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Un-American: Physicians Abuse Prisoners


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Simply disgusting. Note that the report's facts came directly out of the Pentagon's own findings, as well as Congressional hearings, sworn statements of US soldiers and detainees themselves.


America is supposed to be above all this. I just cannot imagine what these people were thinking. Or perhaps the issue is just that they weren't thinking, period.


We need to get these people out of the service, and perhaps out of medicine too. Because, unless they were directly ordered to do this and complied for fear of reprisal from above, they did it because they have no morals, ethics or conscience. And we don't need people like that representing our country, or treating individuals (particularly our own soliders) as physicians.


Yuck. I need to go wash my hands or something, this just make me feel unclean.

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Simply disgusting.  Note that the report's facts came directly out of the Pentagon's own findings, as well as Congressional hearings, sworn statements of US soldiers and detainees themselves.


America is supposed to be above all this.  I just cannot imagine what these people were thinking.  Or perhaps the issue is just that they weren't thinking, period. 


We need to get these people out of the service, and perhaps out of medicine too.  Because, unless they were directly ordered to do this and complied for fear of reprisal from above, they did it because they have no morals, ethics or conscience.  And we don't need people like that representing our country, or treating individuals (particularly our own soliders) as physicians.


Yuck.  I need to go wash my hands or something, this just make me feel unclean.


I need to go wash my hands or something, this just make me feel unclean

Dont let a Muslim hear you or it will be off with your head . :o

ON the other hand Muslims dont allow women to talk

America is supposed to be above all this

How would you know you have to be one.. Go back and read your Canadian newspaper eh :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:

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Guest RabidBillsFanVT

How would you know you have to be one.. Go back and read your Canadian newspaper eh :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:



Canada ROCKS! You just got a major compliment, I think! :o


Tim Horton's.... hockey.... poutine.... ahhhh paradise!

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We all knew this situation was bad and yet some people just cant let it die for fear of having bad news slip out of the political limelight.



You've got to be kidding. You want this news to slip out of political limelight? I sure don't. I want the politicians to sweat about this so that real change occurs. This isn't the kind of stuff that you should just sweep under the carpet and pretend it never happened.

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You've got to be kidding.  You want this news to slip out of political limelight?  I sure don't.  I want the politicians to sweat about this so that real change occurs.  This isn't the kind of stuff that you should just sweep under the carpet and pretend it never happened.



See, that's a big part of the problem.


The right is so content with the state of affairs in this country right now that they refuse to pull their head from the sand and acknowledge the problems. They are quick to throw around barbs and insults, but their complacency and contentment with the corruption and moral bankruptcy of the current administration is far more telling of their character than anything I could post.


What's particularly sad is the contempt with which they hold people who believe we can do better than the current bumbling Barney Fife administration.

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It would be nothing but pure justice if some of the idiots who think this is acceptable behaviour, and can do nothing but hurl personal insults, actually run into these physicians in private life. Or maybe someone in your family....yeah, it would be great to be treated by a physician with no ethics or morals.


Of course that would be like associating with themselves.


There is NO FLAG BIG ENOUGH to hide behavior like this - how far does this put us from the "savages" we as supposedly so much better than.

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Thank you very much for your insightful reply to my post, Deb. Very classy and well thought out. Maybe Im not too swift, but last I checked saying "War is hell" is not a personal insult. If you think it is, then methinks youve got some issues there. But Im positive telling someone to "get lost", wishing them and their families bodily harm and making comments about their manhood isnt the way to foster the good debate that YOU complain never takes place on this board.


To reply though, because Id like to debate here..is that yes...IMO, WAR IS HELL. These types of actions take place. And while I dont condone them at all and dont think they are acceptable one bit, they are part of what goes down when men get into combat situations. And compared to what goes down around the world, what hapenned in Abu Gharib is child's play. If you dont know anything about this, all you have to do is look no further than the testimony from 1971 from Jesus F. Kerry, your hero who will save us all from doom and walk on water when he's elected next Nov.


Id love to hear what some of the vets on this board have to say on the issue. Im sure they have a few "war stories" to put this in perspective.

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If I knew I could get information that would help me save my soldiers, and perhaps put a swifter end to this madness, I'd nail their toungue to the floor and give out a few drano enemas if they didn't talk. But, hey-that's me.

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It's people like you who have nothing to offer but violence who are the problem. You are NO BETTER than Al Qaeda. No better. You scream that they take hostages and cut of their heads...but it's OK for us to take them prisoner and torture them. And from what you say it would be fine if we cut of their heads too.


So you are right down there in the filth with them.

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It's people like you who have nothing to offer but violence who are the problem.  You are NO BETTER than Al Qaeda.  No better.  You scream that they take hostages and cut of their heads...but it's OK for us to take them prisoner and torture them. And from what you say it would be fine if we cut of their heads too.


So you are right down there in the filth with them.



Hi guys.

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It's people like you who have nothing to offer but violence who are the problem.  You are NO BETTER than Al Qaeda.  No better.  You scream that they take hostages and cut of their heads...but it's OK for us to take them prisoner and torture them. And from what you say it would be fine if we cut of their heads too.


So you are right down there in the filth with them.


Panzie :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: We should not have tortured them we should have killed them, "dead men tell no tales"

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So after weeks of lurking on this board I finally register so I can post and I just have to ask a question: In the PPP community, I take it that this Captain America is the village idiot right? Otherwise I can't imagine why the trash he posts would be tolerated...

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Guest RabidBillsFanVT
So after weeks of lurking on this board I finally register so I can post and I just have to ask a question:  In the PPP community, I take it that this Captain America is the village idiot right?  Otherwise I can't imagine why the trash he posts would be tolerated...



No, he's not the village idiot, just a comic book hero with a glaring weakness... he loves showing his middle finger as of late! But hey, that's just me. You can't really take anything that says:

'Panzie  We should not have tortured them we should have killed them, "dead men tell no tales"


too seriously. Come on now! :rolleyes:

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