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Im so sick and tired of all the negativity around here. But it's not just the criticism -which is warranted in most cases - but the quitting on the team and the disappearance of loyalty. For example - see some of the current posts - people giving up tickets, asking for refunds, etc. I hate this so much. But maybe becuase I don't get it and never would be able to do it.


What makes us, as Buffalo Bills fans, so special and unique, is the undying loyalty and support we have for this team. A team that is not only a part of our City (or where we grew up/still live), but part of our life, our family so to speak. How many of us grew up with this team? Having family functions revolve around Sunday? I know I did. Sundays were a time where the family all got together, with some good pizza, wings, Italian food, and cheered our Bills no matter what. Good or bad (more bad than good).We's picl up the morning paper and read about the game - go to Wegmans or our local subshop for a sandwhich- maybe throw the ball around with a brother/dad before the game. But it was part of our lives, part of our being, and something that separated us from the fans of the other teams. Everyone I knew, from other cities and fans of other teams, knew I was a Bills fan, because I wore it on my chest.


So, for all you people that want to leave, get lost. We don't need or want you. If you want to be a fairweather fan, Im sure there is room for you in Miami or Seattle or Jacksonville.


I may not like where we are right now, but Ill cheer like hell on Sundays this fall and continue to support MY, OUR, Buffalo Bills!!!

  X. Benedict said:
When I was a kid, If the Bills lost the family would get drunk and beat me.


If the Bills lost my parents wouldn't feed us for three days. God I'm glad they used to be good when I was a kid.

So, for all you people that want to leave, get lost. We don't need or want you.


Nobody needs or wants me anyway.


So what's new?


I'd use my crying towel, but spilled my Chunky Mouldy soup and used it to wipe the table.

  Ghost of BiB said:
Nobody needs or wants me anyway.


So what's new?


I'd use my crying towel, but spilled my Chunky Mouldy soup and used it to wipe the table.


But the bon-bons still play.


It's so cute when newbies cry righteous indignation.


I've been a Bills fan since before you were a twitch in your daddy's pants. I, and others have earned the right to p!ss and moan.



bite me.

  dib said:
It's so cute when newbies cry righteous indignation.


I've been a Bills fan since before you were a twitch in your daddy's pants.  I, and others have earned the right to p!ss and moan.



bite me.


They beat you too?

  dib said:
It's so cute when newbies cry righteous indignation.


I've been a Bills fan since before you were a twitch in your daddy's pants.  I, and others have earned the right to p!ss and moan.



bite me.




  dib said:
It's so cute when newbies cry righteous indignation.


I've been a Bills fan since before you were a twitch in your daddy's pants.  I, and others have earned the right to p!ss and moan.



bite me.




I'll second that!

  X. Benedict said:
When I was a kid, If the Bills lost the family would get drunk and beat me.




That's what happens when your old man is the law! You deserved most of the beating if I remember correctly.

  X. Benedict said:
When I was a kid, If the Bills lost the family would get drunk and beat me.


that was b/c you told your old man to be the house on the Bills in 1980 for the Super Bowl..that ended your days as a football Sherpa and launched your highly succesful Hockey Sherpa career...

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