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LOST 2.18 Discussion Thread

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Does no one wonder where the food drop came from? No one heard a plane people. Were they on the island already, meaning, maybe someone ELSE put them there... :(



C'mon MadCap enjoy the show! I bet you are a real treat Christmas day...

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I'm with you. And WTF is Hurley doing just trashing all his hoarded food? Ummm...maybe some of the other crash survivors would have appreciated it (Hurley and Libby didn't know about the air-dropped food at the time)? I went from liking the guy to thinking he was a prick with that scene.


Where the hell is Desmond?


Why didn't Locke tell anyone about the Black Light map?


Jack asks Ana Lucia to start up an army. Looks like they haven't done schit about it since then.


The 3 chicks go and check out the medical research hatch and what, didn't tell anyone about it?

To me the writers of the show have begun to think of themselves as too clever by half and keep adding more and more crap to the show when we had plenty of red meat to keep us busy to begin with. When the show first started it was rumored that it was only supposed to last 2-3 seasons, but at this rate it's going to take 10 seasons to tie it up. It's starting to get a little ridiculous.



I was wondering what happend to 2 characters who were on the show last season and some this year. I dont know if anyone will remember them, i think they had small roles and didnt add much to the storyline.


their names were MICHAEL and WALT.

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I was wondering what happend to 2 characters who were on the show last season and some this year. I dont know if anyone will remember them, i think they had small roles and didnt add much to the storyline.


their names were MICHAEL and WALT.



Isn't next week's show about Jack trying to trade Gale for Walt?

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What the hell happened to that giant, white monster that they kept showing in the shows previews before it came out?


Didn't Libby state that she was a psychologist at one point in the show?


When will they explain how Locke became paralyzed and then magically was healed on the island?


There are so many questions and the writers just keep offering up more. I would love to see a 2 hour special just to tie up some of these loose ends.

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What the hell happened to that giant, white monster that they kept showing in the shows previews before it came out?

That was a Polar Bear. Already covered.

Didn't Libby state that she was a psychologist at one point in the show?


When will they explain how Locke became paralyzed and then magically was healed on the island?


There are so many questions and the writers just keep offering up more. I would love to see a 2 hour special just to tie up some of these loose ends.


If they did that, they wouldn't have a show. There are no "loose ends". Everything that happens on that show happens for a reason, that is the beauty of it.

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That was a Polar Bear. Already covered.


If they did that, they wouldn't have a show. There are no "loose ends". Everything that happens on that show happens for a reason, that is the beauty of it.



I don't think it was a polar bear that grabbed the pilot out of the plan and tore him up...

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The hype machine for the show before it came out pictured that giant white monster. There was no way that thing was a polar bear either, it was huge. In the first episode it killed that one pilot I believe. There has been no mention of it at all which I find kind of odd... its like they make up as they go along and just forgot to mention it again.

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The hype machine for the show before it came out pictured that giant white monster.



They never did any such thing. The monster that was present in the early episodes was NEVER shown. Some speculate that the black cloud that Eko and Charlie saw was the "monster", but other that that it has only been glimpsed on last season's finale.

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C'mon MadCap enjoy the show! I bet you are a real treat Christmas day...




What are you talking about????


All I said was maybe the food didn't get there by plane. You would think that if it did, someone would have mentioned it, seeing how they are all on this island and all...

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What are you talking about????


All I said was maybe the food didn't get there by plane. You would think that if it did, someone would have mentioned it, seeing how they are all on this island and all...




Holy Defensive, Batman!

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I got a lot out of the episode...a lot out of libby :D She cleaned up REAL ncie for last nights ep.


in the closeup shots at the end, she looked like she had some serious plastic surgery on her face


I was wondering what happend to 2 characters who were on the show last season and some this year. I dont know if anyone will remember them, i think they had small roles and didnt add much to the storyline.


their names were MICHAEL and WALT.


the island is racist

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Alright, someone needs to fill me in on the last minute or two. I was on vacation and set the VCR for 8:58-10:05. That's usually enough to catch the few extra minutes Lost typically runs past 10:00. Well no such luck this time. It cut off just as Libby and Hurley finished kissing.


So then what happens? I'm guessing you somehow figure out she was in the Mental Hospital. How was that revealed?

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