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Where is FEMA?

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Why didn't they know these leevee's would breach.  This is unsat.  It's all Bushs fault. 






This should tell you all you need to know:

The same area broke in January during heavy storms.


Bush knew that this was a problem before. It is raining again and where the hell is he?


Bush Bad!! :angry:

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I wonder if these folks are down at the Best Buy stealing TV's, or at 7-11 raiding the beer coolers. You know there is a law that says if your leevee breaks, you must loot.


Also, we had better make sure they get free passage on the next cruise ship, and a 5000 dollar credit card to hire hookers, and gamble while on the ship.


Fair is fair.

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Why didn't they know these leevee's would breach.  This is unsat.  It's all Bushs fault. 






You are 100% correct.


Of course if Clinton was President the levees would have been just fine.


Or since it is in California and Hollywood blames our current President for all the troubles in the world, why not blame Hollywood? :angry:

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