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*NSFW* The Redneck Scrapbook *NSFW*


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Some of you may have herad of Neal Boortz. He's a Libertarian/Conservative talk show host and personality down here in Atlanta. He's on CNN every so often and I believe his show is in syndication throughout the country. Anyway, his website is awesome.....I hadn't seen his Redneck Scrapbook before, though, so I was browsing through it and thought this one pic was pretty funny. There are some other really good ones, too.



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If you happen to look through some others, click on the 'grandma' one at your own risk.....I've given you fair warning.....I'm still recovering from that one :rolleyes:

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If you happen to look through some others, click on the 'grandma' one at your own risk.....I've given you fair warning.....I'm still recovering from that one  :rolleyes:


Can't be any worse than the "sidewalk sale one." :lol:

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I like Paris France =) 


Boortz is pretty good. Beats the hell out of that mouthpiece Sean. I put him on the same plane as Rhodes.



Oh man, I lean conservative and even I can't STAND Hannity......Boortz is awesome. YOu know that guy Jamie Dupree? I don't know if you've ever heard him, but he always reports and talks in this stupid drawn out schtick, to the point where it sounded like he was related to Joe Piscopo and Robin Duke. I emailed them a while back and said I couldn't take it anymore, you guys have GOT to get this guy to stop talking in that whiner voice.....they must have gotten other complaints (either that or I'm more powerful than I ever imagined!), cause he talks like a regular person now, lol.

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Oh man, I lean conservative and even I can't STAND Hannity......Boortz is awesome.  YOu know that guy Jamie Dupree? I don't know if you've ever heard him, but he always reports and talks in this stupid drawn out schtick, to the point where it sounded like he was related to Joe Piscopo and Robin Duke. I emailed them a while back and said I couldn't take it anymore, you guys have GOT to get this guy to stop talking in that whiner voice.....they must have gotten other complaints (either that or I'm more powerful than I ever imagined!), cause he talks like a regular person now, lol.



Yeah, I lean that way too and I have to turn him off. Honestly, what the hell gives him the right to classify people as "Great Americans?" He's a talk show host! I flip between him and Rhodes on 1690 on the way home just to see how different - yet oh how very alike - they both are.


Ha, this is Jamie Dupree on News talk 750, dubbble yuuu esss beeeeeee. I hate that. I'd like to punch him in the jaw.


Lots of people live what those guys preach. I remind the guys at work that they're just entertainers all the time. They kinda forget. When the Fair Tax book came out, one guy bought like 5 copies because Boortz said to give it to friends.. when he asked when I'm buying mine (as if NOT buying them made me a bad person) I simply said, "I'm not. I understand how it works. No reason to buy them."


He tried to explain that if it makes it high on the NY Times list, it will draw more attention to the problem and it's not about money.

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Yeah, I lean that way too and I have to turn him off. Honestly, what the hell gives him the right to classify people as "Great Americans?" He's a talk show host!  I flip between him and Rhodes on 1690 on the way home just to see how different - yet oh how very alike - they both are.


Ha, this is Jamie Dupree on News talk 750, dubbble yuuu esss beeeeeee. I hate that. I'd like to punch him in the jaw.


Lots of people live what those guys preach. I remind the guys at work that they're just entertainers all the time. They kinda forget.  When the Fair Tax book came out, one guy bought like 5 copies because Boortz said to give it to friends.. when he asked when I'm buying mine (as if NOT buying them made me a bad person) I simply said, "I'm not. I understand how it works. No reason to buy them."


He tried to explain that if it makes it high on the NY Times list, it will draw more attention to the problem and it's not about money.



I totally agree....that's why I dig Neal....whenever someone starts really singing his praises about being a champion of the issues or whaetver, he's quick to point out that he's only there for entertainment. And by God, his show is damn entertaining :rolleyes: I like it cause it also makes you think, though....it's engaging, not mindless. I used to listen to Rush back in the day, and while I often found his show pretty entertaining, I'd choose Boortz any day.


Nice Jamie Dupree impression, btw....lol

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