Scraps Posted April 19, 2006 Posted April 19, 2006 Got it. You didn't understand what a question mark is for. 665551[/snapback] Actually I understood it just fine. That why I used it when I asked "What part or resolution 181 did that?" I even went on to explain that perhaps I missed something in the resolution. Hence the question "What part or resolution 181 did that?" Something you failed to comprehend. Now tell me "What part or resolution 181 did that?" Jews bad, right? (The squiggly thingy at the end of this sentence is a question mark. We already discussed why this is used. If you forgot, please refer to your notes.) No wonder you understood it so well and the rest of us wanted clarifications. (Again, that dot-thingy is a period. In this case, it is used to mark the end of the sentence.) What does that question have to do with my understanding of Chicot's answer? Are you implying that I believe that "Jews are bad"? Listen, I understand that you are embarrassed that you did not know what a question mark is for, but trying to deflect things to make it about me is pathetic. Just accept the fact that you did not understand what a question mark is for and we all can move on. Riiiiiight. So you deflect things to make it about me. Oh the hyprocrisy.
KRC Posted April 19, 2006 Posted April 19, 2006 Riiiiiight. So you deflect things to make it about me. Oh the hyprocrisy. 665566[/snapback] It is not a deflection when it was originally about you. Remember, the question mark thingy? Wow. This is getting beyond embarassing for you. Not even Mickey was this bad. What is next, the "I know you are, but what am I" retort?
Crap Throwing Monkey Posted April 19, 2006 Posted April 19, 2006 Actually I understood it just fine. That why I used it when I asked "What part or resolution 181 did that?" I even went on to explain that perhaps I missed something in the resolution. Hence the question "What part or resolution 181 did that?" Something you failed to comprehend. Now tell me "What part or resolution 181 did that?" 665566[/snapback] "You asked a rhetorical question!" "No, you did!" "No...YOU did!" Both of you need to be smacked upside the head for inflicting that "conversation" on the rest of us.
Scraps Posted April 19, 2006 Posted April 19, 2006 It is not a deflection when it was originally about you. 665571[/snapback] Well this thread was originally about Iran. It migrated to a related topic of Israel since Israel affects many policies in the ME. I responded to a question about UN resolution 181. This thread definintely was not originally about me. Remember, the question mark thingy? Apparently you did since I've asked the same question at least 4 times now and you haven't answered. For your review oh hypocritical one Actually I understood it just fine. That why I used it when I asked "What part or resolution 181 did that?" I even went on to explain that perhaps I missed something in the resolution. Hence the question "What part or resolution 181 did that?" Something you failed to comprehend. Now tell me "What part or resolution 181 did that?" This is getting beyond embarassing for you. Here's a couple of more you dodged What does that question have to do with my understanding of Chicot's answer? Are you implying that I believe that "Jews are bad"?
KRC Posted April 19, 2006 Posted April 19, 2006 Well this thread was originally about Iran. It migrated to a related topic of Israel since Israel affects many policies in the ME. I responded to a question about UN resolution 181. This thread definintely was not originally about me.Apparently you did since I've asked the same question at least 4 times now and you haven't answered. Holy Hell, you are an idiot. Do you even believe the pretzels you are twisting here, or do you just keep making sh-- up hoping that you can deflect things far enough away from you that people will just give up? I asked a question. You asked me for the answer to my question (which is pretty stupid) just so you can B word that I did not answer my own question (even more stupid). Now, let's use your "debating" tactics here. You are complaining that I am not answering your question. Why are you not answering your question? What, are you too lazy to answer your question? This is four times that you refused to answer your question. What the hell is your problem? For your review oh hypocritical one Actually I understood it just fine. That why I used it when I asked "What part or resolution 181 did that?" I even went on to explain that perhaps I missed something in the resolution. Hence the question "What part or resolution 181 did that?" Something you failed to comprehend. Now tell me "What part or resolution 181 did that?" This is getting beyond embarassing for you. biggrin.gif Here's a couple of more you dodged What does that question have to do with my understanding of Chicot's answer? Are you implying that I believe that "Jews are bad"? 665584[/snapback] Ahhh...The "I know you are, but what am I" retort. You are so predictable. What is next, "I'm rubber and you are glue?" lalalalalala...I can't hear you....lalalalalalalalala
Scraps Posted April 19, 2006 Posted April 19, 2006 Holy Hell, you are an idiot. Do you even believe the pretzels you are twisting here, or do you just keep making sh-- up hoping that you can deflect things far enough away from you that people will just give up? 665603[/snapback] No Ken. I am absolutely confident that this thread was originally about Iran. It is titled "More from Iran. Any thoughts? " I asked a question. You asked me for the answer to my question (which is pretty stupid) just so you can B word that I did not answer my own question (even more stupid). I don't think it was particuarly stupid at all. I stated that I did not find the portions of Resolution 181 which forced the Palestinians out. Since then I've asked the following question perhaps a dozen times now "What part or resolution 181 did that?" Now you could answer the question. You could say you never read the resolution, and expose yourself as a lazy slug. Or you could read the resolution and answer the question. Or you could be a hypocrite, avoid the question and jump up and down and insult people. So far you've chosen the latter. Ahhh...The "I know you are, but what am I" retort. You are so predictable. What is next, "I'm rubber and you are glue?" lalalalalala...I can't hear you....lalalalalalalalala Is it any wonder you weren't elected President?
KRC Posted April 19, 2006 Posted April 19, 2006 No Ken. I am absolutely confident that this thread was originally about Iran. It is titled "More from Iran. Any thoughts? " I don't think it was particuarly stupid at all. I stated that I did not find the portions of Resolution 181 which forced the Palestinians out. Since then I've asked the following question perhaps a dozen times now "What part or resolution 181 did that?" Now you could answer the question. You could say you never read the resolution, and expose yourself as a lazy slug. Or you could read the resolution and answer the question. Or you could be a hypocrite, avoid the question and jump up and down and insult people. So far you've chosen the latter. 665623[/snapback] Why won't you answer your question? Are you too lazy to look it up?
Scraps Posted April 19, 2006 Posted April 19, 2006 Why won't you answer your question? Are you too lazy to look it up? 665626[/snapback] I've said perhaps I missed something. Why don't you answer your own question hypocrite?
chicot Posted April 19, 2006 Posted April 19, 2006 Hence the question mark. Too difficult for you to understand basic punctuation?No, Mickey would just tell you what you opinion is while not even reading what you posted, just because he wants to B word about something. I specifically stated, "if I understand it correctly." Having trouble following along today? I know the anti-Jew discussion would bring you out of the woodwork, but I was not expecting that you would be so excited that you could not even read the posts correctly. Try a little harder next time, OK? 665537[/snapback] Ok, I've been away from the board for a few hours but I still don't see where this became an "anti-Jew" discussion. All we have been discussing is Israel, not Jews in general. How exactly is this an anti-Jew discussion?
chicot Posted April 19, 2006 Posted April 19, 2006 Actually, wasn't it UN Resolution 181 that forced the Palestinians out? Why take it out on the Jews? As I mentioned earlier, following your logic (if I understand it correctly), all the Jews have to do is hang in there for a few more centuries and they are in good shape. Water under the bridge. 665499[/snapback] If the Jews had had nothing to do with the exile of the Palestinians (they did) and the vast majority of the Palestinians had been away from their land for two millenia, then yes, I would say that the Palestinians have no right to come along saying that they have a God-given right to that land and that the Jews should leave. What is your argument here? That the original inhabitants of a land have a right to return to that land no matter what the circumstances of them leaving, no matter how much time has passed in the interim and displace any people that have settled there in their absence, no matter how long they have been there for? All this is besides the point anyway. As I keep saying, I do not think the Palestinians should displace the Israelis. All that would accomplish is more conflict, the only difference being the Palestinians would be the ones on the inside, the Israelis the ones attacking it from without.
KRC Posted April 19, 2006 Posted April 19, 2006 I've said perhaps I missed something. Why don't you answer your own question hypocrite? 665631[/snapback] If you are not going to answer your question, then you are serving no purpose here.
stuckincincy Posted April 20, 2006 Posted April 20, 2006 Sounds oddly familiar. A blustering fool who no-one can believe got elected whose religiosity crafts his extremist views and makes him do and say stupid things that inflame the enemy? hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm 662738[/snapback] There you go again, picking on Jimmy Carter...
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