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Opinions on Barry Bonds


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It was Francisco f'ing Cabrera, a defensive 2ndbaseman who had about 10 career homeruns in 5 years. :D

And it never would have happened if Leyland hadn't left Drabek in too long.  :blink: 

Or Chico Lind hadn't booted a Sundaygotochurch hopper.  0:) 

Why didn't they bring Wakefield in?!?!?!  :lol:  0:)  :huh:


Damn, they'd have pounded the Blue Jays in the Series, too.  :lol:

Yeah and I've never been caught rubbing one out.

We're both innocent.  :rolleyes:



I'm not saying he is innocent or guilty. He hasn't tested positive once and yet the press still beats the Bond's drum. It's just an old story and everyone needs to move on. Tired........


He was playing deep cause he pulled the first two to DEEP left. Barry was in the right spot due to how the hitter was pulling the ball.

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i thought for sure they were going to bring Wakefield back in game 7...he was an absolute WITCH that season...and JOse Lind was like a hoover vacuum at second all Year....

One of the most bizarre series of circumstances I have ever seen in my life.

Leyland makes the rare mistake of leaving Drabek in late when the Braves hadn't touched Wakefield.

The sure-handed Lind boots a gimme.

Belinda is grooving strikes.

etc etc etc

Those 20 minutes still drive me fu)king nuts.


He was playing deep cause he pulled the first two to DEEP left. Barry was in the right spot due to how the hitter was pulling the ball.

That was Cabrera's first AB of the game and only second AB of the entire series.

That dumbfu(k Bonds and his .167 postseason average were way out of position and his captain even told him so. But Barry the Great is too good to listen to anybody else.

He's a pantload and I hope he gets hit by a bus tomorrow.


You owe me a new keyboard!

I still haven't figured out what a line-stepper is and who that is in your avatar.

Lil' help?

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i heard someone the other day on espn say that pete should be in the hall of fame for his playing career, and not as a manager when he gambled, and i'd say i have to agree


Absolutely....I feel the same way. Pete Rose is as worthy of the Hall as anyone who's ever played the game, IMO. I just wish my man Dale Murphy could get some love.....

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One of the most bizarre series of circumstances I have ever seen in my life.

Leyland makes the rare mistake of leaving Drabek in late when the Braves hadn't touched Wakefield.

The sure-handed Lind boots a gimme.

Belinda is grooving strikes.

etc etc etc

Those 20 minutes still drive me fu)king nuts.

That was Cabrera's first AB of the game and only second AB of the entire series.

That dumbfu(k Bonds and his .167 postseason average were way out of position and his captain even told him so. But Barry the Great is too good to listen to anybody else.

He's a pantload and I hope he gets hit by a bus tomorrow.

I still haven't figured out what a line-stepper is and who that is in your avatar.

Lil' help?


Click on He's Rick James

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What in the hell are you talking about dude?!?  :rolleyes:  We are talking about guys who take drugs to perform better and 96% of the premier sluggers in the aforementioned time period were using it.  Why single out one just because the's the best of the cheaters?  That's insanity!  Take them all down the same road and that includes America's sweetheart Mark McGwire.  All of the cheaters belong under the same prosecution. 


Another thing, don't try to say they give everyone the same amount of grief they give Barry Bonds.  I'll show you four years of MLB, Congress and every baseball writer in America throwing Bonds under the bus.  No one even brings up the fact that Sosa and Pudge both lost 30 lbs the year after the penalties were in place.  3 years ago Slammin sammy sosa was america's little beaner(I'm Cuban, it's ok :D ).  Now he's out of baseball and still no one says a word. 


How about Palmiero or McGwire?  Palmiero looked the congress of the UNITED STATES in the face and lied.  Or how about McGwire having no comment?  Both were cop outs and you have to know that.  Yet they aren't facing charges for either of their lies. 


To a point you kind of made the argument.  No one deserves a free pass.  I'm not defending Bonds I just think it's pathetic that everyone singles him out and busts his balls over and over again while others get to walk away and have their names untested. 


Next time you make a comparison you may want to stay away from the comparison of steroids to child molestation.  That is pretty silly.



Actually, it sounds an awful lot like you are justifying Bonds, which is essentially the same thing as defending him.


There are a few reasons WHY Bonds gets raked over the coals and "people don't ride the others the same way".


1st off, most of the guys you mention aren't in baseball anymore. It isn't a case of people actively defending cheaters like McGuire and Sosa, it's they aren't in the game anymore.


2nd off, I think the signs of what was going on were there when McGuire and Sosa had their homerun derby season, but the guys covering baseball loved it so much that they let themselves believe McGuire's andro story. ("I'm only doing legal stuff.") Remember, that season "saved" baseball and I don't think there were many baseball writers that really wanted to "kill" baseball. Although several did make major mention of McGuire's training program using andro. This was pre-Balco and writers that wanted to keep their head in the sand had an easy time of it.


3rd off, if Canseco's book hadn't come out and the Balco trial hadn't happened, he probably would be getting the same free pass he had gotten the 1st few years he took steriods. Unfortunately for him, the steriods lab that got busted was HIS supplier and HE HAS ADMITTED to using the steriods. He just claims he didn't know they were steriods. Give me a friggin' break. If Bonds didn't treat people like they were dumber than rocks, maybe he could get past this. (Note, I didn't say he would, I just said he might.)


4th, and very importantly, Bonds has had a very bad relationship with the media throughout his entire career and with many of the individuals he comes into contact with on a daily basis. If you treat people like dirt for a long time, when they get a chance to kick some of it back onto you, there is a very good chance that they will. What goes around comes around and it usually comes back a lot stronger than it left.


5th, Bonds is heading towards "baseball's most sacred records". Ruth and Aaron's HR records are the holy grail of baseball records. There are a lot of people that don't want to see either passed legitimately. They definitely don't want to see them broken by a "cheater". The single season HR record was a slightly different beast because of the asterisk that Maris' record always got. Then when Bonds passed McGuire and Sosa, well he was passing people doing the same things he was doing, so it wasn't quite so big of a deal. He didn't get railed on this badly when he set that record. Also, as much as you protest his poor treatment, there isn't an asterisk next to his single season record (yet). Maris had an asterisk next to his for over 40 years.


Finally, you've got a herd mentality in the media, sports media is no different than the rest of the versions. It's an easy story to cover and it seems to drive ratings. That's why they hammer it every single day.


Me, I don't give Bonds any harder time than I give the other cheaters. I simply don't follow baseball anymore. In the last 11 years, I would guess that I have watched fewer than 20 games on TV (definitely fewer than 5 complete games) and have been to exactly 1 major league game (and that was because it was part of a friend's bachelor party, and I left the game early to go to a bar across the street). I still go to the occasional Bisons or Red Wings game, but really don't care much about the Bigs.


I will agree with you that people that purjured themselves in front of Congress should also be tried. I just don't agree with you that Barry is getting anything worse than he deserves. It's a shame too, because if he'd have left baseball after '97 (which was theoretically before he took steroids) or just continued to play to his natural ability, he'd have most likely been a HoF lock.

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Actually, it sounds an awful lot like you are justifying Bonds, which is essentially the same thing as defending him.


There are a few reasons WHY Bonds gets raked over the coals and "people don't ride the others the same way". 


1st off, most of the guys you mention aren't in baseball anymore.  It isn't a case of people actively defending cheaters like McGuire and Sosa, it's they aren't in the game anymore.


2nd off, I think the signs of what was going on were there when McGuire and Sosa had their homerun derby season, but the guys covering baseball loved it so much that they let themselves believe McGuire's andro story.  ("I'm only doing legal stuff.")  Remember, that season "saved" baseball and I don't think there were many baseball writers that really wanted to "kill" baseball.  Although several did make major mention of McGuire's training program using andro.  This was pre-Balco and writers that wanted to keep their head in the sand had an easy time of it.


3rd off, if Canseco's book hadn't come out and the Balco trial hadn't happened, he probably would be getting the same free pass he had gotten the 1st few years he took steriods.  Unfortunately for him, the steriods lab that got busted was HIS supplier and HE HAS ADMITTED to using the steriods.  He just claims he didn't know they were steriods.  Give me a friggin' break.  If Bonds didn't treat people like they were dumber than rocks, maybe he could get past this.  (Note, I didn't say he would, I just said he might.)


4th, and very importantly, Bonds has had a very bad relationship with the media throughout his entire career and with many of the individuals he comes into contact with on a daily basis.  If you treat people like dirt for a long time, when they get a chance to kick some of it back onto you, there is a very good chance that they will.  What goes around comes around and it usually comes back a lot stronger than it left.


5th, Bonds is heading towards "baseball's most sacred records".  Ruth and Aaron's HR records are the holy grail of baseball records.  There are a lot of people that don't want to see either passed legitimately.  They definitely don't want to see them broken by a "cheater".  The single season HR record was a slightly different beast because of the asterisk that Maris' record always got.  Then when Bonds passed McGuire and Sosa, well he was passing people doing the same things he was doing, so it wasn't quite so big of a deal.  He didn't get railed on this badly when he set that record.  Also, as much as you protest his poor treatment, there isn't an asterisk next to his single season record (yet).  Maris had an asterisk next to his for over 40 years.


Finally, you've got a herd mentality in the media, sports media is no different than the rest of the versions.  It's an easy story to cover and it seems to drive ratings.  That's why they hammer it every single day.


Me, I don't give Bonds any harder time than I give the other cheaters.  I simply don't follow baseball anymore.  In the last 11 years, I would guess that I have watched fewer than 20 games on TV (definitely fewer than 5 complete games) and have been to exactly 1 major league game (and that was because it was part of a friend's bachelor party, and I left the game early to go to a bar across the street).  I still go to the occasional Bisons or Red Wings game, but really don't care much about the Bigs.


I will agree with you that people that purjured themselves in front of Congress should also be tried.  I just don't agree with you that Barry is getting anything worse than he deserves.  It's a shame too, because if he'd have left baseball after '97 (which was theoretically before he took steroids) or just continued to play to his natural ability, he'd have most likely been a HoF lock.




Could you be a little more thourough? Sheesh. :rolleyes::D:blink:

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My opinion on Bonds is that while he is no saint, he has been raked over the coals far too much. Why has this been done? IMO, because the press sees him as a big meanie. By and large the sports press is a bunch of Nancy boys that feel entitled to ask any question at any time without objection. When someone comes back at them, they gang up and ruin the guy. Bobby Knight is a perfect example. Steve Carlton isn't too far behind.


If Bonds had done everything with roids the same but had a sunshine personality like Sosa or started out with a good reputation like McGwire, he would not have received 1/50th of this.


He's literally gotten more bad press than Saddam Hussein. Literally. Where is the perspective?

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