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Mr. Wilson


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Merge if you must, but I am really concerned about the latest events surounding our beloved teams owner. Is it me or does anyone else out there think that just maybe Mr. Wilson wants to be the ONLY owner of the Buffalo Bills? In the past he has indicated that at some point he would have to look for people to sell his team to. This would be needed because he was not going to to leave it to his family, primarily due to taxes. He witnessed what happened to the Washington Redskins when there long time owner tried to leave the the team to his son, it just was not financially possible. The Redskins had to be sold to an outsider, bring in Dan Snyder. What gets me wondering is that Mr. Wilson is now questioning whether "anyone" can own the Bills in Buffalo under the current finacial rules of the NFL. So while he wonders this, he drops hints that the team might have to be moved in order for him (his family) to make proper money (my words), this while he surrounds himself with New York Pols and pleads poverty.


Please Mr. Wilson, don't make these assumptions about possible owners. Gollisano, Kelly and Kemp have all said they will do what they have to, to keep the Bills in Buffalo. The only one hinting that the Bills might not be able to stay in Buffalo is Mr. Wilson. I'm sorry to say this but his hinting, while correct about the NFL's revenue sharing, is starting to sound pretty selfish. Maybe it's not fair to call the long time owner selfish, but he can't cry about possibly not being able to afford to keep the team in Buffalo and then imply that no one else could keep the team here either. The man is nearly 90 years old, reservations are being made for him at the great luxury box in the sky, he is not a 50 plus year old owner who could arguably say; "look I want to own this team, I'm not selling it to anyone, but I can't afford to stay in Buffalo so I'm packing the Mayflower vans and moving to "X" city." He is a 90 year old man who has served this team and this community well for a long time, he can't take the team with him, but he can take his legacy, his legacy should be that he always did what was best for the team and the city of Buffalo.









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