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Only Two Games


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You call yourselves Bills Backers ???? You call yourselves Bills Fans ??????


You think that as long as TD is filling up the stands he doesn't care if the Bills win or loose ??? You think because people like myself still think that the Bills are play off material that we are idiots and you are experts. You listen to radio stations that suggest that they are only being realistic, that the Bills stink, that Bledso is finnished, that the O- line sucks, that the defense is lucky, that the kicker needs to be replaced that TD and Malarky and Ralph all don't know what thay are doing and blah, blah, blah !!!


You listen to radio experts that insist that because we did not play the game or are not on the radio that we don't know as much as they do when they have no more expertise on this matter then to talk about it every day as we do !!!


IT IS ONLY TWO GAMES !!!! Last year everybody screamed that when ever anybody said we are going to the Super Bowl after winning the first game.


I guess it doesn't apply this year ????? Right !


The Bills are going in the right direction. They are building a team the same way the Panthers did last year. Somebody have the guts to look up the Panthers record last year for the first part of the season. You will see it can be done.


And you call yourselves Bills Backers, I don't think so !!!


Bills 27 Pattsies 17 Take it to the bank ! :D

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Although I enjoy your enthousiasm, I can't share it. I am now and will always be a bills fan. that doesn't mean I am going "homer". Drew Bledsoe is done. and for the record I am in Oklahoma so I don't listen to "local buffalo radio" :D

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You call yourselves Bills Backers ???? You call yourselves Bills Fans ??????


You think that as long as TD is filling up the stands he doesn't care if the Bills win or loose ??? You think because people like myself still think that the Bills are play off material that we are idiots and you are experts. You listen to radio stations that suggest that they are only being realistic, that the Bills stink, that Bledso is finnished, that the O- line sucks, that the defense is lucky, that the kicker needs to be replaced that TD and Malarky and Ralph all don't know what thay are doing and blah, blah, blah !!!


You listen to radio experts that insist that because we did not play the game or are not on the radio that we don't know as much as they do when they have no more expertise on this matter then to talk about it every day as we do !!!


IT IS ONLY TWO GAMES !!!! Last year everybody screamed that when ever anybody said we are going to the Super Bowl after winning the first game.


I guess it doesn't apply this year ????? Right !


The Bills are going in the right direction. They are building a team the same way the Panthers did last year. Somebody have the guts to look up the Panthers record last year for the first part of the season. You will see it can be done.


And you call yourselves Bills Backers, I don't think so !!!


Bills 27 Pattsies 17  Take it to the bank !  :D




thanks for the original post.


we get it. Just because some of us have eyes and actually watched the first two games, and saw this pathetic offense, and refuse to be homers, or sheep, we must not be fans, right?


Again, thanks for the 10,000th post with this same message: "You guys arnt Bills fans because you are critical of them."


Well, my criticism shows i care. If i started settling for medicority, I wouldnt be a fan. So, :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:.

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thanks for the original post.


we get it. Just because some of us have eyes and actually watched the first two games, and saw this pathetic offense, and refuse to be homers, or sheep, we must not be fans, right?


Again, thanks for the 10,000th post with this same message: "You guys arnt Bills fans because you are critical of them."


Well, my criticism shows i care. If i started settling for medicority, I wouldnt be a fan. So, :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:.




Amen Steve, couldnt have said it any better...I usally dont send these out but after reading that first post, Ill send one too :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:

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You call yourselves Bills Backers ???? You call yourselves Bills Fans ??????


You think that as long as TD is filling up the stands he doesn't care if the Bills win or loose ??? You think because people like myself still think that the Bills are play off material that we are idiots and you are experts. You listen to radio stations that suggest that they are only being realistic, that the Bills stink, that Bledso is finnished, that the O- line sucks, that the defense is lucky, that the kicker needs to be replaced that TD and Malarky and Ralph all don't know what thay are doing and blah, blah, blah !!!


You listen to radio experts that insist that because we did not play the game or are not on the radio that we don't know as much as they do when they have no more expertise on this matter then to talk about it every day as we do !!!


IT IS ONLY TWO GAMES !!!! Last year everybody screamed that when ever anybody said we are going to the Super Bowl after winning the first game.


I guess it doesn't apply this year ????? Right !


The Bills are going in the right direction. They are building a team the same way the Panthers did last year. Somebody have the guts to look up the Panthers record last year for the first part of the season. You will see it can be done.


And you call yourselves Bills Backers, I don't think so !!!


Bills 27 Pattsies 17  Take it to the bank !  :D



I agree that the Bills are headed in the right direction. They bottomed out last year when the team fired GW.


However, I don't agree with your final diagnosis. There are a LOT of frustrated fans on this board, taking out their aggressions on one another. That doesn't make them any less of a fan than you or I.


Lastly, I disagree with the prediction...I think the Bills fall to 0-3, but play much harder than many believe they will.


For the third week in a row, the Bills lose, 13-10.



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Who's bailing? I think lots of us--me included--are just airing our frustration over a pathetic offense, penalties, poor execution and a good defense that can't make the stops when it needs to. This doesn't change the fact that I still wear my Moulds jersey and scream like hell at the TV every Sunday. I'm a Bills fan, but a realist.

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thanks for the original post.


we get it. Just because some of us have eyes and actually watched the first two games, and saw this pathetic offense, and refuse to be homers, or sheep, we must not be fans, right?


Again, thanks for the 10,000th post with this same message: "You guys arnt Bills fans because you are critical of them."


Well, my criticism shows i care. If i started settling for medicority, I wouldnt be a fan. So, :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:.




I personally have no problem with bills fans critising the team (if they are right)....I just hate to see opposing teams fans doing it and TBD'rs saying "yep...yep....we suck"

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thanks for the original post.


we get it. Just because some of us have eyes and actually watched the first two games, and saw this pathetic offense, and refuse to be homers, or sheep, we must not be fans, right?


Again, thanks for the 10,000th post with this same message: "You guys arnt Bills fans because you are critical of them."


Well, my criticism shows i care. If i started settling for medicority, I wouldnt be a fan. So, :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:.


I never knew why your name is used for a certain word but I do now. All your posts lately are stevestojan!!! :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:

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You call yourselves Bills Backers ???? You call yourselves Bills Fans ??????


You think that as long as TD is filling up the stands he doesn't care if the Bills win or loose ??? You think because people like myself still think that the Bills are play off material that we are idiots and you are experts. You listen to radio stations that suggest that they are only being realistic, that the Bills stink, that Bledso is finnished, that the O- line sucks, that the defense is lucky, that the kicker needs to be replaced that TD and Malarky and Ralph all don't know what thay are doing and blah, blah, blah !!!


You listen to radio experts that insist that because we did not play the game or are not on the radio that we don't know as much as they do when they have no more expertise on this matter then to talk about it every day as we do !!!


IT IS ONLY TWO GAMES !!!! Last year everybody screamed that when ever anybody said we are going to the Super Bowl after winning the first game.


I guess it doesn't apply this year ????? Right !


The Bills are going in the right direction. They are building a team the same way the Panthers did last year. Somebody have the guts to look up the Panthers record last year for the first part of the season. You will see it can be done.


And you call yourselves Bills Backers, I don't think so !!!




Come on man.....


We are all Bills fans. We know this game and we know our team. Nothing would make me happier than to see the Bills win on Sunday but we are here to talk football not conduct mindless cheerleading. The Pats are, IMHO, the best team in the AFC. The Bills are a just a bad football team right now. They are playing sloppy, mistake filled football. They are not ready on O and the D is not good enough to carry them.


That is just the truth.....What else can I say?

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Come on man.....


We are all Bills fans.  We know this game and we know our team.  Nothing would make me happier than to see the Bills win on Sunday but we are here to talk football not conduct mindless cheerleading.  The Pats are, IMHO, the best team in the AFC.  The Bills are a just a bad football team right now.  They are playing sloppy, mistake filled football.  They are not ready on O and the D is not good enough to carry them.


That is just the truth.....What else can I say?


Soooo..you're saying all hope is lost and we're gonna finish 0 and 16? Our players are mindless and can not improve from week to week? Sheeesh...Too many pessimists posting here.

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Although I enjoy your enthousiasm, I can't share it. I am now and will always be a bills fan. that doesn't mean I am going "homer".  Drew Bledsoe is done. and for the record I am in Oklahoma so I don't listen to "local buffalo radio"  :D



Thinking about the other thread, you ever seriously consider leaving Tulsa? Sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do. There's a lot of work in No. VA, DC (not that we'd actually want you around, but it's a big town) but it's something to consider. Not all government, either. Lot's of big companies call this home. A hell of a lot of it is IT stevestojan.

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thanks for the original post.


we get it. Just because some of us have eyes and actually watched the first two games, and saw this pathetic offense, and refuse to be homers, or sheep, we must not be fans, right?


Again, thanks for the 10,000th post with this same message: "You guys arnt Bills fans because you are critical of them."


Well, my criticism shows i care. If i started settling for medicority, I wouldnt be a fan. So, :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:.



My question -- we looked unbeatable after two weeks last season, and then the wheels fell off. If that can happen, why can't the opposite happen? We regroup after the bye and light the league up. Hmm?



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You call yourselves Bills Backers ???? You call yourselves Bills Fans ??????


You think that as long as TD is filling up the stands he doesn't care if the Bills win or loose ??? You think because people like myself still think that the Bills are play off material that we are idiots and you are experts. You listen to radio stations that suggest that they are only being realistic, that the Bills stink, that Bledso is finnished, that the O- line sucks, that the defense is lucky, that the kicker needs to be replaced that TD and Malarky and Ralph all don't know what thay are doing and blah, blah, blah !!!


You listen to radio experts that insist that because we did not play the game or are not on the radio that we don't know as much as they do when they have no more expertise on this matter then to talk about it every day as we do !!!


IT IS ONLY TWO GAMES !!!! Last year everybody screamed that when ever anybody said we are going to the Super Bowl after winning the first game.


I guess it doesn't apply this year ????? Right !


The Bills are going in the right direction. They are building a team the same way the Panthers did last year. Somebody have the guts to look up the Panthers record last year for the first part of the season. You will see it can be done.


And you call yourselves Bills Backers, I don't think so !!!


Bills 27 Pattsies 17  Take it to the bank !  ;)



Watch that broad stroke fella. There are some here that are not bailing on this team before the biggest game of the season. I'm one of the peeps that see very little difference between the darlings of the league Jaguars and the Buffalo Bills. The Bills just need a shot of confidence to get the ball rolling and have a very good chance at upsetting the Pats this weekend. If they erupt like I think they will, I see the final score 20-10.

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The point is Two games, Two games !!!


The point is not- Who are the better fans crying or- we see things better then you or- we are not homers so we must be smarter then you about football !


The point is TWO games just TWO games. We all see the same problems as you so called experts, but we chose to wait until more then TWO games to join you in complaining and crying about it.


The point is you guys are more interested in being able to say to the rest of us, I was first to tell everybody on this board of all the problems the Bills have and you should have listened to me. See I am an expert !!!!


In your zeal to be first to tell the rest of us how good you are at knowing all the problems the Bills are going through you are showing to all of us that your real purpose to B word and complain on this board is about you.


I will join you in bitching and complaining about the Bills but it will be when the Bills have no chance of making the playoffs not after TWO games into the season.


Hey Steve your personal attacks and use of the orange face shows the rest of us on this board that you do not have the ability to show your displeasure with a post other then to act like a child. That is a shame!


I bet your answer will be another orange face, don't disappoint me- I'm sure your mother would be upset if you did.

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