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Leaders at the QB position


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I'm a firm beliver that the quarterback has to be the eart and soul of the team. The latest and best quarterback that can do this is Vince Young.


Since Jim Kelly, there hasn't been a really strong leader at QB. And before that, there wasn't a huge leader either.


Vince is the one that could carry this team. He is the strongest QB in a long time, well before David Carr. He doesn't take no for an answer, and he makes every single person around him better.


Know how everyone talks about intangbles?


Vince has it.

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I'm a firm beliver that the quarterback has to be the eart and soul of the team.  The latest and best quarterback that can do this is Vince Young.


Since Jim Kelly, there hasn't been a really strong leader at QB.  And before that, there wasn't a huge leader either.


Vince is the one that could carry this team.  He is the strongest QB in a long time, well before David Carr.  He doesn't take no for an answer, and he makes every single person around him better.


Know how everyone talks about intangbles?


Vince has it.



Not only that, Young won't have to worry about blocking. McNally is going to straighten out the Bills OL, pronto!

Vince Young WOULD be great for the Bills. You are right, he could "carry this team!" He could team up with Roscoe Parrish and they could do a two man side-show.

Not only that, Mr. Wilson could save a ton on operational costs. They could hold the home games in a circus tent.

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Not only that, Young won't have to worry about blocking. McNally is going to straighten out the Bills OL, pronto!

Vince Young WOULD be great for the Bills. You are right, he could "carry this team!" He could team up with Roscoe Parrish and they could do a two man side-show.

Not only that, Mr. Wilson could save a ton on operational costs. They could hold the home games in a circus tent.





We might as well draft every OL and DL available instead!


We don't need a good QB on this team! The OL and DL will make them good!


Hell, I heard Jason Peters will be the guy who will lead this team into the future!

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We might as well draft every OL and DL available instead!


We don't need a good QB on this team!  The OL and DL will make them good!


Hell, I heard Jason Peters will be the guy who will lead this team into the future!



Are you somewhat new to football?

Do you know that several teams won superbowls with qbs who were far less than splendid? Breaking News: It isn't all about the quarterback.


The Bills have fielded a countless number of quarterbacks since Kelly was battered into retirement. None of them did very well. Flutie did all right by comparison because he was able to hide the gaping OL wound just a bit by running for his life. He thrived on broken plays, and even he couldn't "carry the team." You wanna know why? Because it cannot be done.

That was easy.


If you like Young, you should wish for him to play elsewhere imo, rather than come to Buffalo and get maimed. We cannot afford to squander the resources needed to build a strong football team on another gadget player.


In case you haven't heard, football games are primarily won by running the football, and stopping the other team from running the football. In a cold climate, these truths become even more pronounced.


Other than the above, I am all for drafting Young.

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Are you somewhat new to football?

Do you know that several teams won superbowls with qbs who were far less than splendid? Breaking News: It isn't all about the quarterback.


The Bills have fielded a countless number of quarterbacks since Kelly was battered into retirement. None of them did very well. Flutie did all right by comparison because he was able to hide the gaping OL wound just a bit by running for his life. He thrived on broken plays, and even he couldn't "carry the team." You wanna know why? Because it cannot be done.

That was easy.


If you like Young, you should wish for him to play elsewhere imo, rather than come to Buffalo and get maimed. We cannot afford to squander the resources needed to build a strong football team on another gadget player.


In case you haven't heard, football games are primarily won by running the football, and stopping the other team from running the football. In a cold climate, these truths become even more pronounced.


Other than the above, I am all for drafting Young.



No sh--?


It isn't all about the quarterback?


Man you DO learn something new everyday!




You know whats really important to build a football team around? Someone who can make everyone around him better.


I would like to cite the patriots as my example. Brady makes everyone around him better - the OL, the WRs, the RBs, none of them are great or perfect. Brady is a good enough QB, however, to make those positions better.


Also, Brady is a leader. He can fire up the team at any time.


Vince Young is the same way.


We need lots of line help, and it should be the top priority. Vince, however, will make everyone better. Just like Brady. Just like the old great QBs. He'll take a solid team and put them over the top.


Just like he did at Texas.

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>>>>>He'll take a solid team and put them over the top.<<<<<


You know, I don't dismiss this. I don't know it to be true, but I will not toss out the possibility.


The thing is, the Bills are not a solid team.

They are old, fat and weak at OG. Their OTs consist of a project (who I think will be good) and a journeyman. A guy named Jerman (perhaps the worst OT I have ever seen) is their depth. The OC is a question mark.

The DT situation is enough to make one cry; the DEs are pretty good, but small.


Seriously, TD destroyed our roster by filling it with a bunch of bad, small players. Our hopes were high, but Parrish was a joke, and Losman was a horror show, although it wasn't all his fault. That said, TD even threw away extra picks to get him; an act of utter stupidity.


Sorry for my sarcasm, but I am trying to stress that the Bills must do what teams such as the Colts, Steelers and Seahawks did. If the lines are not solidified, no qb will succeed, nor will the Bills, because it simply cannot happen.

If we focus primarily on big, strong linemen, the draft will be less exciting to marginal fans, but the Bills will win football games, providing we shy away from injured slobs who play RT. :w00t:

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Not to mention that the Bills are so far removed from the Patriots it’s not funny. The Pats were a playoff team with Bledsoe before Brady got there. Brady just had to come in and manage a good team with an offensive line. VY coming to Buffalo isn't even close to the same thing.


Brady is a pocket passer that takes what the defense gives him. Young is a playmaker that is a one man show. He will be good, but our receiver will hurt. He will be like Vick and He will get hurt like Vick.


We don't need a QB, we need a team of good players. That starts on the O-line and the D-line!


We need to trade the #8 pick and stockpile draft picks to get as many quality players as we can to build this team for the future, with hopes to win in the now.



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Vince Young is definitely the way to go in this draft. I am so looking forward to seeing him laying on his back looking at the sky wondering how the other team could get into the pocket so fast and knock him on his ass so hard...He'll be saying "Gee..it doesn't make sense. :w00t: The other team is scoring at will on our high motor high character two hundred and sixty pound defensive tackles!"

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