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I don't know. It seemed like a lot of time was wasted on David Chase just ranting about his feelings on political/religious matters. These rants seem awkward and forced and don't seem to move the story much at all.




I think they were trying to show that Tony has somehow changed, and is aware now, after his brush with death, that he only a "part of something much bigger." I think that is part of the story... and has been since the very first episode.


Tony, in his own unsophisticated way, has always been searching for something, likely a way to rationalize, and come to terms with the way he has led his life. He wants to be a decent person, but he is so far immersed in his life of crime, there is no turning back...the born again preacher says something like "salvation is not just cleansing your soul, to prepare for death, it is how you live your life."


I thought the "rants" were handled well, with a lot of humour.


I thought it was a great episode again....


Tony -- Something is amiss, he is not the same man. I don't think he's going the 'found Jesus' route, but this experience may have taken his edge away, which will be dangerous for him. After caving on the carting business sale, it isn't going to take Johnny Sack and Phil long to realize that Tony isn't the same bulldog he used to be and they will take advantage.


Chrissie -- he is the smartest of the gang and the only one thus far that has noticed there is something wrong with Tony. If anyone is going to emerge as a stronger #2 and/or challenge for the throne, it will be him.


Carm -- I look for her to step up and protect Tony as boss by getting more involved in the business. A few hints on this already; especially her comment about not believing Vito and Paulie on the amount of their Columbian score. She knows this is the best way to protect her family.


Sil -- still sucking that inhaler after choking big time as acting boss. We'll see how this impacts him, but it won't be favorable.


Paulie -- WTF, he is officially off his rocker. I don't see him defecting to New York (remember how Johnny Sack used him for info and old Carmine didn't even know who he was at the wedding). I see him running rampant for a while. My prediction here is that he is eventually whacked by................his old padawan: Chrissie.


Even if Barone would tell Tony about what Paulie did, the most that could happen is Tony makes Paulie cancel the tribute or pay for the kids knee operation. 



Paulie's getting income that Tony doesn't know about and isn't getting a cut of. He may make Paulie pay the hospital bills, but money is money--T will take his cut and move happily along.

Not really looking to rehash the show...I just wanted to hype the fact that they played Pink Floyd's "One Of These Days" over the closing credits.  VERY COOL! :w00t:




Absolutely!!!! The often play great music at the credits. I seem to remember them playing another Floyd song a while back. Playing Mason's vocals was appropriate.


And what about Chrissy's take on the Reverand's literal take that Dinosaurs and people were on the earth at the same time. He theorized that this was not possible because that would mean Dino's were on the Earth with Adam and Eve and T-Rex's would have ate Adam and Eve. :w00t: I laughed so F-ing hard when he said that.

Absolutely!!!! The often play great music at the credits. I seem to remember them playing another Floyd song a while back.



Give that man a prize! In season 4, "Eclipse" was played in an episode.


I think that Paulie or Vito maybe both will get wacked for shorting Tony on the score and Carmella bringing it to Tonys attention. There is going to have to be some questions answered and Vito and Paulie will end up ratting out to tony about the other or tony doing away with both of them. In light of all this I believe something natural will happen to Sil like a car accident or something.

Give that man a prize! In season 4, "Eclipse" was played in an episode.



My favorite was from one of the Season 5 episodes where they played the The Kinks' "I'm Not Like Everybody Else"


The perfect song for Tony.

My favorite was from one of the Season 5 episodes where they played the The Kinks' "I'm Not Like Everybody Else" 


The perfect song for Tony.


That was one of my fav episodes.. Janice was pretending to be a "changed" person and Tony just kept digging at her until she snapped.. :w00t:;)

Absolutely!!!! The often play great music at the credits. I seem to remember them playing another Floyd song a while back. Playing Mason's vocals was appropriate.


And what about Chrissy's take on the Reverand's literal take that Dinosaurs and people were on the earth at the same time. He theorized that this was not possible because that would mean Dino's were on the Earth with Adam and Eve and T-Rex's would have ate Adam and Eve.  :w00t:  I laughed so F-ing hard when he said that.


he's come along way since Spider..dance Spider Dance

he's come along way since Spider..dance Spider Dance



No kidding? He really played Spider in Goodfellas??

That was one of my fav episodes.. Janice was pretending to be a "changed" person and Tony just kept digging at her until she snapped.. :w00t:  ;)






That was a great scene, it really showed Tony's dark side. sacre bleu! where is my mother! :D

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