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Another Losman Question


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OK, I know that I am down here in NC now, and maybe I am missing the boat. But why have, it seems, everyone given up on J.P. Now I am no die hard JP fan, but here is just a few things to consider.

1. Last year can be considered his first year thanks to an ego maniac trying to "welcome" a rookie into the league by breaking his leg.

2. He should have played every down of every game as long as he was healthy last year even if it meant going 3-13.

3. A coach benched him because he was trying to save his own hide and a few of his buddies by thinking going 7-9 looks a whole lot better then going 5-11. It worked, in saving his job, although only for about a week or so.

4. Was the Steeler's offense really that good??? How about that power running game? (refrence the coach)

5. Played with a make shift line, pouting WR and a RB who proclaimed to the the best in the league and then went on a tear by averaging around 40 YPG.- Although I sided with Moulds about the coaching staff and his suspension was BS.



Again, maybe I am missing something, but why have we just shut the door on JP and packing his things for him. I realize that he maybe an "average" QB. I don't think that he will be pushing Peyton for his TD record. But "average" QB's can go far and win some games. I can look at Carolina, Jacksonville, T-Bay and the Bears just to name a few.

This may be his make or break year, but give him a O-line, some time, and maybe a RB that can run better this his mouth runs, and then we can see.

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Who can figure these things out?


The same guys who post how JP has to go are the same that think somehow Craig Nall is the answer?


These same posters go to say what a horrible job Tom D did as GM but applaud Marv for not spending money to improve the team?


I'm going to beat this drum until the season is over. You can't judge JP until you put an NFL offensive line in front of him. Not the crap the Bills had last year and the crap they still have now. :lol:

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I think that Marv and Jauron are doing the right thing by opening up the field for competition. JP has some serious skills, but he needs to prove it by winning the starting job.


I'm pretty sure they can design an offense that will do better than last year.


Remember, the Bills had the number one offense in the league for the first drive of the game. After that, when Mularkey had to think on his feet, they were one of the worst.

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Is there a quarterback Bills fans won't drum out of town? Christ - give the kid a chance.



No. People used to run around calling for Jim Kelly's head on a pike so the vaunted Frank Reich could be the savior. I even remember people creaming their shorts when Kelly retired because Todd Collins was the next Joe Montana in their opinion.

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No.  People used to run around calling for Jim Kelly's head on a pike so the vaunted Frank Reich could be the savior.  I even remember people creaming their shorts when Kelly retired because Todd Collins was the next Joe Montana in their opinion.



I don't believe any of this trade rumor stuff about Losman. He showed last year he has a lot of talent. He also showed lack of experience and played behind a lowsy line and for a coaching staff that unraveled as the year went in. He'll be a pro bowl quarterback someday. Hopefully for the Bills.

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Who can figure these things out?


I'm going to beat this drum until the season is over. You can't judge JP until you put an NFL offensive line in front of him. Not the crap the Bills had last year and the crap they still have now.  :lol:



Good thing we don't make those decisions then, because that's true of everybody on the roster including camp fodder qb's.

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Guest dog14787
Who can figure these things out?


The same guys who post how JP has to go are the same that think somehow Craig Nall is the answer? 


These same posters go to say what a horrible job Tom D did as GM but applaud Marv for not spending money to improve the team?


I'm going to beat this drum until the season is over. You can't judge JP until you put an NFL offensive line in front of him. Not the crap the Bills had last year and the crap they still have now.  :doh:





I agree with you , Losman will be fine with a good O- line and a little more experience . Provided the offensive game plan is taylored more for a young QB and not Eienstien.


My Theory is , if you get Willis the ball , no matter if its dumping the ball off or what , you will have success .(With good blocking up front of course)




GO BUFFALO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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No.  People used to run around calling for Jim Kelly's head on a pike so the vaunted Frank Reich could be the savior.  I even remember people creaming their shorts when Kelly retired because Todd Collins was the next Joe Montana in their opinion.




It is the same everwhere, particularly in NFL cities where losing has become the norm...I remember, living in Austin (Cowboys territory), there was a very vocal contigent of Cowboys fans who absolutely hated Troy Aikman, and thought he was a "bust", or a "stiff"....this was all the same season that Aikman led the Cowboys to their first Super Bowl victory against our beloved Bills...it is like that everwhere, and always has been...complainers just have a lot more forums for venting than they did, 15 or 20 years ago.


Frankly, I know this may sound wussy to some here, but I think all the negativity has to effect players. Guys who say they don't read it, or pay attention to it, are, I would be willing to bet, often full of it. What human (in this case we will say JP Losman, or Eric Moulds) could resist looking at thousands of "essays" written about themselves, by people that they have never met, just floating out there, on the internet? This is what breeds guys like Terrell Owens, a great football player, with a destructive ego. Egos can be stroked so instantly in this day and age, they have an insatiable need to sway public opinion in their favor...


Sorry, off my soapbox!

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Guest dog14787
No.  People used to run around calling for Jim Kelly's head on a pike so the vaunted Frank Reich could be the savior.  I even remember people creaming their shorts when Kelly retired because Todd Collins was the next Joe Montana in their opinion.





I love your alias because Willis is a God!!!!!!!


Its time to ride him to the promised land!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



lol, the Toddler was a nightmare, at times it seemed like he was cemented to the ground. When he tried to move , it was like he was tangled in pricker bushes or something ,

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