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12 year old guitarist... frigging SWEET

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Dude has skills but in a studio way. No feeling, just playing notes. He needs to live and play his own music at this point.




that was one video... The only thing you can draw from that is that the kid was hendrix good. If he can compose his own music, and he's 12, we'll hear about him in a few years.


Too bad he didn't show his face. When he becomes famous, the E network would have some dirt.

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My friend is the one who sent me that link. His (my friend's) father is friend's with the kid's father. I'll get more info if you guys want.



I know we never talk, but if you want to go through a neutral third party let me know. I've already sent the clip to a couple people. Figured you had a connection after I looked at the site. What kind of stage presence does he have? We all know how things are in that regard. He can't sit in a chair or on his bed and play.

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