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How good of a job has Marv been doing so far?

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At this time of year everyone is getting measured, weighed, timed and inspected. Some have improved their stock while others start to slide. With the grademark of C being the barometer of just average, what grade does Marv get at this point? Feel free to give multiple grades for different areas. I'm just going to give him an overall grade of B+. I like what he's been doing so far and I really look forward to how he's going to handle the draft. I think he handled the releases of some of our veteran players and the Moulds situation were handled in a very professional and dignified way. I do look forward to our future, I think we'll be OK.

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I agree, when you measure Marv's performance thus far you have to consider the releases as much as the signings. I don't think I'd give him more than a B at this point, though, and probably more of a B-. I think the releases were all appropriate, he's created a nice cap space, franchised Nate, and made some decent though unspectacular signings. I'd give that a grade of just above average.

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I really do not understand how rumors can be considered a "situation". The status for QB at One Bills Drive is that we have three QB's that will be competing for a job. The first two were here last year and split duties. The split was based on the "needs" and or "desires" of the previous coach. The third candidate has been a backup to a sure bet at the HOF.


oh I'll give him a B

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I would have to give Marv a B+ also considering what he has done to try to "right the ship" so to speak. Sure, he hasn't gone out and signed any BIG name players with BIG contracts that follow but he has added some depth and decent quality to some positions. With this team on the verge of imploading, based on what we saw from the players last year, I think Marv has done a very nice job of eliminating locker room dissention and brought in the type of players that are hungry for the chance to play and prove their worth.

This grade also could change drastically in the next few weeks, once the draft is over, for either the good or bad, but my hunch is that Marv is a pretty smart guy and knows what types of football players he wants on this team.

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I would give him an incomplete until after the draft. So far I like the moves he has made moneywise and to get younger. If we can can have a good draft then I would be inclined probably to give him a B.

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I would give him an incomplete until after the draft.  So far I like the moves he has made moneywise and to get younger.  If we can can have a good draft then I would be inclined probably to give him a B.



Also, people are forgetting that he failed to land either one of the 2 RFA he

signed to a contract....

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way too early to tell. I think Marv is intentionally under the radar on free agency and expect us to have some interesting low-key signings of up and coming players before it is over. The draft is a big element. I am not happy with the Moulds situation, especially if Houston is giving a fifth. I say keep him and let him play this year at his contract price. The JP situation is interesting, and I think he is sending a pretty clear message that the QB situation is wide open, and that is a plus. Ask again at the opening of pre-season.

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At this point he gets a D.  IMO he really has done very little. The Bills have more holes to fill than were there when he came on the scene.



Addition by subtraction, sure he got rid of some good players (or in moulds case is getting rid of a good player) But this can help the team in the long run. The Bills don't want high priced Vets who are going to play when they want to (Moulds, Adams) or underachievers (Williams), They won't young players who have not had the chance to show their potential and are looking for a change of scenery to hopefully spark that motivation to achieve.


As for Marvs grade I give him an incomplete. Atleast until the draft cause then you can get a little more accurate time frame. I could say I give him a C today and tehn he pulls off a huge FA signing or rapes the Texans out of a great pick (1st or 2nd, yes I know not likely but using it as a point) tomorrow which would bump up his grade. By using the draft as a milestone you will see a little bit more as to their plan then just picking any day and saying as of now how has he done?

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