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We have become a nation of apologists


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"We're kind enough to translate this into your native language, since you're too damned lazy to learn ours.  But please don't be offended by the position of the translation."


What the !@#$?  :doh:



I've posted this before, and will again. I've done business with these people, and if you believe strongly enough should contribute to the organization. Their basic mission statement is to make English the official language of the US.


Long story short. a non -profit lobby outfit, founded by and funded almost 100% by immigrants, who feel ESL and the other such programs are the biggest reason why many/most immigrants are relagated to menial jobs all their life.


Lets face it, a high school diploma is one thing, but a high schooll diploma when you can only speak minimal english is quite another.


here is a link to their organiztion



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The last two days, the student newspaper here at The University of Texas has printed letters from people who claim that English really isn't "our" language and that the United States shouldn't have "a language."  Therefore, no one should have to learn English ever because that would be giving in to the demands of the "white supremecists" in America.





I hate to burst your bubble, but there currently is no federal law that states that English is the "official" language of the United States.

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I hate to burst your bubble, but there currently is no federal law that states that English is the "official" language of the United States.


Quite correct, and as my post above states there is an organiztion who's sole purpose is to get legislation passed that would do just that.And its run and founded almost entirely of folks who came to this country without English as their primary language.


How people cannot see that ESL and other programs relegates folks who cannot spek english to an almost certain excistance at at below the poverty line is beyond me. all these bleeding heart liberals who say"we must accomadate those who do not speak english' are crushing the very people they are trying to help.


Give a person a fish vs teach a person to fish

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How people cannot see that ESL and other programs relegates folks who cannot spek english to an almost certain excistance at at below the poverty line is beyond me. all these bleeding heart liberals who say"we must accomadate those who do not speak english' are crushing the very people they are trying to help.


Give a person a fish vs teach a person to fish




What are you talking about? ESL stands for English as a Second Language. Why would you be against immigrants learning English and how would it keep them empoverished? Is there some other acronym that you're using that I am not aware of?

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The last two days, the student newspaper here at The University of Texas has printed letters from people who claim that English really isn't "our" language and that the United States shouldn't have "a language."  Therefore, no one should have to learn English ever because that would be giving in to the demands of the "white supremecists" in America.





The Daily Texan is retarded most of the time though.


They published an article in the sports section today saying that the NFL is going to lose interest in their games because they are putting too many on television. The link is here: http://www.dailytexanonline.com/media/stor...texanonline.com


Here's a quote from his article:


The NFL needs to be careful that it does not become the NBA, whose marathon season and large playoff pool render the regular season boring and unimportant, but it is coming close to the point where fans will not tune in just because football is on. College football is on almost every night, and fans still watch. However, the novelty of Thursday night football (if it ever existed) is gone.


Yeah, they sure better make sure their season turns into a "marathon" and better make sure they don't have a "large playoff pool" by putting less games on national television.


More national games on television = more games in the season and more teams in the playoffs. :doh:

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I hate to burst your bubble, but there currently is no federal law that states that English is the "official" language of the United States.


That's not my bubble.


We don't need a law to explicitly state that English is the language of the United States. Common sense tells us that

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Nothing beats the time I went to Miami (when I lived in WPB). While there, I went to an ATM machine in a small gas station. First Screen: 1 - Espanol 2- English.


One night after a nascar race at homestead, we drove back to the hotel in miami, then hit the strip clubs via the train.... One part of town had clubs at every stop, 4 stops later and alot of money were wasted...Back to the platform waiting for the train, crashed out on the bench, woke up by a cop telling us, out of here, no more trains...Stumbled to the street drunk and lost, found a payphone, looked thru the yellow pages for a taxi, In my inebrieted condition, I couldnt read it, handed the book to my buddy, he couldnt read it.... Spanish yellow pages :doh:

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What are you talking about?  ESL stands for English as a Second Language.  Why would you be against immigrants learning English and how would it keep them empoverished? Is there some other acronym that you're using that I am not aware of?


No you are correct my good doctor. The problem is the kids learn english as a SECOND language, and all of the other classes are taught in spanish. They learn english as a SECOND lanquage. So ya, they may get educated to a high school edjication(sp intended) but they can in no way get to college or become productive in society outside of"would you like fries with that".


Got news for ya ya, this is the US of Freakin A. If you can not speak english well, you will never, ever never, advance in the business world(all i know). ESL perpetutaes the myth that we are all god loving god fearing country, and if ya cant speak english, well OKAY, we understand.


NO we do not.While i may feel sorry for you, I will not give you job that could affect any aspect of my business operations. Cutting the grass, your in, dealing with my customers...your out!!!!!!!



Again, this is the words of the folks at US English. these people are sick of seeing immigrants have NO chance at the american dream, which coddling them by not forcing them to assimilate the language is doing.


Give a person a fish.....teach a person to fish...


Yes , one is infinetly harder, but 100% more beneficial to the recipeint

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No you are correct my good doctor. The problem is the kids learn english as a SECOND language, and all of the other classes are taught in spanish. They  learn english as a SECOND lanquage. So ya, they may get educated to a high school edjication(sp intended) but they can in no way get to college or become productive in society outside of"would you like fries with that".


Got news for ya ya, this is the US of Freakin A. If you can  not speak english well, you will never, ever never, advance in the business world(all i know). ESL perpetutaes the myth that we are all god loving god fearing country, and if ya cant speak english, well OKAY, we understand.


NO we do not.While i may feel sorry for you, I will not give you job that could affect any aspect of my business operations. Cutting the grass, your in, dealing with my customers...your out!!!!!!!

Again, this is the words of the folks at US English. these people are sick of seeing immigrants have NO chance at the american dream, which coddling them by not forcing them to assimilate the language is doing.


Give a person a fish.....teach a person to fish...


Yes , one is infinetly harder, but 100% more beneficial to the recipeint




English is an easy language to learn. As someone who is fluent in 3 languages, I find it's absurd for someone to come into another country and not learn the main language. For crying out loud, over here you need to speak english and french to advance in the business world.

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I went to Miami to see the Titanic exhibit.  Signs, as usual were printed in Spanish and English.  What really got my knickers in a knot was a sign at the entrance that said something to the effect: "Just because the English version is written on top doesnt mean that we place more importance on one language over another"

Last I looked this was the United States, not the Estados Unidos.




That entrance should apologize. That entrance is a dick.

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That entrance should apologize.  That entrance is a dick.



I apologize for my choice of terms (said). I was in a highly agitated condition.

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No you are correct my good doctor. The problem is the kids learn english as a SECOND language, and all of the other classes are taught in spanish. They  learn english as a SECOND lanquage. So ya, they may get educated to a high school edjication(sp intended) but they can in no way get to college or become productive in society outside of"would you like fries with that".




I got you now. Wasn't really following how an ESL program would be a bad thing for a non-native speaker, but like you're saying a program as implemented like that would be a terrible disservice for those kids.

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I got you now.  Wasn't really following how an ESL program would be a bad thing for a non-native speaker, but like you're saying a program as implemented like that would be a terrible disservice for those kids.



Glad to see you have now reached the level of my intelligence :blink:


But as an aside, I have second knowledge of this "somewhat". My niece and nephew are in a french immersion school in the DC area. No english whatsoever is spoken in school, only french. While they are only if first grade, they are now speaking as French fluenty as one would expect a normal first grader in France(according to my frog brother in law).BTW, no french was ever really spoken in their home. My sister has told me that in this type of program, the kids will generally be behind their peers somewhat in terms of reading and writing english, but that disaaperas by the time 4th grade rolls around.


This is what our schools should be doing with children who show up with no english skills. Yes, they may fall behind initially, but over the long term, much better for them and society as a whole.

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