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Whats next? Sex Education for 1st graders?

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These stories aren't even in the same ball park. The teacher from the second story needs to be canned.


True, but after reading the first story, I now understand Patriots fans just a little bit more.

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First of all I am for gay marriage and find it ridiculous to expose children that age to a discussion of homosexuality. It's a parent's job at that point.


The second story is a case of a teacher with good intentions not thinking through the situation clearly. The abortion issue is one that is constantly being discussed in our country and as such it IS an issue of interest for government/social studies/civics classes, but it is not age appropriate. 4th grade students are not sophisticated enough in their understanding of the world to form any kind of mature debate on the issue. Unless of course the exercise was simply meant to be a "rah-rah abortion is bad" dialog. In which case I'm sure mission accomplished.

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