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This ends the QB debate

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"Wilson has little credibility left in this way after "also giving his fullest of confidences" to Donahoe who promptly ran his Bills into the ground and set it up for a major-league rebuild failing in spades what was essentially the task of a full rebuild at the time he stepped in. "


WOW. This is a cut and paste from the first paragraph. Someone believes this is the definitive article on the quarterback choice? Marv may be 83, but I can guarantee he has enough smarts to discredit anyone who cant write a grammatical sentence. This is drivel.

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"Article"? Looks to me like another op-ed from the guy who used to post over on BZ. (FYI, he's a season-ticket holder, or at least used to be.)


PTR is correct about one thing -- Wys may be entitled to his opinion, but it's no more valid than yours or mine.


You speak of Pat "Look-At-Me-World" Moran? Another sports pulitzer candidate! :doh:



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After sorting through some of the drivel that's been spewed forth onto the Wall recently? My tolerance level is fairly high these days.


Besides, I'm familiar with Wys' work. In one classic thread from the early days of Billszone, he decided to subtract Travis Henry's three longest runs from scrimmage during a particular game to prove Henry had a lousy yards-per-carry average and should be benched.

(Note: if you read far enough, you'll discover that was the season Henry rushed for 1400+ yards and went to the Pro Bowl.)


That was a classic thread. :doh: I remember it well.

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That was a classic thread. ;) I remember it well.


I'll burn for it, I'm sure, but I can't resist dragging that one back out from time to time... :doh:

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This guy may be just a zit-faced geek, and it is true that a flat comparison of stats doesn't always support a point in reality even though they may seem to on the surface, but I agree generally with the point of the article.


The kid had his moments, was not given the commitment that he should have been given to develop last year due to the whinings of selfish teammates and weakness of the head coach.  I also agree that while Holcomb had some good outings, overall he did not perform that much better than JP, especially given the huge difference in their respective years of experience.


And finally, I find the close parallels between the beginning of both JP's and Brett's careers rather disconcerting and it would be a gaffe of unbelievable proportions if JP is sent packing before he gets a fair shot at showing what he can become and he turns out to be another Favre with a different team.


Levy needs to concentrate on improving the surrounding cast as much as he can, especially with this draft and a few more FA's along the way.  He then needs to have enough patience to stay the course and let JP develop sufficently to find out.



Well said. I agree 100%.

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Guys, always remember (from a guy who works with statistics all the time), statistics can easily be manipulated into saying whatever you want them to.  Also, you need to know the context in which the were derived.  There may be absolutely no difference between 58 and 63%...then again there may be a huge difference between 60 and 62%.  You have to take all statistics with a grain of salt.


Having said that, I'm not excited at this point about any of the QBs on the roster.  That being the case, give JP a shot and see what comes of it.  Only trade him if there is a really good deal (which, there won't be).  Even if Holcomb gives the Bills the best chance to win now it, ultimately gets the team nothing because they certainly aren't going to win the Super Bowl this year.  Let's see what we have since there is no better option.


I agree with your assessment of statistics. I too am not overly thrilled with the quarterback situation. However, I think we should hold on to JP and see what he can do this year as the starting QB. He proved that he is far and away better than KH last season when he came off thebench against KC. I would be shocked if he got beat out of the starting job by Nall. I say we give him the ENTIRE season and see what he can do. It's not like we are geared for a playoff run. What's one more losing season? We've been horrible overall since 1999!

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I didn't read the article.  I don't care if it's pro- or con- toward Losman.  I refuse to read these fly-by-night websites that get zit-faced web geeks who live in their mom's basement to write these garbage pieces for free, then expect you and I to treat it like serious journalism.  Anything written by someone who is not a member of the legitimate sports press and who has no real contacts in the league is no more valid than what you and I post.




Those zit faced punks have nothing on the likes of Jerry Sullivan! :doh:


I know what you're saying PTR a guy like this is nothing more than a glorified poster on a forum. However I occasionaly read valid and compelling points by some posters here. So I take it for what it is, an individuals opinion.

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Those zit faced punks have nothing on the likes of Jerry Sullivan! :doh:


I know what you're saying PTR a guy like this is nothing more than a glorified poster on a forum. However I occasionaly read valid and compelling points by some posters here. So I take it for what it is, an individuals opinion.



First off, i say open compition between Nall and JP, tell KH nothing but third string right off the bat, and for gods sake have at least one young QB on the practice squad at all times!!!!! Never understood why we had Shane Matthews on roster last year, especailly with no qb on the taxi squad.


In terms of this guys credentials, as stated above, all it is is his opinion, which to me is every bit as valis as a so called paid"jounalist" . Now, he is not saying he has a source within the organiztion or anything that a guy like Lenny P may have, its just his opinion.I will say many times i trust my opinion more than most of the so called "experts" out there.

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Those zit faced punks have nothing on the likes of Jerry Sullivan! :doh:


I know what you're saying PTR a guy like this is nothing more than a glorified poster on a forum. However I occasionaly read valid and compelling points by some posters here. So I take it for what it is, an individuals opinion.


That's fine...you can agree or disagree. What I object to is threating guys like Wys and Moran like they are special because their opinion posts wind up on websites, like they are legitimate news articles. Just because you write drivel for Scout.com or Fox Sports Blogs doesn't put you in the same ballpark as Leo Roth and Chris Mortensen.


Now Roth and Mort may write dumb things, but they are legitimate working press with access to players, coaches, and NFL staff. Also they follow (or are supposed to follow) proper journalistic procedure, which is having a verified source for anything they write. And if they are writing an opinion piece, (which when you think about, Mort and Roth rarely do) they base it on what they know from their sources.


Guys like Wys and Moran basically pull their stuff out of the deep recesses of their colons.



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That's fine...you can agree or disagree.  What I object to is threating guys like Wys and Moran like they are special because their opinion posts wind up on websites, like they are legitimate news articles.  Just because you write drivel for Scout.com or Fox Sports Blogs doesn't put you in the same ballpark as Leo Roth and Chris Mortensen.


Now Roth and Mort may write dumb things, but they are legitimate working press with access to players, coaches, and NFL staff.  Also they follow (or are supposed to follow) proper journalistic procedure, which is having a verified source for anything they write.  And if they are writing an opinion piece, (which when you think about, Mort and Roth rarely do) they base it on what they know from their sources.


Guys like Wys and Moran basically pull their stuff out of the deep recesses of their colons.




While that may be true, the only true difference is access. So if they are just writing their opinions about what is the state of the Bills, and whether players are good or bad, and what may or may not be done, you can agree or disagree. If they say "sources tell us", that is likely going to be something only Roth or Mort get access to, and even then reporters write garbage, and even more so, reporters are fed garbage by sources with agendas. So that needs to be taken into perspective too.


I am no fan whatsoever of Mark weiler, especially his stat-raping, but it's just as fair to dispute or support his findings and his reading of the state of the Bills as it is a paid writers. If a message board writer says something interesting and you think hits the nail on the head it is just as legitimate as a professional saying that same thing.


To totally discount everything said in that article is the equivalent of saying everything The New York Times or Fox News says is a lie because they are biased.

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I like JP.


I just think Vince Young is better. :doh:



Vince may make it, but it won't be because he's a prototypical QB. If he's not successful with his legs in the NFL, he be a wash out. His throwing mechanics are just plain piss poor.


Vince Young will not ever be a top NFL QB.

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