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Eric Mulds Like the Queen in chess

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I was playing another game of chess online watching some opponent quit yet again because i took their queen, See they feel the game is over once you take away the queen. However, i have been taught that the queen makes you weak, granted she is the strongest player on the board the more you rely on her the more your exposing your weakness. Learn to play with out the queen and you find your strength let your opponent think that you have weakened. I know im strong with the queen but i have to know im stronger without her using the other peices of the board to help me win the game and not rely soley on the Queen.


I think the loss of Moulds"our Queen" will help us become a stronger team and help us use all of our offensive players to help us win the games.


Just thought i would share my anology with you.

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I agree. Team dynamics are strange. I've played on teams where losing a key star player has changed how we play the game, tactics, etc.



cough cough, Miro Satan, cough cough

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