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Ralph is about to really stick up NYS taxpayers

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I have a question: What is the financial status of RWS? Are there bond obligations in existence or something else? What I'm getting at, is if the Bills were to leave, are taxpayers faced with paying for a building, aside from routine upkeep costs, that isn't generating revenues?


I've no idea what the Bills pay to the County, or what form(s) it takes.

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I didn't read all this but I will say that I'm as opposed to tax breaks for billionaires as the next guy strictly on principal. But when you dig deeper you can see benefits to the community as a whole to BRING a company hear. However, to keep one here is tougher to sell. For instance, I know that Ford was granted $1 million to upgrade it's machinery at its Hamburg plant some time back. Are we supposed to be providing this? Are we to believe they'd move over $1M? It's ransom. That being said... as long as they're paying $60M to lure Bass Pro, they have no legs to stand on when it comes to the Bills, nor are the Bills wrong to ask for it. Why? Because they're a business too with a economic benefit. And if we're giving money (grants) to the BPO, Shea's, etc. how can the line be drawn at the Bills.


Believe me, it pains me to give them a cent. But the reality is, they're operating as a business in a state the regularly gives millions to highly profitable companies.


And I just read the state is giving the Mets money for their new stadium. So it'll happen, guaranteed.

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