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I think you should rename this thread to

Sabers make playoffs

Sabres make playoffs

first time in years

and years




And if I get nothing else out of this year at this point I hope the Sabres match up with the canadians and thoroughly embarass them.


Good night now

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Poetic justice... Darse the farce...


Just as heartbreaking finding out that it's no gonna happen after you are takin' out by Darcy Tucker's dirty play?


"It's heartbreaking to find out it's not going to happen," Darcy Tucker said. "You live to the play in the playoffs. Besides having children and a family there is nothing better in life than winning hockey games in the playoffs. It's like having your heart ripped out."


Next time play clean... Too bad you wrecked a 8-0-2 run...




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I think you should rename this thread to

Sabers make playoffs

Sabres make playoffs

first time in years

and years




And if I get nothing else out of this year at this point I hope the Sabres match up with the canadians and thoroughly embarass them.


Good night now


Actually, it should be titled:


The playing field is more level therefore the Sabres make the playoffs and the NHL Yankees sit home crying about what could have been had they gotten more help from other teams because they played like the bunch of Euros they are for most of the season.


Go ahead and tell us how much of a Sabres' fan you are. Assclown.

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Poetic justice... Darse the farce...


Just as heartbreaking finding out that it's no gonna happen after you are takin' out by Darcy Tucker's dirty play?


"It's heartbreaking to find out it's not going to happen," Darcy Tucker said. "You live to the play in the playoffs. Besides having children and a family there is nothing better in life than winning hockey games in the playoffs. It's like having your heart ripped out."


Next time play clean... Too bad you wrecked a 8-0-2 run...



:doh::huh:  :):huh:  :lol:





well, at least he got to play in 80 playoff games... He has nothing to be ashamed of!

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Poetic justice... Darse the farce...


Just as heartbreaking finding out that it's no gonna happen after you are takin' out by Darcy Tucker's dirty play?


"It's heartbreaking to find out it's not going to happen," Darcy Tucker said. "You live to the play in the playoffs. Besides having children and a family there is nothing better in life than winning hockey games in the playoffs. It's like having your heart ripped out."


Next time play clean... Too bad you wrecked a 8-0-2 run...



:doh::huh:  :):huh:  :lol:


I don't know if that was enough to save Quinn's and Fergusons's jobs, but this is one Sabres fan that definitely hopes it was. Pat Quinn will remain one of my absolute favorite coaches as long as he's the Loaf's bench boss. I have little to no fear that we will see a parade down Yonge St as long as he's there. I also like Ferguson's love of over-the-hill vets such as Bats-in-his-Belfour.

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I think you should rename this thread to

Sabers make playoffs

Sabres make playoffs

first time in years

and years




And if I get nothing else out of this year at this point I hope the Sabres match up with the canadians and thoroughly embarass them.


Good night now




Did someone call for the wahhhbulance yet?

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I think you should rename this thread to

Sabers make playoffs

Sabres make playoffs

first time in years

and years




And if I get nothing else out of this year at this point I hope the Sabres match up with the canadians and thoroughly embarass them.


Good night now



actually the Habs will probably not make the playoffs, or just make it through the skin of their teeth, but at least i realize we suck unlike you that you're delusional that Ferguson will find some magical player to bring your franchise back to respectability it had during 1967 :angry:

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Stick a fork in 'em!


And just like spoiled children... The "Laughs" get waxed 6-zip last night!


I really wish the Leafs could make the playoffs... They could do the dirty work against the Senators and then proceed to get pasted by the Sabres!


Well worth the misconduct:


Buffalo's Andrew Peters received a 10-minute misconduct after he made a golf swing-type gesture toward the Leafs bench with 5 minutes left.


"It was disrespectful," Leafs defenseman Wade Belak said. "You don't need to do that. But it was nice to see the referee take action."


Peters said he apologized to his teammates and Sabres owner B. Thomas Golisano.


"That wasn't something I was very proud of," Peters said. "It was just stupid. I got caught up in the moment."




Wade... Wahhhhh! Hey... D'arse... At least he apologized...





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I never knew you could get a game misconduct for making a golf gesture.


You gotta love hockey - go for a guys head and !@#$ up his knee - no consequences.


Make a golf gesture - game misconduct.  :angry:



He actually got a 10-minute misconduct, but with 4-and-change left in the game, it effectively was an ejection.


I headed to the game yesterday and I was listening to WGR on the way in. Paul Hamilton typically has a five minute pregame interview with Lindy, but they didn't have it yesterday because Lindy was in a meeting with the NHL's Head of Officiating, who was in town. The guy met with Quinn before the game too, and clearly had some instructions for the refs. The refs did a good job of tossing Domi when he tackled McKee, and probably did the smart thing by getting Peters out of there. The last thing the Sabres need is McKee breaking his hand trying to fight Domi, and the refs knew the guys from both teams who were out to stir up trouble. They squashed that stuff right away, and made it easy to enjoy the beatdown.


By the way, huge play by Gaustad to lock down Tucker's stick when the puck was trickling across to him with an empty net. Nobody wanted that bastard to score. Gaustad said after the game (with a smile) "I knew whose stick it was." While I always love a big bruhaha, that was better than any cheap shot revenge. Plus, they play eight times next year, there will be a chance to get Tucker when the playoffs aren't a week away.

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