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Can someone gather evidence that JP is a goner?

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. . . of propoganda.


Please cite credible stories by Bills insiders or "respectable" reporters that JP has lost the faith of the team, coaches and adminstration. That he indeed is so bad that Bills are willing to cut or trade him.


Seems to me, with scant evidence, the anti-JP crusaders are skilled enough to prove we did not land on the moon or that the virgin mary appeared in last night's vanilla pudding.


That is, "evidence" other than:


1. JP was the last QB is named in a quote by a former teammate of Nall's . . .


2. Marv/Jauron did not name JP the starter therefore he's not in their plans . . .


3. Marv hasn't yet ripped off his finger to write in blood, chisled in stone with his teeth and/or bet the life of his grandkids that they will not draft a QB, trade a QB or bring in a veteran QB to replace or bench JP.


4. Holcomb took a few snaps from Fowler in Cleveland therefore he will start.


5. My dog or Soprano9845 told me so.


6. I have a friend who watches tape and can determine if someone will be a pro-bowler or not. (This guy is a goldmine! Sign him up! Does he do lottery numbers, too?).



Please list the evidence - lay it on the table once and for all.

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Amen, brother! There is no evidence. Even this "Yahoo" article is based on the flimsiest of evidence. You will note, if you read it to the end, that it quotes "a league source" on the Bills not drafting Ngata, when we all know that the "source" is Allen Wilson of the Buffalo News, whose article was itself semi-informed speculation. There is very little here except pot-stirring and wishful thinking.


Now, I will defer to Levy/Jauron on this, but it appears to me as a reasonably detached observer that it is extremely unlikely that the Bills will dump Losman before this season. It makes no sense, when the team has other holes as well, to tear one in the team by giving up on JP. If anything, all the talk about competition is probably designed to give JP a push to see if he elevates his game, and is more a sign of his staying than his going. My guess is that it is more likely that the Bills will drag things out before deciding to dump him if they do, so it will be next year at the earliest.


Anyone who thinks the Bills are going to give up on Losman is living in a dream land. Not coincidentally the same dreamland that is populated by people who think Vince Young will ever be a successful QB in the NFL.


Go Bills!



. . . of propoganda.


Please cite credible stories by Bills insiders or "respectable" reporters that JP has lost the faith of the team, coaches and adminstration.  That he indeed is so bad that Bills are willing to cut or trade him. 


Seems to me, with scant evidence, the anti-JP crusaders are skilled enough to prove we did not land on the moon or that the virgin mary appeared in last night's vanilla pudding.


That is, "evidence" other than:


1.  JP was the last QB is named in a quote by a former teammate of Nall's . . .


2.  Marv/Jauron did not name JP the starter therefore he's not in their plans . . .


3.  Marv hasn't yet ripped off his finger to write in blood, chisled in stone with his teeth and/or bet the life of his grandkids that they will not draft a QB, trade a QB or bring in a veteran QB to replace or bench JP.


4.  Holcomb took a few snaps from Fowler in Cleveland therefore he will start.


5.  My dog or Soprano9845 told me so.


6.  I have a friend who watches tape and can determine if someone will be a pro-bowler or not.  (This guy is a goldmine!  Sign him up!  Does he do lottery numbers, too?).

Please list the evidence - lay it on the table once and for all.


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