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Moran the gift that keeps giving

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Oh, right...,it's got to be the liberal media, the liberal grand jury members, the liberal prosecutors....



You forgot the liberal veternarians, the liberal squirrels, the liberal pencil-sharpeners and the liberal conservatives.


I'm not one, but where does this guy get off blaming 'the liberals' for his grift. Did they put the money in his accounts, or am I missing something? Nevermind that with all the record amounts of pork pushed through on his watch, he's a CINO.

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You forgot the liberal veternarians, the liberal squirrels, the liberal pencil-sharpeners and the liberal conservatives.


I'm not one, but where does this guy get off blaming 'the liberals' for his grift. Did they put the money in his accounts, or am I missing something? Nevermind that with all the record amounts of pork pushed through on his watch, he's a CINO.



*rolls eyes*


His point is not that Delay was somehow framed, but rather that the Democrats certainly are no better than (if not worse) than the Republicans.

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You can't be serious.  Do you think for one second Moran's issues would be anything more than a blip on the national news?  You seriously think Moran even comes close to the House Majority leader stepping down because he's under indictment (the first time in the last 100 years, btw)?  You seriously think Moran's questionable loan issues come close to Delay's ties to the Abramoff scandal, perjury, gerrymandering, money laundering, violating election law, accepting bribes, and on and on? 



I wouldn't be surprised. Moran's just about as big a scum bag as Delay. The difference is: Delay was investigated and caught, Moran wasn't.


And Delay's getting what he deserves. Hopefully someday, so will Moran.

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I wouldn't be surprised.  Moran's just about as big a scum bag as Delay.  The difference is: Delay was investigated and caught, Moran wasn't.


And Delay's getting what he deserves.  Hopefully someday, so will Moran.



Amen! With the advantages that incumbents have, about the only way to get rid of a congressman today is through their getting caught cheating, lying or stealing. I for one hope this continues on BOTH sides of the aisle until we get rid of all of the corrupt ones. Although we might only be left with 1 or 2 Congressmen.


It's just too bad that neither party is really trying to enact meaningful reform even with all of the corruption coming to light.

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*rolls eyes*


His point is not that Delay was somehow framed, but rather that the Democrats certainly are no better than (if not worse) than the Republicans.



Wasn't so much responding tongue-in-cheek to Coli, as to The Hammer's video conferences. Who does this guy think he's kidding?


As for your second paragraph, there's lots of people who say that, but 99% never do anything about it.

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Wasn't so much responding tongue-in-cheek to Coli, as to The Hammer's video conferences. Who does this guy think he's kidding?


As for your second paragraph, there's lots of people who say that, but 99% never do anything about it.



I do.


I vote libertarian. How about you?

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I do.


I vote libertarian. How about you?



Don't subscribe to any party. I vote all over the ballot.


Read where the people stand on the issues they have a chance of facing, which one I most closely agree with and if it's not more than ~75 percent, I write in "None of the Above."


Should be a national campaign to have "None of the Above" included on ballots, and have it count.

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Don't subscribe to any party. I vote all over the ballot.


Read where the people stand on the issues they have a chance of facing, which one I most closely agree with and if it's not more than ~75 percent, I write in "None of the Above."


Should be a national campaign to have "None of the Above" included on ballots, and have it count.



It is easy enough to write the legislation. The problem is getting a sponsor for the bill, getting it through committee and getting it passed both houses of Congress. After you do that, then you will need to repeat that for the remainder of the states and D.C. As someone who is actively trying to reform the election laws in PA, I can tell you that this is no small feat.

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Man this is too close to home, I worked on the 1st Moran campaign, to get rid of Stan Parris. Moran has been relatively good for Alexandria except on the banking stuff and he has gotten worse as it has gone along. He was always ethically challenged, but early on he voted more according to my priorities than Parris or that idiot cevant McSlarrow who ran against him a bunch of times. I think the last time, I just left congressional blank on my ballot.


I am sure there is more crap about him and the only real difference between he and Delay is that Delay was in a high place of power understood fully what he was doing also most of his folks working for Moran have avoided the ethical problems. Still Jim should step down.



VA Bills statement that Moran is on a par with Delay is wishful thinking and relief on his part that he point to some crooks on our side, fine. Delay is still scum and "Pockets" as we used to call him, because you better make sure he didn't steal your wallet when you went by him deserves to be in jail. Moran I would jail for stupidity, alone, but legally it is questionable if he did anything wrong.


Finally, some of the bodies Delay sunk are floating to the surface, and P.S. don't insult Jesus with your crocodile religious b.s. when you resign, that was just disgusting.

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In other words: "It's just too bad that neither party is really trying to enact meaningful reform of the system that keeps them in power."  :)  :lol:


Then there is that, can't argue even when I think sometimes they are going to make progress, ha! No matter what they call it at the beginning and how good the original legislation looks, wait till you see the actual bill language and the Federal Register with the implementing language before you decide if they actually did anyting. Most of the time the final product creates more loop holes than it closes.

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You forgot the liberal veternarians, the liberal squirrels, the liberal pencil-sharpeners and the liberal conservatives.


I'm not one, but where does this guy get off blaming 'the liberals' for his grift. Did they put the money in his accounts, or am I missing something? Nevermind that with all the record amounts of pork pushed through on his watch, he's a CINO.




You forgot the damn liberal telephone poles...



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