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Pet Peeve Tuesday

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WIC recipients or Orientals in line before me in a grocery store. The WIC crowd raises high stink because Oreos aren't on their free food list, and the Orientals will kill over 3 or 4 cents.


I profile what lane I get into, based on experience. :D



Orientals???? :w00t:;)

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Loud-assed Harley Davidsons. I hate them. There is NO REASON for them to be that loud. Yeah, the obnoxious folks will say it is for safety, but if they were that concerned about safety the would also have those big flags on their bikes so people can see them as well as hear them.


The other day one drove down the main street in Webster and was so damn loud it set off multiple car alarms.


I don't dislike harleys at all, just the loud ones. Screw them and the selfish, insensitive people who enjoy disturbing others.

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There are oriental rugs shopping at your store? Or are they on the floor at your store? Rugs are meant for walking on, so I'm sure nobody would mind if you did.


If you are talking about people, the appropriate way to label someone would be "asian." Calling someone Oriental is considered rude and disrespectful, not to mention making you sound like Archie Bunker.


WIC recipients or Orientals in line before me in a grocery store. The WIC crowd raises high stink because Oreos aren't on their free food list, and the Orientals will kill over 3 or 4 cents.


I profile what lane I get into, based on experience. :w00t:


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Orientals????  :w00t:  :D



yeah, I hate when I am in line with rugs and vases. :D


Is this the thread for people to voice all their racist angst? We had someone post about "orientals" (which is an insulting term) and "smelly foreigners." Jeez. ;)

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People who leave their empty fast food containers anywhere they please. Especially the ignorant idiots who put their cup on the top of a garbage pail but can't muster the energy to put it into the pail. A wrestling like head slam into the turnbuckle would be in order.


People in front of the line to the bar who only start thinking about what they want once it is finally their turn to order. Yo dumb arse what do you need a day planner?


Another bar scenario where Joe Armpit gets off the dance floor, takes a wad of napkins to facial his sweat brow and then just tosses the napkins on the bar like anybody would want to touch, smell or see it. Yo Armpit, no drinks for you.


Pickup drivers who leave their garbage in the bed only to have it blow all over the freeway once they get to a high speed.


Individuals who sit on the can while talking on the cell phone. Whaaaatt? Play by play?


9-5 people speaking at voice levels that are better suited for much later than 8:00 a.m. on a Saturday morning. Bow and arrow or machete?

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I'll mention 3.


1st, when people (mostly on this board) refer to 'teamates'. 'Teamates' are people who sit together over a pot of Darjeling or some Assam blend while nibbling on crumpets. TeaMmates are people that are on the same team.


2nd, people who don't pay attention when they play a sport. I'm speaking particularly of volleyball which I play. We're not professionals, so I don't really care if you're not that good or not very athletic, but is it too much to ask for you to remove your head from your butt for the few seconds that a volley lasts?


Finally, the above discussion on Orientals bring to mind the term 'Afro-American'. I don't like it 'cuz it's not adequately descriptive, and in most cases is actually inaccurate (which of course you don't know merely by the subjects appearance).

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This Chinaman who peed on my rug, I can't go give him a bill so what the

!@#$ are you talking about?



What the !@#$ are you talking about?!

This Chinaman is not the issue! I'm

talking about drawing a line in the

sand, Dude. Across this line you do

not, uh--and also, Dude, Chinaman is

not the preferred, uh. . . Asian-

American. Please.



Walter, this is not a guy who built

the rail- roads, here, this is a guy

who peed on my--



What the !@#$ are you--



Walter, he peed on my rug--



He peed on the Dude's rug--




Chinaman is not the issue, Dude.

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If you are talking about people, the appropriate way to label someone would be "asian." Calling someone Oriental is considered rude and disrespectful, not to mention making you sound like Archie Bunker.


People who get up on their respective high horse to point out overly PC bull sh--, when absolutely no offense was intended by the original poster whatsoever.

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People who get up on their respective high horse to point out overly PC bull sh--, when absolutely no offense was intended by the original poster whatsoever.




Where no offense was intended? Like where someone says all "orientals" are penny-pinchers. :w00t:

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People who get up on their respective high horse to point out overly PC bull sh--, when absolutely no offense was intended by the original poster whatsoever.



Lighten up, Francis. Being respectful isn't PC.

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Here's a pet peeve that will ensure I stay alone in this world:


Memorial stickers on the back windows of cars.


"In loving memory of Hardy Bonnertz


We will always love you."


What did you do, back over the dude? And you've decided that the rear window of your modified PT Cruiser is the place to adhere this little memory? Gee, I'll take "Desperate Cries for Attention" for $200, Alex. Wouldn't you want something a little more permanent? I mean, what happens when you take it through the $3 car wash at the local Conoco and you start losing letters and suddenly your car says "In loving memory of Hard Bon er z"?


I'm sure Hardy is looking down on your car, wondering WTF is wrong with you.


!@#$ing people are strange, man. Very strange.


How do you feel about the wooden crosses placed at the scene of a fatal accident, fitting memorial?

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Finally, the above discussion on Orientals bring to mind the term 'Afro-American'.  I don't like it 'cuz it's not adequately descriptive, and in most cases is actually inaccurate (which of course you don't know merely by the subjects appearance).


I never liked the term afro-american either. What is Patrick Ewing? Jamaican American. Oh his ancestors were from Africa- well didnt all mankind trace its beginnings from Africa. It is traced through archaeology and they can also trace it on the Y chromosome. So arent we all African Americans here in the USA? I was in Amsterdam last year and was telling a story describing someone and said "black man" and the whole place freaked out as if I dropped an Nbomb. HTF are you supposed to describe a black man in the Netherlands? Are they afro-dutch? !@#$ political correctness- my biggest pet peeve. I believe in free speech. Words only gain power once you can no longer say them- Lenny Bruce


oh yeah- if you are a white American from South Africa- are you afro-american?

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Where no offense was intended? Like where someone says all "orientals" are penny-pinchers.  :w00t:


Look in the phone book--Oriental restaurants listed, Oriental massage...and on and on and on. Bet you don't let your kid play dodgeball either do you?



And another pet peeve...overly sensitive PC bullchitters.

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yeah, I hate when I am in line with rugs and vases.  ;)


Is this the thread for people to voice all their racist angst? We had someone post about "orientals" (which is an insulting term) and "smelly foreigners."  Jeez.  :w00t:



Why is smelly foreigners insulting you? Are you a smelly foreigner? If so, then go take a shower.


and for the record - americans smell/dont shower too, but 90% of the stank-asses here at work are NOT from the states.

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Why is smelly foreigners insulting you? Are you a smelly foreigner? If so, then go take a shower.


and for the record - americans smell/dont shower too, but 90% of the stank-asses here at work are NOT from the states.


Let the record show that in neither post did Ramius mention where the fereners were from, hence, he's AOK.

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I never liked the term afro-american either. What is Patrick Ewing? Jamaican American. Oh his ancestors were from Africa- well didnt all mankind trace its beginnings from Africa. It is traced through archaeology and they can also trace it on the Y chromosome. So arent we all African Americans here in the USA? I was in Amsterdam last year and was telling a story describing someone and said "black man" and the whole place freaked out as if I dropped an Nbomb. HTF are you supposed to describe a black man in the Netherlands? Are they afro-dutch? !@#$ political correctness- my biggest pet peeve. I believe in free speech. Words only gain power once you can no longer say them- Lenny Bruce


oh yeah- if you are a white American from South Africa- are you afro-american?


I know what you mean. My grandfather (not a rascist bone in his body) said "colored" or "Negro" because "black" was considered inappropriate. Now, "black" and African American (or Afro American) are considered terms du jour. What it will be in 20 years...who knows?

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