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BTW, how do folks feel about the rallies?

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Tough to do when law enforcement and the INS look to be complicit in this mess.  Talk about a golden opportunity to ask for green cards.


Its all a big joke, once their in they stay untill they want to leave........ Being on construction job sites, you get to know em.... I know a few that got busted by local cops for weed, or open container, enough to sit in the jail for a week... Then the judge fines them for the offence, but does not hold them for being an illegal immigrant....There was a sheriff in ipswich N.H. that arested an illegal for driving without a licsence, and then tried to deport him... Ins couldnt help or wouldnt, just a big joke....Whats the lesson for american kids in school, learn spanish and take business classes, and do what american buisness owners do, take advantage.......

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I'll never forget riding down I-10, and getting stopped at a roadblock near a weigh station in New Mexico so the Hispanic/American border patrolman could question my natural blonde blue-eyed wife on her citizenship while a few dozen cars filled with dark haired olive skinned peoples merrily got waved on through.


Worker complaceny is an American Standard, doesn't help to have a pretty wife.


I-10, should be renamed the illegal immigraton highway....The mexicans I know made it to newengland via i-10, with stops in ark. tenn. fla. then north via 95....

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Even the Koreans? Or the Costa Ricans? Or the Peruvians?  Or the Irish kids over here in Boston?  Send any and all undocumented workers to Mexico?




Why not? They are here illegally. Do we have an obligation to send them to the country of their choice?? :lol:

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Why not?  They are here illegally.  Do we have an obligation to send them to the country of their choice??    :lol:



I was ripping on Wacka's obvious delusion that they all come from Mexico (as in ethnically), which couldn't be more absurd.

Irish immigrants rally against proposed law

"It would mean that the [undocumented] Irish waitress serving in the bar is a criminal and anyone who harbors or helps her is a criminal," said Breandan Magee spokesman for Chicago Irish Immigrant Support (CIIS).


There are approximately 1 million persons of Irish heritage in the Chicago area, according to John Gerald McLaughlin author of "Irish Chicago." Of these, CIIS estimates up to 5,000 persons may be undocumented. A spokeswoman for the Irish consulate in Chicago said it estimates there are currently 25,000 illegal Irish immigrants across the United States.


Other ethnic groups to join rallies

The recent demonstrations by hundreds of thousands of immigration supporters appeared to have one distinct face: Latino. But members of Asian, African, Haitian, and other ethnic groups say that is an illusion that they will dispel by pouring out in large numbers at rallies planned for today.


Koreans said they will march in Philadelphia and Los Angeles, banging traditional protest drums. Chinese activists said they will parade in Chinatowns in San Francisco, New York, Chicago, and Philadelphia. Haitians said they will be heard in Miami and New York. Africans will be among the tens of thousands expected to gather at the Washington Monument.


Asian groups have become particularly concerned about immigration as the United States steps up its efforts to deport undocumented Chinese and Korean immigrants. The Department of Homeland Security recently said it is close to an agreement with China over the repatriation of about 39,000 Chinese immigrants.


Korean activists said families have been torn apart when immigrant parents were deported while their American-born children remained in the United States.


In Washington, Chuks D. Eleonu, president of African-PAC, said his African immigrants group contacted the Arlington, Va.-based Ethiopian Community Development Council last week to help distribute fliers in English, Swahili, and French and bring Africans to the Mall.


Jocelyn McCalla, executive director of the National Coalition of Haitian Rights, said his group alone will bring about 2,000 Haitians to a rally at New York's Liberty State Park, not including other Caribbean immigrants.


This isn't just about "mexicans standing around outside Home Depot." It includes many nationalities. How many people would be behind expelling 25,000-plus irish immigrants?

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I was ripping on Wacka's obvious delusion that they all come from Mexico (as in ethnically), which couldn't be more absurd.

Irish immigrants rally against proposed law

Other ethnic groups to join rallies

This isn't just about "mexicans standing around outside Home Depot."  It includes many nationalities.  How many people would be behind expelling 25,000-plus irish immigrants?



That's not the issue, you know it, but no one can stop you from it either.


Reality vs. rhetoric check?


I bet so many people are really cranked up off those illegal Costa Ricans.

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This isn't just about "mexicans standing around outside Home Depot."  It includes many nationalities.  How many people would be behind expelling 25,000-plus irish immigrants?



Me. Being Irish myself, with a mother living in the US who is a non-citizen but has a greencard, I say if they find any fellow Micks who are here illegally to ship their asses home too.

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That's not the issue, you know it, but no one can stop you from it either.


Reality vs. rhetoric check?


I bet so many people are really cranked up off those illegal Costa Ricans.


Come on, Paul. Wacka made the statement. I pointed out how dumb it is. How is his "send' em all back to mexico" not rhetoric, and my pointing out that the hot irish barmaid he buys his Guiness pints from will be serving them in warmer climes, rhetoric?

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How many people would be behind expelling 25,000-plus irish immigrants?



That's nothing Johnny. They speak english and contribute to the economy by renting at least 10,000 apartments. The Mexicans don't speak english and 25,000 of them contribute to the economy by renting what, 4 apartments. :lol:

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Even the Koreans? Or the Costa Ricans? Or the Peruvians?  Or the Irish kids over here in Boston?  Send any and all undocumented workers to Mexico?



Yep.. Get 'em out of the country. It's their problem how to get back to their home country, not ours.

Illegal is illegal.

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I was ripping on Wacka's obvious delusion that they all come from Mexico (as in ethnically), which couldn't be more absurd.

Irish immigrants rally against proposed law

Other ethnic groups to join rallies

This isn't just about "mexicans standing around outside Home Depot."  It includes many nationalities.  How many people would be behind expelling 25,000-plus irish immigrants?



Which brings to mind a question: how many people bitching that illegal immigrants should be sent home were bitching when an illegal immigrant named Elian Gonzales was sent home? :lol:

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Which brings to mind a question: how many people bitching that illegal immigrants should be sent home were bitching when an illegal immigrant named Elian Gonzales was sent home?  :lol:


:pirate: I love it.


This is just the latest wedge issue dreamed up by the politicians. It was amusing last evening to hear the evening news open stating that "13% of Americans think undocumented aliens are an issue...". WTF - that means 87% don't give a rat's ass. So then why is it the lead story???? hmmmm


The fact is that THE LAWS ARE ON THE BOOKS. Tell the pro-business politicians to start enforcing them even though it WILL mean that their buddies have to pay ... gulp ... full minimum wage to Murkins. And if they can't fill the jobs then, well...gulp...they'll have to raise the minimum wage so that Murkins will want the jobs!


Let's see...whatever happened to gay marriage? That served its purpose in 2004. I guess that those evil undocumented aliens are needed to distract the voting public from the dismal 30% Congressional approval rating that will come into play this fall.


How stupid are we really? I guess we'll find out.

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:lol: I love it.


This is just the latest wedge issue dreamed up by the politicians.  It was amusing last evening to hear the evening news open stating that "13% of Americans think undocumented aliens are an issue...".  WTF - that means 87% don't give a rat's ass.  So then why is it the lead story???? hmmmm


The fact is that THE LAWS ARE ON THE BOOKS.  Tell the pro-business politicians to start enforcing them even though it WILL mean that their buddies have to pay ... gulp ... full minimum wage to Murkins.  And if they can't fill the jobs then, well...gulp...they'll have to raise the minimum wage so that Murkins will want the jobs!


Let's see...whatever happened to gay marriage?  That served its purpose in 2004.  I guess that those evil undocumented aliens are needed to distract the voting public from the dismal 30% Congressional approval rating that will come into play this fall.


How stupid are we really?  I guess we'll find out.



And you know...I can't even figure out how the partisanship plays out in this "issue". All I know is:


1) The Administration has offered a "work for citizenship" plan

2) I like the plan

3) I don't trust them to implement it

4) Congress is full of idiots

5) I, a law-abiding tax paying citizen, had a 14-over speeding ticket upped to a reckless driving conviction due to a court error, while the uninsured drunk illegal alien who wrecked my brand new car and fled the scene two days later got off scott free because the cops "didn't want to get him deported". That's seriously !@#$ed up.


And yes, I got the reckless driving conviction overturned on appeal. But it's still bull sh--.

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I would like to direct this to the distinguished members of the panel: You lousy corksuckers. You have violated my farging rights. Dis somanumbatching country was founded so that the liberties of common patriotic citizens like me could not be taken away by a bunch of fargin iceholes... like yourselves.

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My favorite headline on CNN.com tonight:


Illegal Immigrants Unite to Demand Rights


Hundreds of thousands of protesters demanded Monday that illegal immigrants get a chance to live the American dream -- as politicians argue over competing visions for immigration reform. "We come to this country not to take from America, but to make America strong," said one organizer


DEMAND?? Demand something they will automatically get when the become legal, through the proper channels? I just don't get it. And we sit back and allow this? When's the counter protests? If there is on out here I'm in.

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