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Booster Club meeting report


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This was one of the most entertaining meeting as speakers go.


First speaker was Bobby April the ST coach who grew up in New Orleans and loves the Buffalo area. He left the game planning meeting to talk for 10-15 mins.


Told us that the return that involved Mario---the league made an error and admitted it to the Bills. He was asked about the backups for our kicker and punter and the two are each others back ups in an extreme emergency Kris Kelsay is the kicker.


Second speaker was Kris Kelsay who was a star athlete in track, high jump, basketball and football. His older brother also played at Nebraska and a short time in the Steelers organization. Kris was a linebacker in HS and the DE in college. His mother was a principal and he has a good head on his shoulders with the importance of education in this world. He was asked about the sharing of duties with Denny and told us that they were both told that they were the starters at that position. They work together and know that the one who produces the most tackles with get more play. Rotating keeps them fresh but of course each one of them wants to be the starter. He recently married and they bought a house in the Buffalo area. During the off week many players went home but he and his wife stayed here and watched college and pro football. She is a hughe football fan and loves the area also. After football he plans on going into the insurance business with his brother in Omaha. A truly delightful young man. I asked what the first big purchase he bought and he said the engagement ring and a house. Then I said it was usually a car or truck. He admitted he bought a hummer but not the spinning rims.When asked about a football player or person he idolized he said his older brother. About how the locker room was after the close losses he said very disappointing but they never should have been in that situation to lose. In both games it came down to approx. 5 plays. 5 plays make the difference and They can turn it around.


Adam Begini(sp) local NBC sports reporter was the next speaker and he threw some numbers out at us and I hope I wrote them down correctly. 0-2 starts in football since 1990 17 teams have made it to the playoffs - 5 to the conference championship game 3 to the Super Bowl. New England in 96 and 2001 and the Cowboys in 93 (we know who won that one) :D an 0-3 start made it in 1998

Our running game is bad with a 2.7 average. on 3rd and 6 or less we are 11 of 27 of the 27 --17 have been 3rd and 6 or better. The O line has been together for 3 hours of play. It takes a long time for it to gel into what we had in the 90's. The defense is picking up where they left off last year and we have to get more take aways.


the 4th speaker was Mark Kelso he is a Def. coach at St Mary's in the Buffalo area and he loves it. When asked if he wanted to coach at the pro level he said no. Marv offered him that years ago but you would have to be crasy to be an assit. coach. He said the were getting paid $100,000 but you have to work at least 70 hours a week year round (you would have to be the villiage idiot) and that at the PRO level you have no great influence. He explained how the Raiders ran the same play 3 times in a row for large gains and that by having Pat Williams move ofer 6-10 inches in the 3 hole it would not have happened. He is a very passionate football coach you can tell his love for the game has not deminished one bit. I had to ask abou the Kazoo Helmet and he explained the dramatic hits that were cushioned by that pad but it was ugly.


Our 5th speaker was to be Denny Lynch from the Bills but he was put on hold because of time.



As you can plainly see I'm not a good reporter and hate typing. I will not use the caps and punctuation or check for spelling errors so :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: if you want to pick on me or just attend the next meeting which will be at the stadium again the last Tuesday of the month.

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Kelso was so funny too. He is coming back. He actually was saying that there must have been a coach telling him to stay there or a coach who was saying to himself 'I can't tell Pat to move he's a "BIG" guy' but eventually the hole was closed.


Mark loves teaching football at ST Mary's and he plugged the school like taking a collection plate. They had a cow plop contest fund raiser and the cow wouldn't plop so Mark had to throw a bean bag. Truly a great guy. He brought in all 4 championship rings in a beautiful wooden box I did ask him to pose with them so I could take a pix. He was kind and said he remembered me from Fredonia and the Choc. chip cookies.


AS for the BUTTS girls I got to hud Mark and Kris. I kept my hands on their backs, not their backsides.

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NO, I don't think so



Yep it was us.


We lost in San Diego to open the year on the missed field goal. Then we lost to Miami 13-7. Then we lost to the Rams when we had a big lead at home in Week 3. The next week RJ beat SF (who was unbeaten at the time) and then the following week we beat Indy in Indy (a game I was at) when RJ got hurt on the second play of the game. That was the true start of Flutie magic.

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