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I see ya Higgy!


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Wouldn't it be cool to see Daniel Snyder up in front of congress squirming around saying that he's not trying to force his economics on the Buffalo's of the NFL? I'm sure not much would come out of it. But it would be nice to call out Snyder so we all could villify him. If anything, it would make us feel better.




Also posted on the front of TBD. Just wanted a reference point to this post.

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Only a democrat would oppose this deal, and use it to jump at another opportunity to try and make someone else dependent upon the government. TWO! Count them one-two owners opposed this deal. Thats 30-YES vs. 2-NO as in a 94% majority, and this is unfair? This is what happens in a system where everyone's vote matters the same. Unless D Snyder, Jerry Jones et al went to other "small" market owners and coerced them into accepting this deal is the only instance where any type of investigation would be needed, and that would be done by a law enforcement entity. Checks and balances exist for a reason, Legislative, Judicial and Executive. And Congress legislates they do not enforce! 94% of the freaking owners agreed to it! Congress needs to get the hell out of sports, they are paid by taxpayers to do a "job" and that job is not to act on issues concerning sports. How about dealing with our borders. Also, what do these hearings even accomplish? Pretty much the same thing congress accomplishes anytime they get together and that's nothing. Example:


Senator Blowhard (D-MA): "Mr. Palmeiro. Have you ever taken steroids?"

Palmeiro (steroid user - MD): "I have never taken steroids."

Senator Blowhard: "Um ok...well that's about all we can do. Oh wait you know you're under oath right?"

Palmeiro: "Yeah." (With his fingers crossed under the table)

Blowhard: "Thank you for coming snacks and refreshments will be served outside," gets blindsided by an object that is travelling so fast its just a blur, "whoa Senator Kennedy there's enough for everyone."


Thanks for that tax payer funded game of twenty questions. But at least that wasn't a waste of time.


I know the Bills are a big part of WNY and i would never watch an NFL game with any interest ever again if they moved, but Congress has no place in this situation. This is business and when bigger badder businesses come in sometimes the weaker ones get their clocks cleaned and are closed down. Location has a lot to do with this, and if the Bills are in a poor location and Dan Snyder is in a better location and puts up the money to get that location then that sucks for Ralph.


My last point. I don't believe the Bills are losing money. Its the NFL, the biggest revenue producing sport on the planet. I don't care if Snyder gets more money...you know why? His product produces more revenue than our Bills. I'm sorry but reading that a Congressman my try and have congress step in just pisses me off. Especially when there are thousands of ILLEGAL aliens marching on our streets today showing how inept Congress is by throwing the fact that they are here illegally right back in their faces. Thanks for that brilliant piece of legislation from the sixties that "controlled" immigration, "Swimmer" (that's Ted Kennedy).


GO BILLS (in WNY)!!!

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It's obvious that only TWO owners understood that this deal smelled bad. I mean, have you HEARD and other small market owners come out and say it's a good deal after it was passed? Nope, because they can't, and admitting it was a bad deal makes THEM look like idiots for voting yes.


So in a sense the NFL has no one to blame but themselves. But since Ralph DID vote no and sees some deception and chicanery, he's using EVERY means possible to fight it. And I say YOU GO RALPHIE!


And please don't invoke partisanship here, please. There is a PPP board for that, and this is a fight that should involve ALL politicians.

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