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And your reason for saying we need a better GM is that Marv failed miserably at the last GM position he held. :P



Which he did, if you look at the history. But no, that's not my point either. This team, for whatever reason *cough*Ralph*cough* has over its entire existence brought in hass-been, never-was or nobody head coaches. Never once since I've been a fan (over the past, oh, 20 years or so) have they brought in a top-tier coach. Don't give me Marv, either. NOBODY thought highly of him prior to his stay here.


And that's just the coaches. need we discuss barber?



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Thanks for the recommendation. I'll surely take it to heart.


Want my detailed laundry list?


1) This team has an overall lack of talent when compared with 2/3 of the league. For a decade we've had the worst OL in our division, and it shows. We've had a parade of QBs in here since Kelly, and none of them amounted to a bucket of sh--. We haven't had a top-tier DE since Bruce Smith retired.




2) Ralph Wilson complains about his lot in life. Wow, must be tough to be a billionaire professional sports franchise owner. I'm not sure how i'd ever manage. This PC was a set-up. He's setting the stage for a buyout of his lease and a move of the team.




3) We have a fanbase with the blinders on. It's a fact, one need only look around in here. To people like you and some of the others. We have a fanbase that puts up with more bad football than any other NFL team, save for Cleveland, maybe.




Thanks for listening.



There's a big difference between walking around like a bunch of lemmings with "blinders on" and being optimistic (realistic or not) for the beginning of a new season. If we all took such a glass is half empty everything about this team sucks attitude then there would never be any successes. You would never see an underdog pull off an upset, David would never beat Goliath, a fifth round draft choice would never be a mutliple Super Bowl MVP, and the sun would never rise because it knows it's just going to have to set again in 12 hours. The point isn't about calling out every deficiency and ranting about how you want the new shiny toy that your neighbor just bought. It's about strapping it on and going at it, sometimes you win, sometimes you lose, but you have a blast along the way. I consider myself to be an educated man, and just because I have a little faith and optimism that Maybe JP can come around and maybe we can stop the run this year, I don't think that qualifies me as a sleeping mullet. Now we have all had to watch a deplorable line for the last decade, and a rotating carousel of coaches and QB's so you're reason for apprehension is not unfounded. However to be a complete defeatest to every new move that is made or isn't made makes for a long season. It's football, no one holds a gun to your head to watch it. Sometimes you have to let the dust settle and you're surprised at who you see still standing.

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Which he did, if you look at the history. But no, that's not my point either. This team, for whatever reason *cough*Ralph*cough* has over its entire existence brought in hass-been, never-was or nobody head coaches. Never once since I've been a fan (over the past, oh, 20 years or so) have they brought in a top-tier coach. Don't give me Marv, either. NOBODY thought highly of him prior to his stay here.


And that's just the coaches. need we discuss barber?





Eh, the player's haircuts might suffer some, but a no-name barber really isn't that big of a deal.

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Which he did, if you look at the history. But no, that's not my point either. This team, for whatever reason *cough*Ralph*cough* has over its entire existence brought in hass-been, never-was or nobody head coaches. Never once since I've been a fan (over the past, oh, 20 years or so) have they brought in a top-tier coach. Don't give me Marv, either. NOBODY thought highly of him prior to his stay here.


And that's just the coaches. need we discuss barber?





Wow, you are an idiot.


Your argument about Marv is really a clear indication of your IQ. Using your reasoning, the Belichek sucks too. No one thought that highly of him before he was the pats coach, we all know how good he was in Cleveland.


How can you even say your a Bills fan?

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There's a big difference between walking around like a bunch of lemmings with "blinders on" and being optimistic (realistic or not) for the beginning of a new season.  If we all took such a glass is half empty everything about this team sucks attitude then there would never be any successes. You would never see an underdog pull off an upset, David would never beat Goliath, a fifth round draft choice would never be a mutliple Super Bowl MVP, and the sun would never rise because it knows it's just going to have to set again in 12 hours.  The point isn't about calling out every deficiency and ranting about how you want the new shiny toy that your neighbor just bought.  It's about strapping it on and going at it, sometimes you win, sometimes you lose, but you have a blast along the way.  I consider myself to be an educated man, and just because I have a little faith and optimism that Maybe JP can come around and maybe we can stop the run this year, I don't think that qualifies me as a sleeping mullet.  Now we have all had to watch a deplorable line for the last decade, and a rotating carousel of coaches and QB's so you're reason for apprehension is not unfounded. However to be a complete defeatest to every new move that is made or isn't made makes for a long season.  It's football, no one holds a gun to your head to watch it.  Sometimes you have to let the dust settle and you're surprised at who you see still standing.



Heh. Well, let's see. I had hope when Marv retired and wade started up. I had hope when we ditched Clod tollins for Rob Flutie. I had hope when those two jackasses were sent packing, and TD came in. I had hope when we brought in Bledsoe. I had hope when they fired GW. I tried to have hope when they hired Mularkey. And that's just the past decade. I'm tired of hope.


I want results.


but thank you for a relatively civil post. Compared to these other...people, that was well-written and well thought out.

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Wow, you are an idiot.


Your argument about Marv is really a clear indication of your IQ.  Using your reasoning, the Belichek sucks too.  No one thought that highly of him before he was the pats coach, we all know how good he was in Cleveland.


How can you even say your a Bills fan?





Well, let's have a little chat about Marv and belichick, shall we?


What's the one thing that marv and belichick have in common as coaches? They both did shiat before they fell into a situation where they had a hall--of-fame QB. Only difference is, Belichick was able to get the most out of his.

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Boy, all of my favorites in ONE THREAD!


this must be my lucky day...





Just having a little fun!


But seriously.... if Ralph wanted to move the team, he would have done so a long time ago. There's no way that at his age he is angling to move to Los Angeles. Especially after voting against previous franchise moves. You are just being a wee bit paranoid on this one.....

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Just having a little fun!


But seriously.... if Ralph wanted to move the team, he would have done so a long time ago.  There's no way that at his age he is angling to move to Los Angeles.  Especially after voting against previous franchise moves.    You are just being a wee bit paranoid on this one.....



maybe. But Ralph, by the sounds and looks of it, isn't gonna last more than 3-4 years. At that point, all bets are off.

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