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Espn seems to say more negative things about the Bills than positve things.




The team hasn't made the playoffs in six years, perhaps that has something to do with it.

When the Bills start winning the negative talk will stop.

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Yes, Polian and Wilson were never the best of friends and eventually the two did not care for each other.  BIG REALITY CHECK --> Happens in business all the time!  Wilson and Polian have both gotten over it.


As for Butler, as I seem to recall, Butler forced his own hand out of town.  Didn't Wilson try to extend his contract before Butler ran off to San Diego with AJ Smith?


As for TD, he dug his own grave.  This was never more apparent than last year.  Remember it was Wilson that stepped in to resolve the Moulds - Mularkey mess.  That should have been Donahoe's job to resolve.  Management 101.  If you can't resolve that situation in house, you don't deserve to be in a management position, much less a GM in the NFL!


Wilson ran off Mularkey?  Are you kidding me?  PLEASE!  Mularkey was unable to manage Wilson's team.  The Moulds situation, the Adams situation, calling out McGahee in the press, allowing a QB controvery to brew, etc.  Let me say it again - ARE YOU KIDDING ME?  Mularkey ran his own incompetent arse out of town!


Ok, I'm done ranting...I'll switch to decaf now... <_<




pretty much the summary as I see it too. Forget those guys. They can't really get to know anything about a team. Not like we do. They just get the conventional wisdom so that they aren't wrong that often.

No, Price comes to replace Price, as since he left the Bills have been lacking an overpaid coward who doesn't deserve to be on an NFL roster.

But, but, but "Meathead" is a stupid coach and was just trying to save his job!!!  <_<

He's lost all credibility because he's exactly right?  ;)


thank you, simon. you beat me to it.

If Mort said that, then my opinion of him has diminished. That's simply not a professional thing to say, and it smacks of water cooler talk with his buddy Tom Donahoe. The fact of the matter is, Donahoe didn't get the job done. He failed the Buffalo Bills and left with an abysmal record. It's also true that Marv doesn't have any GM experience and I too was, and still am, skeptical of Ralph's choice. But the season hasn't even started yet and Mort is making a snide judgment on Marv's skill as a GM? That's not what a high-character sports analyst is supposed to say. It's what a buddy of Donahoe is wont to say.


And WHO IS a hall of fame GM, Mort? Your buddy there? What a revealing comment.


i think you're failing to mention that he ran off butler and polian too. he also by all accounts would have fired marv after 96 because marv didn't want to fire henning, but marv fell on the proverbial sword. just because he's the longtime owner doesn't mean he's not c. montgomery burns at a very basic level. and before you attack me, mr. burns is my favorite character (along with apu).


TD ran himself out of town with his horribe decision-making and abrasive, stifling management style. I can't believe ANYONE still disputes this (I doubt even Donahoe disputes it now). Mort's revisionism on that point discredits everything else he reports.

No, Price comes to replace Price, as since he left the Bills have been lacking an overpaid coward who doesn't deserve to be on an NFL roster.

Last year's Bills roster was lacking in many ways, but the overpaid coward department wasn't one of them.

All that, and you didn't rip him on the misuse of the plural instead of the correct positive form of the noun Tonight?

Can eye by ewe a drink? Take my offer before it goes buy-buy, bye crackie!

Than he might dew it wright.


Oh Lord, I'm sick.




Tsk, Tsk, Nanker. What will you have me do? I already picked at the fellow for a grammatical obscurity, for which he should legitimately tell me to go th h*ll, but you now want me to bash the guy over an apostrophe???


Pick your own fights. :lol:


Or are we suffering from the limitations of the typed words? Never attempt sarcasm or cuteness. Never. ;)  <_<  :lol:




o noes, someone didn't use the correct grammar on the intarweb!!!!!!!!11111111

Last year's Bills roster was lacking in many ways, but the overpaid coward department wasn't one of them.


Posey, Bennie and Vincent may be on the soft side, but I don't think I'd go so far as to call them cowards.

Or was that your 1,123rd anti-Losman post?

i think you're failing to mention that he ran off butler and polian too.



Polian had a large part in his own dismissal, IMO, with his confrontational approach to dealing with Litman. And Ralph felt comfortable giving Bill the heave ho because he had Butler waiting in the wings to take over.


I've always wondered why John's last two years here ended up so sourly. IMO, Ralph didn't so much "run him off" as he underestimated Butler's willingness to take a higher-paying job elsewhere.

Ralph probably is meddlesome, but I am not sure any of us would be that much different if we owned the team. 


I'd be worse... Meathead's monkey ass would've never gotten an interview, and Brain Dead Drew would've had to ruin some other franchise. <_<
Polian had a large part in his own dismissal, IMO, with his confrontational approach to dealing with Litman.  And Ralph felt comfortable giving Bill the heave ho because he had Butler waiting in the wings to take over.


I've always wondered why John's last two years here ended up so sourly.  IMO, Ralph didn't so much "run him off" as he underestimated Butler's willingness to take a higher-paying job elsewhere.


re butler, it was a *much* higher paying job -- millions more, in fact. wilson was unwilling to pay the going rate for a good, proven gm, and other teams were. he was offering butler slightly more than $1 million a year, if memory serves. can anyone really blame butler for leaving?

No, Price comes to replace Price, as since he left the Bills have been lacking an overpaid coward who doesn't deserve to be on an NFL roster.




Ouch, I forgot how harsh you were with Price. I get it. Really I do, though I think it's one of those things that got exaggerated over time. If he's a coward, than atleast I hope you're consistent and call the "catch and duck" Rams receivers cowards too.

Polian had a large part in his own dismissal, IMO, with his confrontational approach to dealing with Litman.  And Ralph felt comfortable giving Bill the heave ho because he had Butler waiting in the wings to take over.


I've always wondered why John's last two years here ended up so sourly.  IMO, Ralph didn't so much "run him off" as he underestimated Butler's willingness to take a higher-paying job elsewhere.



Those years ended bitterly, because Wilson treated Butler like a third world indentured servant. McBride's analogy to Monty Burns is perfectly appropriate. To think otherwise is revising history.


TD may have dug his own grave, but that has nothing to do with Wilson's mistseps with Polian, Butler, and obviously retrospectively missing out on AJ Smith. If people here cry over the missed Mike Williams draft choice, there should be equal noise made over letting AJ Smith run off to SD.

If he's a coward, than atleast I hope you're consistent and call the "catch and duck" Rams receivers cowards too.



Oh, absolutely. I think Tory Holt has the shortest arms in the NFL and his nickname "big game" puts me in near hysterics every time I hear it as I've seen him bail out on routes at key moments in very big games. He nauseates me to the point where I won't even let him anywhere near my fantasy roster. Bruce goes down quicker than Linda Lovelace but I don't have as big a problem with him as he at least will go get the ball before he digs a hole, unlike Holt who at times won't even make the effort.

I realize the "coward" label seems unduly harsh, but for some reason I have an ingrained dislike of wide receivers and find myself more willing to give them grief than any other position on the field. When one of them is as blatantly gutless as Price while wearing a Bills uni and repeatedly hurting my team with his embarassing play, I just can't help myself. :ph34r:


Oh, absolutely. I think Tory Holt has the shortest arms in the NFL and his nickname "big game" puts me in near hysterics every time I hear it as I've seen him bail out on routes at key moments in very big games. He nauseates me to the point where I won't even let him anywhere near my fantasy roster. Bruce goes down quicker than Linda Lovelace but I don't have as big a problem with him as he at least will go get the ball before he digs a hole, unlike Holt who at times won't even make the effort.

I realize the "coward" label seems unduly harsh, but for some reason I have an ingrained dislike of wide receivers and find myself more willing to give them grief than any other position on the field. When one of them is as blatantly gutless as Price while wearing a Bills uni and repeatedly hurting my team with his embarassing play, I just can't help myself.  :ph34r:




Maybe it's because you're a DB in your spare time :D

re butler, it was a *much* higher paying job -- millions more, in fact. wilson was unwilling to pay the going rate for a good, proven gm, and other teams were. he was offering butler slightly more than $1 million a year, if memory serves. can anyone really blame butler for leaving?



I guess in Ralph's mind, Butler was a top-notch personnel man--but not a top-notch GM. I'm not sure history will prove him wrong.

Those years ended bitterly, because Wilson treated Butler like a third world indentured servant.  McBride's analogy to Monty Burns is perfectly appropriate.  To think otherwise is revising history.



I don't necessarily disagree.


But IMO, I don't think Butler impressed Ralph that much with his management savy (did JB even represent the Bills at league meetings during those years?? I think it was Litman who did, but I may be wrong).


At heart, Butler was a Super Scout, not a corporate-type GM a'la TD. Ralph probably thought the rest of the league felt the same way and no one was going to offer him significantly more bucks to be a full-fledged GM--which Ralph found out was wrong.

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