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Dirty Leaf Ba$tards


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Unreal how Tucker is allowed to go right after Hects knee, and no penalty is called.  They can't allow that scumbag to play anymore!



Always has been, and always will be, a dirty player. He was mad that he got checked, so he did the thing any prudent person would do and tried to end the career of another player (no, not the one that checked him). Well, Hecht retaliated, as anyone would, and the leafs got a goal on the PP. So scumbag tucker got what he wanted.

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what you do then is April 16th..you send Peters after him one EVERY shift...then call up 3 guys from Rochester to do the same thing....Tucker is a POS scumbag...if I was playing against this coward, I would break my f-ing stick across his face....

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This should help:


Previosly posted video clip.


awesome clip :w00t:... tucker is a scumbag, and i have a new found respect for Kovalev/


what you do then is April 16th..you send Peters after him one EVERY shift...then call up 3 guys from Rochester to do the same thing....Tucker is a POS scumbag...if I was playing against this coward, I would break my f-ing stick across his face....



no that is a little unneccessary to call up 3 thugs, but to unleash peters? sure why teh hell not :w00t:

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Typically poor NHL officiating. I'm sure the Lawn Gnome and his crack team of tards will make this right. [/sarcasm]


With our luck the only game they'll suspend him for is the last one against the Sabres. At the end of the day, that'll probably be a good thing.

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Typically poor NHL officiating.  I'm sure the Lawn Gnome and his crack team of tards will make this right.  [/sarcasm]


With our luck the only game they'll suspend him for is the last one against the Sabres.  At the end of the day, that'll probably be a good thing.



Of all major sports, I would put the NHL just below the WWE officials in competency.

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