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Supermodel arrested

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alot of these supermodels really aren't that good looking...you can see better looking girls just by walking through the mall

what they've got is some weird quality to them that makes these weirdos that "discover" them make them think that they stand out

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alot of these supermodels really aren't that good looking...you can see better looking girls just by walking through the mall

what they've got is some weird quality to them that makes these weirdos that "discover" them make them think that they stand out



Excellent point...and this coming from a guy who stole his avatar from the drunkcoeds.com website. :flirt:



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alot of these supermodels really aren't that good looking...you can see better looking girls just by walking through the mall

what they've got is some weird quality to them that makes these weirdos that "discover" them make them think that they stand out



There's nothing mystical about what they look for:


1. very thin

2. tall

3. defined cheekbones

4. good facial symmetry


How often do you see a short, plump, round-faced, big-nosed supermodel? :flirt:


Most men really only care about #4 to a certain extent. Me personally, I also like the #1 look, but find #2 and #3 turnoffs - makes women too masculine looking....JMO.

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I don't like the real skinny anorexic looking type. It kinda grosses me out. I like a girl to have a little bit of meat on the bones. You know the saying...more cushin' for the pushin!  :lol:



I agree...I had an ex-girlfriend years ago call it "the 12 year old boy look". And since she was Hispanic, she was rather curvy.


Didn't Thomas Haden Church use that expression "more cushin" in Sideways?



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The inebriated part looks pretty clear from the photo. Not too many of us look all that hot coming off a drunk. You should see some of my mug shots. That said, she's really not what I'd call an overly pretty woman face-wise. A little too hard. More of a runway model look than covergirl.

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