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Snakes sequel number 5?

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Dumping reptiles is illegal and Florida lawmakers are currently mulling stiffer penalties, including possible jail time. The state will also hold its first "snake amnesty day" on May 6, for anyone who might want to dispose of their Burmese pythons or other members of the Boa family legally.



Can they pick oranges, and speak English?

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I thought one quote in the article was kind of ironic:

Scott Hardin, exotic species coordinator for the Florida Fish and Wildlife Commission, was also pessimistic when asked about the chances of stomping out pythons or other non-native animals that run wild in parts of the southernmost U.S. state. The invaders include dragon-like, Nile monitor lizards and racoon-sized African rats.


"Rarely do you have a chance to eliminate anything, almost ever. Control is pretty tough, so what we really want to do is our utmost in prevention and education," Hardin said.

So basically, humans can destroy any species that they don't want to (thus the large number of endangered species), but can't do squat about species they do want to eradicate.


Maybe the better way to protect endangered species is to move them to new territory where they have no natural predators, and then in a few years we can worry about how we are going to cull the formerly endangered species. :P

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Seriously, this is pretty screwed up. Once the critter supply starts to dry up, they might start cruising the neighborhoods.



And then the problem will be solved, as people's pet Bushmasters take care of the pythons...


Not for the first time today, I'm asking myself "What the !@#$ is wrong with people?" A Burmese python is an impulse buy???

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And then the problem will be solved, as people's pet Bushmasters take care of the pythons... 


Not for the first time today, I'm asking myself "What the !@#$ is wrong with people?"  A Burmese python is an impulse buy???



Watching too much:


"Isn't shay a beau-tee!"

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Whacking Day should be declared in Florida.


Seriously though why not ban these things as pets?  It's ridiculous to have such a dangerous animal as a pet.



Seriously...are Bumese Pythons dangerous pets? Or just ecologically dangerous ex-pets when idiots release them into the friggin' Everglades?


I've never heard of any instance of a constrictor-type snake kept as a pet that posed any danger to humans, even big snakes. Awkward to keep? Sure. But actually dangerous? Not that I've ever heard. But then, I've also never delved that deeply into the habits of the pet 12-foot Burmese Python, either.



Which makes me think it's not the snakes' fault, but the idiot owners, and we'd be better off banning idiots (I mean, what kind of a sh--head buys a pet snake not even knowing the thing's going to grow over 12 feet long? If you can't answer "How big is this thing going to get?", you have no business buying it.) But then, "banning idiots" is pretty much my answer to everything. :P

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Seriously...are Bumese Pythons dangerous pets?  Or just ecologically dangerous ex-pets when idiots release them into the friggin' Everglades?


I've never heard of any instance of a constrictor-type snake kept as a pet that posed any danger to humans, even big snakes.  Awkward to keep?  Sure.  But actually dangerous?  Not that I've ever heard.  But then, I've also never delved that deeply into the habits of the pet 12-foot Burmese Python, either. 

Which makes me think it's not the snakes' fault, but the idiot owners, and we'd be better off banning idiots (I mean, what kind of a sh--head buys a pet snake not even knowing the thing's going to grow over 12 feet long?  If you can't answer "How big is this thing going to get?", you have no business buying it.)  But then, "banning idiots" is pretty much my answer to everything.   :P



They are very aggressive, and have been known to attack and even kill humans in the wild.

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