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It's time for a rally

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I wonder if we can get the Bills Backers chapters to coordinate a day of support for the Bills? Let's say a main rally in the RWS parking lot. We can call and get some Buffalo celebrities to show up (Russert, Goo Goo Dolls, etc.) Meanwhile, satellite rallys in Boston, New York, Atlanta, Charlotte, anywhere where there is a strong Bills Backer chapter and a large Buffalo ex-pat community, could be held.


People forget how many ex-Buffalonians are spread all over the country. We could make an impressive display, showing that Bills nation extends nationwide (if not world-wide!)


All the "fans" who have already thrown in the towel can stay home.



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I wonder if we can get the Bills Backers chapters to coordinate a day of support for the Bills?  Let's say a main rally in the RWS parking lot.  We can call and get some Buffalo celebrities to show up (Russert, Goo Goo Dolls, etc.)  Meanwhile, satellite rallys in Boston, New York, Atlanta, Charlotte, anywhere where there is a strong Bills Backer chapter and a large Buffalo ex-pat community, could be held.


People forget how many ex-Buffalonians are spread all over the country.  We could make an impressive display, showing that Bills nation extends nationwide (if not world-wide!)


All the "fans" who have already thrown in the towel can stay home.





While I've never been partial to rallies and the like, I do think the whole situation does need to receive attention. Kraft et al. aren't going to feel sorry for Buffalo fans, but people may take notice of the economic impact on WNY.


I personally see it as another part of WNY's slow death. I don't view it so much as an effort to save our team, but a possible turning point for the area. If the team goes, the area is as good as done; RWS will become yet another Bethlehem Steel/Buffalo Malting. Time for the suits to show us how much they really care for the area.


If they move away, my quest to move back at some point will probably wilt quite a bit as that would remove a bit part of the "home" feeling for me. The Bills really do make up a very bit part of WNY's identity. It's like Miami without Ocean St, Los Angles without Hollywood, and NYC without the Statue of Liberty.


Lastly, I'm not sure how much pull out-of-towners have on this one as that underscores the fact that the area is indeed *shrinking*. It wouldn't such a "small market" if the area had something monetary to offer it's residents to begin with.


/rant off.



Edit.. if it does come down to it, I'll do what I can to help. As I'm not a constituent of the area I'm not sure how much help my efforts would be, unfortunately.

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While I've never been partial to rallies and the like, I do think the whole situation does need to receive attention. Kraft et al. aren't going to feel sorry for Buffalo fans, but people may take notice of the economic impact on WNY.


I personally see it as another part of WNY's slow death.  I don't view it so much as an effort to save our team, but a possible turning point for the area.  If the team goes, the area is as good as done; RWS will become yet another Bethlehem Steel/Buffalo Malting.  Time for the suits to show us how much they really care for the area.


If they move away, my quest to move back at some point will probably wilt quite a bit as that would remove a bit part of the "home" feeling for me. The Bills really do make up a very bit part of WNY's identity.  It's like Miami without Ocean St, Los Angles without Hollywood, and NYC without the Statue of Liberty.


Lastly, I'm not sure how much pull out-of-towners have on this one as that underscores the fact that the area is indeed *shrinking*.  It wouldn't such a "small market" if the area had something monetary to offer it's residents to begin with.


/rant off.



Edit.. if it does come down to it, I'll do what I can to help.  As I'm not a constituent of the area I'm not sure how much help my efforts would be, unfortunately.



I think satellite rallies show that the Bills do have a national following. The perception is that only Buffalo loves the Bills. One of the dirty secrets of politics is that you don't need a lot of people to look like a movement. You just have to have some coordination and make a lot of noise. The media eats stuff like that up.



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Here are some better ideas for a rally.


How about one to :


Hire more police officers?


Hire more teachers for the over crowded schools?


Pay raises for city employees?


Increase the State low test scores in our schools?


If Ralph wants to make more money then raise ticket prices. It's what a free market economy is all about. No more corporate wellfare for billionaires.


I'm sick of billionaire owners complaining how much the millionaire players make. :(

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I think satellite rallies show that the Bills do have a national following.  The perception is that only Buffalo loves the Bills.  One of the dirty secrets of politics is that you don't need a lot of people to look like a movement.  You just have to have some coordination and make a lot of noise.  The media eats stuff like that up.






Right, but does the national following really matter? It's a problem of local market size and the ability to sustain the business without the revenue sharing, right?


Everyone knows the Bills have a bit national following. That's the problem. The fan base isn't concentrated enough in the WNY for the team to be self-sustaining.


Yes? No? Am I missing it completely?



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Here are some better ideas for a rally.


How about one to :


Hire more police officers?


Hire more teachers for the over crowded schools?


Pay raises for city employees?


Increase the State low test scores in our schools?


If Ralph wants to make more money then raise ticket prices. It's what a free market economy is all about. No more corporate wellfare for billionaires.


I'm sick of billionaire owners complaining how much the millionaire players make.  :(



I would believe that if Ralph was all about the money, we would have been seeing the Charlotte Bills going to 4 Superbowls, instead of the Buffalo Bills. Aging stadium, no real support for State and Local financing to build a new stadium, Charlotte with a hunger for a football team, and plans for a great new stadium, etc.


Although your ideas for other rallies make perfect sense, was was stated above makes more sense to not only Bills fans, but to the makeup of Buffalo.


If they move away, my quest to move back at some point will probably wilt quite a bit as that would remove a bit part of the "home" feeling for me. The Bills really do make up a very bit part of WNY's identity. It's like Miami without Ocean St, Los Angles without Hollywood, and NYC without the Statue of Liberty.
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Everyone knows the Bills have a bit national following. That's the problem. The fan base isn't concentrated enough in the WNY for the team to be self-sustaining.



This brings up a great question. I know the national T.V./Radio market ratings do not include Southern Ontario. Does NFL Numbers in terms of "fanbase" include all those from Canada that make the trek to Orchard Park?

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Here are some better ideas for a rally.


How about one to :


Hire more police officers?


Hire more teachers for the over crowded schools?


Pay raises for city employees?


Increase the State low test scores in our schools?


If Ralph wants to make more money then raise ticket prices. It's what a free market economy is all about. No more corporate wellfare for billionaires.


I'm sick of billionaire owners complaining how much the millionaire players make.  :(



Whoa whoa whoa! So you're saying WNY needs more municipal employees and that they need to make *more* money? I'll tell you, half the prob... :lol::( I'm kidding.


I agree with you 100% in theory, unfortunately. Raise prices. If the economy can't sustain the costs, find one that can. But the last thing you're going to get here is an unbiased opinion. In this case? Tax the hell out of Oregon to pay for OBD for all I care.



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I would believe that if Ralph was all about the money, we would have been seeing the Charlotte Bills going to 4 Superbowls, instead of the Buffalo Bills.  Aging stadium, no real support for State and Local financing to build a new stadium, Charlotte with a hunger for a football team, and plans for a great new stadium, etc. 


Although your ideas for other rallies make perfect sense, was was stated above makes more sense to not only Bills fans, but to the makeup of Buffalo.




The make up of Buffalo? Isn't a bit strange that losing the Bills will cause people to get involved yet no one cares that the County and City are under Controls Boards?


It would suck if the Bills had to move. But the Bills don't make our city safer. They don't make our kids smarter. They don't cause us to have lower taxes. And lets face facts. The Bills have Zero economic impact within the City Limits on game day. This off season alone Erie County is spending millions of our tax dollars making sure all the toilets at the Ralph flush properly and other repairs.


Enough is enough. WNY just doesn't have the money to give away to a billionaire NFL owner. :(

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The make up of Buffalo? Isn't a bit strange that losing the Bills will cause people to get involved yet no one cares that the County and City are under Controls Boards?


It would suck if the Bills had to move. But the Bills don't make our city safer. They don't make our kids smarter. They don't cause us to have lower taxes. And lets face facts. The Bills have Zero economic impact within the City Limits on game day. This off season alone Erie County is spending millions of our tax dollars making sure all the toilets at the Ralph flush properly and other repairs.


Enough is enough. WNY just doesn't have the money to give away to a billionaire NFL owner.  :(



Yet people do care. If you want to point to a single cause to make your case, look at Giambra. He was all about consolidation, and look at where Buffalo and Erie County are now.


I still have family and good friends in Buffalo, and they care. The city does care about the level of crime and lack of money the region has. The area is depressed, which makes the Bills and the Sabres all that much more important to the region. Many in the area have to save for a long time just to take a vacation. Many forego vacations in order to buy season tickets for the Bills. Loosing the Bills in Buffalo would make Buffalo and Erie County a ghost town. That sounds silly, but that is a possibility.

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Here are some better ideas for a rally.


How about one to :


Hire more police officers?


Hire more teachers for the over crowded schools?


Pay raises for city employees?


Increase the State low test scores in our schools?


If Ralph wants to make more money then raise ticket prices. It's what a free market economy is all about. No more corporate wellfare for billionaires.


I'm sick of billionaire owners complaining how much the millionaire players make.  :(


All those problems aren't the Bills fault. But if Buffalo is going to every be fixed, the Bills are an important part of the solution. The Bills are a big attraction for any new business looking to relocate. Why not fold the Sabres while we're at it? That will really fix the schools! :lol:



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Having lived in or been closely affiliated with several towns that wanted and/or got a major sports franchise (Memphis, Nashville, Houston, Charlotte), I can tell you that keeping the Bills in Buffalo definitely has to be an integral part of the City's future.


If the Bills leave, the city will regret it for years. I agree, a pro team doesn't fix the schools, or the crime rate or anything like that. However, when you're trying to build a city and/or attract business, having a major sports team is huge. The Bills may not bring in tons of cash to downtown Buffalo, but I have no doubt what so ever that they bring enormous money into the 'area". Just think about it, how many 100's of millions of dollars does it take to run the team - where does the majority of that money go? To Buffalo and the surrounding area. Look at all the businesses in thearea that benefit each Sunday.


Yes, there may be other more important issues that face a declining metropolitan area. But a major sports franchise, such as the Bills, is integral to the viability of the area and ultimately fixing those other issues.

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Here are some better ideas for a rally.


How about one to :


Hire more police officers?


Hire more teachers for the over crowded schools?


Pay raises for city employees?


Increase the State low test scores in our schools?


If Ralph wants to make more money then raise ticket prices. It's what a free market economy is all about. No more corporate wellfare for billionaires.


I'm sick of billionaire owners complaining how much the millionaire players make.  <_<


I've never lived in the state of New York, much less the city of Buffalo, in my entire life. Plus, I've got my own taxes to pay down here in PA. (Including some that helped build new football stadiums in Philly and Pittsburgh, incidentally.)


I should care about what Buffalo city employees make?

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Right, but does the national following really matter?  It's a problem of local market size and the ability to sustain the business without the revenue sharing, right?


Everyone knows the Bills have a bit national following. That's the problem. The fan base isn't concentrated enough in the WNY for the team to be self-sustaining.


Yes? No? Am I missing it completely?





I am not an economist, but I think that the national following HAS to matter to the local economy to some degree.


For 12 consecutive, our foursome has made the trip to Buffalo for one game, and we spend approx. $600.00 each. Our expenses include gas, hotels, food purchases, bills clothes, beer, car rentals, etc. It adds up, and there are thousands like us.


How many people at the TBD tailgate alone are NOT from WNY!? Not every game we attended was a sellout. In this sense, out of town money is all gravy if you will to Mr. Wilson and the economy of WNY.


One more thing....the Bills imo do a poor job of marketing tickets. GHost told me that blocks of good seats are sold to brokers, who in turn sell them (to me and others) for higher prices. Last season, we spent 90 dollars per ticket to sit on the 50, 22 rows up in the upper deck. This is WAY above face value. While I am fine with this, the Bills should be making this extra money, not brokers! How? You tell me.


The recent posts about the Bills leaving are very disturbing. The franchise needs fresh ideas to get stronger, and keep this thing that we cherish in WNY.

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