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Opinions on Barry Bonds


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Short and sweet. The top 300 major league baseball players used steriods in the late 90s and early 00's. Those of you who don't thinks so just like to believe that guys like McGwire or Sosa are too good of people to actually use steriods.


Jason Giambi, Sammy Sosa, Ken Camminiti, Rafael Palmero, Pudge Rodriguez, Gary Sheffield, Jose Canseco and the list goes on...


If you are going to beat Bonds up everyday share the spotlight with the rest of the players in MLB. I'm not making excuses for Bonds and it's already been out there that he used them. Yet it's also a known fact that McGwire and Palmiero did with out admitting to it either.


Why don't people ride them the same way?


Bonds used Steriods and so did the rest of baseball. Leave him alone and blame the game for making the home run the most important thing to a dying sport. Blame MLB for not testing earlier and catching ALL of the cheaters. Hell, blame barry bonds...Just not only Barry Bonds.


Guy has a family and deserves to be left alone. For 4 years he's been abused. Let this crap die already.



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Vlad never touched them either.


On ESPN radio today, Dan Patrick was saying that Bonds was getting tried for purgery and tax evasion. They know he used steroids but they wanna indite him for not giving the complete truth.

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Why don't people ride them the same way? 


people do



Guy has a family and deserves to be left alone.  For 4 years he's been abused.  Let this crap die already. 


i personally don't really give a crap as i don't follow MLB anymore...but just because he has a family and EVERYONE else is doing it doesn't give him a free pass

that's like saying "yeah, he's a child molester (or some other crime...lesser if you prefer), but there are plenty others out there...plus, he's got a family...lay off!"

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people do

i personally don't really give a crap as i don't follow MLB anymore...but just because he has a family and EVERYONE else is doing it doesn't give him a free pass

that's like saying "yeah, he's a child molester (or some other crime...lesser if you prefer), but there are plenty others out there...plus, he's got a family...lay off!"



What in the hell are you talking about dude?!? :rolleyes: We are talking about guys who take drugs to perform better and 96% of the premier sluggers in the aforementioned time period were using it. Why single out one just because the's the best of the cheaters? That's insanity! Take them all down the same road and that includes America's sweetheart Mark McGwire. All of the cheaters belong under the same prosecution.


Another thing, don't try to say they give everyone the same amount of grief they give Barry Bonds. I'll show you four years of MLB, Congress and every baseball writer in America throwing Bonds under the bus. No one even brings up the fact that Sosa and Pudge both lost 30 lbs the year after the penalties were in place. 3 years ago Slammin sammy sosa was america's little beaner(I'm Cuban, it's ok :D ). Now he's out of baseball and still no one says a word.


How about Palmiero or McGwire? Palmiero looked the congress of the UNITED STATES in the face and lied. Or how about McGwire having no comment? Both were cop outs and you have to know that. Yet they aren't facing charges for either of their lies.


To a point you kind of made the argument. No one deserves a free pass. I'm not defending Bonds I just think it's pathetic that everyone singles him out and busts his balls over and over again while others get to walk away and have their names untested.


Next time you make a comparison you may want to stay away from the comparison of steroids to child molestation. That is pretty silly.




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Vlad never touched them either.


On ESPN radio today, Dan Patrick was saying that Bonds was getting tried for purgery and tax evasion.  They know he used steroids but they wanna indite him for not giving the complete truth.



"I did not have sexual relations with that woman."


I rest my case.

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I think it has to do with the fact that he's sporting a head the size of Sputnik. Essentially the reporters are drawn to it's gravitational field, and they figure, "what the hell? might as well ask him some questions until the polarities shift".


I do agree with you that steroids were simply part of the baseball culture.....that's not an excuse, it's just the way it was. Personally, my favorite player is Andruw Jones. With all the hard work he's put into his offense, I think it's clear he belongs among the top few playes in the game today. He's talented, humble, and one of the real good guys in professional sports. With guys like that around, I couldn't care less about Barry Bonds, really.....

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"I did not have sexual relations with that woman."


I rest my case.



Personally, I'm willing to go out on the limb and say that a large majority of athletes take performance enhancing drugs in every sport. The NHL barely even tests for it.


The fact that they are making an example of Bonds is ludacris, many reporters are attacking him for being an "ass" amongst other reasons.


If they wanna investigate steroids, start by the NFL and work your way around the NHL, MLB and all other sports.


Might wanna investigate the WWE as well as they look like they have some guys that have "experimented" :rolleyes::D

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B/C he should have thrown out Sid Bream...SID FREAKIN BREAM..it was like watching Tony Siragusa rounding the bases....Van Slyke told you to move in..you ignored him..DAMN YOU BARRY BONDS....DAMN YOU




-Skip Carey



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i guess a lot of people dont share the same opinions as i, but personally, i dont understand how we cant be on his ass.


the reason he gets way more attention than those other players is because he's about to break hank aaron's all time home run record, which is a huge thing, those other players arent there.


if he is found guilty, i think the scuttle was he started in 1998 with steroids, if that is found correct i think they should remove all the home runs he hit from that point on, they shouldnt count. You can clearly see the spike in his numbers. as for the other players, i dont think it matters because they're not breaking one of the best records in baseball


i dont think he should be in the hall of fame either, he cheated, why should he be rewarded? i heard..... i think it was jim rome..... say that in 1998 before he took steroids he would have been in the hall of fame anyways. I say to that.... so you just forget he used steroids? i dont understand that argument at all.


i know a lot of people are going to flame me, but honestly thats just my opinion

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i guess a lot of people dont share the same opinions as i, but personally, i dont understand how we cant be on his ass.


the reason he gets way more attention than those other players is because he's about to break hank aaron's all time home run record, which is a huge thing, those other players arent there.


if he is found guilty, i think the scuttle was he started in 1998 with steroids, if that is found correct i think they should remove all the home runs he hit from that point on, they shouldnt count. You can clearly see the spike in his numbers.  as for the other players, i dont think it matters because they're not breaking one of the best records in baseball


i dont think he should be in the hall of fame either, he cheated, why should he be rewarded? i heard..... i think it was jim rome..... say that in 1998 before he took steroids he would have been in the hall of fame anyways. I say to that.... so you just forget he used steroids? i dont understand that argument at all.


i know a lot of people are going to flame me, but honestly thats just my opinion




Meanwhile Pete Rose sits.....for gambling. :rolleyes:

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B/C he should have thrown out Sid Bream...SID FREAKIN BREAM..it was like watching Tony Siragusa rounding the bases....Van Slyke told you to move in..you ignored him..DAMN YOU BARRY BONDS....DAMN YOU


9-10 times he would've made that throw. He was playing deep due to the batter at the plate... Who was at bat again? I know it was the Braves..

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Meanwhile Pete Rose sits.....for gambling.  :rolleyes:




i heard someone the other day on espn say that pete should be in the hall of fame for his playing career, and not as a manager when he gambled, and i'd say i have to agree

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i guess a lot of people dont share the same opinions as i, but personally, i dont understand how we cant be on his ass.


the reason he gets way more attention than those other players is because he's about to break hank aaron's all time home run record, which is a huge thing, those other players arent there.


if he is found guilty, i think the scuttle was he started in 1998 with steroids, if that is found correct i think they should remove all the home runs he hit from that point on, they shouldnt count. You can clearly see the spike in his numbers.  as for the other players, i dont think it matters because they're not breaking one of the best records in baseball


i dont think he should be in the hall of fame either, he cheated, why should he be rewarded? i heard..... i think it was jim rome..... say that in 1998 before he took steroids he would have been in the hall of fame anyways. I say to that.... so you just forget he used steroids? i dont understand that argument at all.


i know a lot of people are going to flame me, but honestly thats just my opinion


He would've been in the hall of fame anyway. At that point he was a 400-400 member. Soon to follow was the 500-500 club and he is the founding member. The media in this country sucks and they blow up anything they can get they're hands on. The problem with this is an average story or breaking news gets a way shorter shelf life than this. But, for some reason the media keeps going on it over and over. I myself can't even bare to watch S.C. anymore for I would probably have to listen to 5 minutes of the latest Bonds fiascal. They seriously need to get over it and leave Barry alone. It's tired man.

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You could make an argument that Bonds was the best player of the 90's. That's was before the steroids. The unhuman homerun numbers he's put came after he had won like 3 mvp awards.


He was money before all the drugs but thats not the point.


How many homeruns do you think McGwire was juiced for? Or Sosa? OR Palmiero?


Are we just going to throw out ALL of their records? That would be stupid considering baseball created this monster.




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9-10 times he would've made that throw.  He was playing deep due to the batter at the plate...  Who was at bat again?  I know it was the Braves..


It was Francisco f'ing Cabrera, a defensive 2ndbaseman who had about 10 career homeruns in 5 years. :D

And it never would have happened if Leyland hadn't left Drabek in too long. :blink:

Or Chico Lind hadn't booted a Sundaygotochurch hopper. 0:)

Why didn't they bring Wakefield in?!?!?! :lol:0:):huh:


Damn, they'd have pounded the Blue Jays in the Series, too. :lol:


Barry Bonds never has tested positive for steroids. Ever.

Yeah and I've never been caught rubbing one out.

We're both innocent. :rolleyes:

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It was Francisco f'ing Cabrera, a defensive 2ndbaseman who had about 10 career homeruns in 5 years. :D

And it never would have happened if Leyland hadn't left Drabek in too long.  :blink: 

Or Chico Lind hadn't booted a Sundaygotochurch hopper.  0:) 

Why didn't they bring Wakefield in?!?!?!  :lol:  0:)  :huh:


Damn, they'd have pounded the Blue Jays in the Series, too.  :lol:

Yeah and I've never been caught rubbing one out.

We're both innocent.  :rolleyes:


i thought for sure they were going to bring Wakefield back in game 7...he was an absolute WITCH that season...and JOse Lind was like a hoover vacuum at second all Year....

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