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Machiavelli personality test


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If you're girlfriend's favorite movie star is named NEMO........


you might be a pedophile.



Wrong form of "your" Einstein.


You are rivaling VABills when it comes to grammar and typing skills.

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80 :flirt:



From Wikpedia:


High Machs tend to take a more detached, calculating approach in their interaction with other people. They tend to believe most people are concerned only with their own well-being and to depend too much on anyone else is foolish. They believe the best way to get by is to use deception, rewards, promises, flattery, and even punishments to manipulate others into doing their bidding. To them, power may be more important than love.


That does NOT sound like you. You must be really GOOD at this! :doh:

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If you were evil, you wouldn't think Picard was greater than Kirk.  :flirt:



Just shows I have better taste in selecting a commanding officer for my global conquest. And by conquest I mean taking over the world, not picking up bait from MySpace :doh:

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Just shows I have better taste in selecting a commanding officer for my global conquest.  And by conquest I mean taking over the world, not picking up bait from MySpace :flirt:




you're older than me and have an account as well :doh:

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