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F the Bills and F Ralph Wilson...


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There is no way in a million years that Ralph Wilson or any of his cronies can convince me that the Bills are going to lose money this year. With the television contract, profit sharing, stadium revenue, merchandise revenue and all of the other things NFL teams have working in their favor, it's hard for me to believe that any team won't atleast break even. If any of this rhetoric were true more small market teams would be stepping up in support of Ralph. Have you heard any teams ownership agree with us? ANY?


Last year the Bills made 10 million dollars, more than any of us will see in our lifetimes. In the past 40 or so years Ralph has lined his pockets with money of western new yorkers. His family, which doesn't even live in Buffalo, have lived a luxurious lifestyle off of our blue collar hard working community. So this year they may break even and they are going to act like idiots and declare the team in danger?


He's posturing to move and if you don't think so you are fooling yourself. I truly believe he has lost it and is taking the guidance of his family which has publically said they have no interest in owning the Bills. Ralph was happy when he was tucking millions away and now that we are on some financial hardship, he isn't making promises?


Here is an idea, name the stadium something that garnishes endorsements rather than after yourself. Don't take a 5 million cut for doing nothing but owning the team. Pay yourself well not like a king. Concentrate your energy on improving the roster and making key signings rather than getting the community in an uproar over your deluded unfinished thoughts.


To me it's not a question of 'if' it's a question of 'when'. If that's how Ralph wants to play this community then f@$# him. I love the Bills as much as the next guy but that article today really made me angry. If the Bills can show me a 5 year history of losing money, I'll bite. If they tell me that they made 10 million last year but all of a sudden are now doomed, I'm pissed.


I'm so angry with the Bills right now. Absolutely disgusted.






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You don't get rich or stay rich by breaking even.



Split the uprights finkel, and stay a man.


As for getting or staying rich, the guy is 87 years old, how much longer do you think he'll have to stay/get rich? When he dies and the team is sold, you don't think the 300 million+ the family gets for the team won't keep the family rich?


Turn back to cnn, Terrorists are attacking! If you buy that, I also have some ocean front property in arizona. Also, friend made an invention, Vapooorizor stock is half price to anyone sending cash RIGHT NOW!




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Last year the Bills made 10 million dollars, more than any of us will see in our lifetimes.  In the past 40 or so years Ralph has lined his pockets with money of western new yorkers.  His family, which doesn't even live in Buffalo, have lived a luxurious lifestyle off of our blue collar hard working community.  So this year they may break even and they are going to act like idiots and declare the team in danger? 


I'm so angry with the Bills right now.  Absolutely disgusted.

:huh:  :doh:  :(





Fair enough. But an investor usually figures on a 5% return on their money. So if he owns 100% of 600 million worth of investments, he ought to be getting a $30 million dollar return. A $10 million dollar return doesn't keep pace with inflation (about 2%) - he's actually losing money. As a strictly business decision, keeping the Bills in Buffalo are a bad use of his investment.

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There is no way in a million years that Ralph Wilson or any of his cronies can convince me



Real, the world has no obglitation to convince you or anyone else about anything, let alone the Bills organization. I like your posts, but where did this hard one come from?


The sports business is an odd one - they sell emotion as well as product.


Please don't be overly harsh or feel aggrieved. We are all frustrated, and I'm sure you will be like everyone else here - sitting on the edge of the seat as the draft unfolds. :huh:


We are all in it for the fun... :(


I bought my can of squirt cheese last week, and on Saturday will purchase a bag of wavy chips for the draft. :doh:

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Fair enough.  But an investor usually figures on a 5% return on their money.  So if he owns 100% of 600 million worth of investments,  he ought to be getting a $30 million dollar return.  A $10 million dollar return doesn't keep pace with inflation (about 2%) - he's actually losing money.  As a strictly business decision,  keeping the Bills in Buffalo are a bad use of his investment.


You're totally discounting the worth of the franchise, which went from less than 200 million in the mid 90s to 600-700 million now. With the new TV contract and the new CBA, there is no reason to believe that the next sale of a franchise is not going to push the going rate for a franchise up further, especially if one goes to Los Angeles, or gets in a bidding war. And it's almost impossible to believe that it is going to go down. Each year of Ralph's ownership of the Bills its worth has gone up well over 20%. Not that it goes up that much each year but it has gone up that much on average.

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You're totally discounting the worth of the franchise, which went from less than 200 million in the mid 90s to 600-700 million now. With the new TV contract and the new CBA, there is no reason to believe that the next sale of a franchise is not going to push the going rate for a franchise up further, especially if one goes to Los Angeles, or gets in a bidding war. And it's almost impossible to believe that it is going to go down. Each year of Ralph's ownership of the Bills its worth has gone up well over 20%. Not that it goes up that much each year but it has gone up that much on average.



You're right - I was basically thinking about it only as a revenue producer rather than as speculation.


Still, if you are going to think about it only as speculation then one can't help but worry that - given the outlook for WNY - the value may have topped out.

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So because he made $10M, and is afraid that the team will simply break even this year, he should shut his mouth and pretend nothing bad is happening?! I guess there's a reason that you're not running your own multimillion dollar company. :doh:


You realize that some PLAYERS earned more than that last year, right...?


To me, it's just people hating others who have more than they do. See it all the time on this board, and in society in general. "Oh, you bought an <X>?? What a waste of money!" Petty jealousy.



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Fair enough.  But an investor usually figures on a 5% return on their money.  So if he owns 100% of 600 million worth of investments,  he ought to be getting a $30 million dollar return.  A $10 million dollar return doesn't keep pace with inflation (about 2%) - he's actually losing money.  As a strictly business decision,  keeping the Bills in Buffalo are a bad use of his investment.



Personally, I would say a 10% return on annual operating outlay would represent a more reasonable MINIMUM figure for someone who owns a business for 46 years. If they only netted $10M, then they probably didn't get there. With 2006 player salaries jumping up almost $10M without revenue going up, well that's not difficult math. Comes down to whether you believe that all they made was $10M. I do.


Bottom line, they need to earn more money to compete financially with their brethren. If they don't become more profitable, they won't be viable for new ownership to keep here. Fans can B word and moan and talk about how much a business earns as if it is somehow comparable to their personal take-home pay, but it does not relate. It's hard to find an individual willing to outlay hundreds of millions of their own money for considerably less than a decent return.

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Okay, I have been a troll on this site for many years. I guess I need to voice my 10 cents lol.


The fact of life is people expect a return on thier investment. I know I do. In fact, I will not consider investing for less than a 10 percent return. That is in accordance what my CPA suggests. The money Mr. Wilson invests this year to put a team on the field along with all the overhead to go along with. He should expect the same type of return for this investment!


As for the argument how Mr. Wilsons team has increased in value. That is really has nothing to do with it. Say you bought a house back in 1960 for $7,500 and the appraisal is now $400,000. Does this mean that you should invest your money for nothing or work for nothing because your home capital increased? That would be insain!


Lets just hope an answer is found that will keep the Bills in town for many years, and hopefully back to winning ways we all once enjoyed!

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One of the things that Ralph repeatedly mentions is that he has no desire of moving the Bills. But he isn't going to be around much longer. WHOMEVER buys(or inherits) the Bills is going to have huge debts associated with getting the team. Be it inheritence tax or loans to buy the franchise. Very, very few people have $600+mil in CASH. They have to borrow it (even if it's against other assets that they own)


So making $10mil would mean that they couldn't support the debt of their loans, much less make any money.

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  Say you bought a house back in 1960 for $7,500 and the appraisal is now $400,000.  Does this mean that you should invest your money for nothing or work for nothing because your home capital increased? 



That is a fair question. I am not an economist; the best I can do is offer a scenario.


If taking out a home equity loan for $50,000 and doing updates/repairs would make the above listed house worth another $100,000, would it be a good investment?


Ralph had the cap room to go after Hutchinson. Something tells me that the capital was also available, but he didn't want to spend it. Between Hutch, the 8th overall pick in the draft, and extra picks, I am thinking that the team would have improved and the value of the franchise would have instantly increased.


I am not sure what Ralph is thinking at this stage. Is anybody?

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I am not sure what Ralph is thinking at this stage. Is anybody?




"Damn DMV, they have no right taking away my driver's license. I thought that was an on-ramp for the interstate, not the vegetable aisle at the Farmer's Market. And that gentleman who was stuck in my windshield didn't die anyway. Wait, is today Thursday or Monday? Does that mean I'm in Belgium or is this a Bills press conference. More importantly,should I have the tapioca pudding for lunch, or banana? Oh and I gotta remember to recharge the battery on my Rascal."



Or something like that... :doh:

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It's really obvious that too many people are simply impressed by the number.


$10,000,000.00 in profit isn't that much when you look at how much Ralph has to pony up every year for signing bonuses. Money costs money, period.


I don't hate Ralph Wilson for wanting to minimize his risk. He has alot to lose. More people should try that with their own money, instead of worrying so much about everyone else.

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Real, the world has no obglitation to convince you or anyone else about anything, let alone the Bills organization. I like your posts, but where did this hard one come from?


The sports business is an odd one - they sell emotion as well as product.


Please don't be overly harsh or feel aggrieved. We are all frustrated, and I'm sure you will be like everyone else here - sitting on the edge of the seat as the draft unfolds. :huh:


We are all in it for the fun... :(


I bought my can of squirt cheese last week, and on Saturday will purchase a bag of wavy chips for the draft.  :doh:




Ralph annoys me lately and all of the negativity that he created this past week in Western New York made me feel like I've had enough. If they leave I'm ready for it and not going to lose sleep over it. If Ralph is going to make threats so that he can raise prices, save me the dramatics. Raise the prices and lets get on with it already.


Whether it's ralph or the people he listens to, I've heard enough. All of the hoopla about his decision to stay or go is unnecessary. He's 87 and has lined his pockets with local money. The least he can do is not create a frenzy when all he really wants is more money.




Somehow he could better the situation in 100 ways and instead he just whines. Make better decisions with personnel. Name the stadium hanes underwear stadium and create more revenue....SOMETHING. Just stop the drama please.


People, I watch American Idol for drama (anyone else think Ace is gay?) I don't want it from my Football players, let alone the owner.




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"Damn DMV, they have no right taking away my driver's license. I thought that was an on-ramp for the interstate, not the vegetable aisle at the Farmer's Market. And that gentleman who was stuck in my windshield didn't die anyway. Wait, is today Thursday or Monday? Does that mean I'm in Belgium or is this a Bills press conference. More importantly,should I have the tapioca pudding for lunch, or banana? Oh and I gotta remember to recharge the battery on my Rascal."

Or something like that... :doh:


OMFG is that LOL funny

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