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Insult the person above you in this thread

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HEY mothereffers I've done my best to insult 2 people in this sorry a$$ed thread and I have yet to be insulted.  Bunch of friggin girly men. :blink:



Hey, you wuss, I got passed over too, and you don't see me bitching about it!


Oh, wait....

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HEY mothereffers I've done my best to insult 2 people in this sorry a$$ed thread and I have yet to be insulted.  Bunch of friggin girly men. :blink:


Beerball stalks girl scouts for their cookies. :wub:

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Thank you!


Rockpile and UConn James have formed an all girl R&R band.





Main Entry: beer·ball

Pronunciation: 'bir-"bal

Etymology: Middle English queer, from Old English gay; akin to Old High German Kugel von bier

Function: noun

1: A testicle soaked in beer. Usually sucked to extract flavor.

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Main Entry: beer·ball

Pronunciation: 'bir-"bal

Function: noun

1: A testicle soaked in beer. Usually sucked to extract flavor.



kegtapr and his buddies emptied 4 beerballs last night.

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UConn James doesn't have have tivo, or even cable...and he'd rather have dinner with his soon-to-be sister-in-law's mother so he only caught the last 15 minutes of Lost....he'd rather have something of a life that's not scheduled around Wednesdays at 9.... :blink:

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UConn James doesn't have have tivo, or even cable...and he'd rather have dinner with his soon-to-be sister-in-law's mother so he only caught the last 15 minutes of Lost....he'd rather have something of a life that's not scheduled around Wednesdays at 9....  :blink:



Nervous Guy loves squirrels, and trees that block his southern sky.


(Oh God, I'm gonna get banned for that one.)

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