trapped "in a surreal bubble."


"I just wanted to lose consciousness, so I wouldn't have to watch," she said. "Being trapped in that space, it was terrible. But I couldn't go out and do anything, because if I left," she said, her boyfriend would pout, as if she "didn't appreciate history in the making."


This year, she said, she has a new boyfriend, and she considers their first draft weekend together something of a test. "It could make or break the relationship," she said wearily.

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its not that hard, i dont know why they make them watch, i just say "do what you want but im not moving from this chair the whole weekend"



Spoken like an unmarried guy who doesn't have a wife making lists of things that need to get done on the weekends - if only it was as easy as saying, "do what you want - I'm sitting here for 48 hours"

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Spoken like an unmarried guy who doesn't have a wife making lists of things that need to get done on the weekends - if only it was as easy as saying, "do what you want - I'm sitting here for 48 hours"




Do you notice how they only make those lists as some sort of a torture device to be applied to you whenever you just want to be left alone?

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Spoken like an unmarried guy who doesn't have a wife making lists of things that need to get done on the weekends - if only it was as easy as saying, "do what you want - I'm sitting here for 48 hours"


I have a deal:


1. I always get to watch Bills games, unless there is a medical emergency

2. I will only watch other games if there is nothing else going on.

3. Honey-do list will be issued Friday night, so it can get done Sat.

4. I get two full weekends a year. SuperBowl and Draft

5. I get to watch one Thanksgiving day game in relative peace.


So far, so good.

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I have a deal:


1. I always get to watch Bills games, unless there is a medical emergency

2. I will only watch other games if there is nothing else going on.

3. Honey-do list will be issued Friday night, so it can get done Sat.

4. I get two full weekends a year.  SuperBowl and Draft

5. I get to watch one Thanksgiving day game in relative peace.


So far, so good.



I DO get Bills games during the season - the entire afternoon because I go into Boston to see the games with the Backers at thae Harp. Not too bad, considering I have twins less than 2 years old - letting anyone leave and having to take care of 2 little ones by yourself for an extended period of time is tough.


Like the NYT article says though, most women just don't get the draft. My wife's a big football fan, but even she thinks watching the draft for any length of time is stupid. Given the circumstances, I usually don't get the draft weekend to myself...


It is funny to pick out the single guys in their responses. When you're a single guy it's easy to think you're just going to lay down the law and do what you want to to for the weekend and she can do something else if she doesn't like it - when you're a married homeowner with kids suddenly the king of the jungle routine doesn't work. Ah, to be young again!

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I have a deal:


1. I always get to watch Bills games, unless there is a medical emergency

2. I will only watch other games if there is nothing else going on.

3. Honey-do list will be issued Friday night, so it can get done Sat.

4. I get two full weekends a year.  SuperBowl and Draft

5. I get to watch one Thanksgiving day game in relative peace.


So far, so good.


That's some piss-poor negotiation if I do say so my damn self.


#1 -- Bills games should have never even been on the table. The first football season after she met you, this should have been made clear.


#2 -- "Nothing else" is entirely too vague. She'll always find "something else" she wants you to do.


#3 -- This one's not bad. Prevents the surprises on Saturday or Sunday.


#4 -- You forgot Vegas weekend and golf weekend, to name just two.


#5 -- I don't know what "relative peace" means, but on Thanksgiving Day the TV is tuned to football. Whoever doesn't want to watch, doesn't have to.


You need a new agent -- who was doing your deal, Rosenhaus?



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That's some piss-poor negotiation if I do say so my damn self.


#1 -- Bills games should have never even been on the table.  The first football season after she met you, this should have been made clear.


#2 -- "Nothing else" is entirely too vague.  She'll always find "something else" she wants you to do.


#3 -- This one's not bad.  Prevents the surprises on Saturday or Sunday.


#4 -- You forgot Vegas weekend and golf weekend, to name just two.


#5 -- I don't know what "relative peace" means, but on Thanksgiving Day the TV is tuned to football.  Whoever doesn't want to watch, doesn't have to.


You need a new agent -- who was doing your deal, Rosenhaus?


:)  :w00t:  ;)



Let me guess - single guy, no house, no kids?

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That's some piss-poor negotiation if I do say so my damn self.


#1 -- Bills games should have never even been on the table.  The first football season after she met you, this should have been made clear.


#2 -- "Nothing else" is entirely too vague.  She'll always find "something else" she wants you to do.


#3 -- This one's not bad.  Prevents the surprises on Saturday or Sunday.


#4 -- You forgot Vegas weekend and golf weekend, to name just two.


#5 -- I don't know what "relative peace" means, but on Thanksgiving Day the TV is tuned to football.  Whoever doesn't want to watch, doesn't have to.


You need a new agent -- who was doing your deal, Rosenhaus?


:)  :w00t:  ;)


1. To a non football fan, team names don't matter. But she knows not to bug me during Bills games.

2. That's okay. I love watching football, but as long as I see the Bills I'm happy. "Something else" pretty much can be anything, as long as it's actively doing something. I actual prefer doing something with my family as opposed to watching random games.

3. Oh yes. This has been an issue that I'm pretty stubborn about. If it's not told to me by Friday night I have first right to push off till next weekend. Period!

4. Two football weekends.

5. One game where I'm not helping cook, driving family around from house to house, etc... TG tends to be a stressful day in my house. I get 3 hours of peace.


Personally, the deal is plenty for me.

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not to sound like i am bragging, but i will,


40 years old, married, 2 teenagers, and I have them all well trained. I do what i want, when I want when it comes to football. They dont argue, or comment. I will be watching the draft on my big screeen while the family will most likely be laying on our bed watching tv in the bedroom...


The Kids used to ask me if a friend could come over on Sunday's, until they were about 6. Then it was, "Dad, can i go to a friends house?" And my response was, Only if you can walk there and back". They are embarrased by me i think :w00t: .


No self respecting Neanderthal gives in when it comes to football.

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So according to the article, there are a million women out there who watch the draft.  Where are they?


I used to date a girl who was a huge Pittsburgh fan (that's why I "used" to date this girl). She looked forward to the draft almost as much as I did.

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Spoken like an unmarried guy who doesn't have a wife making lists of things that need to get done on the weekends - if only it was as easy as saying, "do what you want - I'm sitting here for 48 hours"




lol yeah so what, call me lucky i guess haha

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I have a deal:


1. I always get to watch Bills games, unless there is a medical emergency

2. I will only watch other games if there is nothing else going on.

3. Honey-do list will be issued Friday night, so it can get done Sat.

4. I get two full weekends a year.  SuperBowl and Draft

5. I get to watch one Thanksgiving day game in relative peace.


So far, so good.


I'd love that kind of deal. The downside for is is that I play football too - so each and every Sunday from January to September is full of either practise or games. We have rookie practises in November too. So my Sundays YEAR ROUND apart from Easter Sunday are football. When I stop the Bills start. It's lose-lose for me in terms of keeping the Wife on side...


You single guys have no clue. Put your smartass comments away. Leave the computer and go get a girl.

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For all you guys that insist on the sancrosanct Sunday afternoons in front of the TV, I have three words. Tape the game.


My kids play soccer on Sunday afternoons in the fall, and I can only imagine what would happen to their fragile psyches if I skipped their games to watch my beloved Bills. But with taping, I can do both, plus fast forward through annoying commercials.


As for women and the draft, I gotta believe it's a guy thing. While I consider myself knowledgable about football, and do read the pre-draft college player evals etc, watching the draft itself is about as excitng to me as watching water drip on a rcok.


And by the way, what's a honey do list? If it is what I think it is, I can only imagine my husband's reaction if I put such a thing in front of him!

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For all you guys that insist on the sancrosanct Sunday afternoons in front of the TV, I have three words. Tape the game.


My kids play soccer on Sunday afternoons in the fall, and I can only imagine what would happen to their fragile psyches if I skipped their games to watch my beloved Bills. But with taping, I can do both, plus fast forward through annoying commercials.


As for women and the draft, I gotta believe it's a guy thing. While I consider myself knowledgable about football, and do read the pre-draft college player evals etc, watching the draft itself is about as excitng to me as watching water drip on a rcok.


And by the way, what's a honey do list? If it is what I think it is, I can only imagine my husband's reaction if I put such a thing in front of him!


A guy thing would be to tape the kids soccer games and watch the Bills game at home.


I'm a guy, and a Bills fan, but I could really care less about watching the draft, There are tons of things I would rather be doing then sitting there and waiting 15 minutes for a team to go up on a stage and announce they picked so and so from some school who played on some team I never watched. I will flip it on for a couple minutes to see who was drafted by whom on the ticker, and see who the Bills picked, but otherwise I find watching (and taping) the draft to be a complete bore.

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