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Unmanned Surveilance drones over America

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The only people that should care about this are the people who are doing bad things. Just the terrorists. I'm not doing anything wrong so I don't mind being monitored by unmanned drones. The government can watch me all day long for all I care.


Same with wiretapping.

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The only people that should care about this are the people who are doing bad things. Just the terrorists. I'm not doing anything wrong so I don't mind being monitored by unmanned drones. The government can watch me all day long for all I care.


Same with wiretapping.



I agree! I could care less if someone is reading my silly email, or watching who I call or what I do, I have nothing to hide. If it will help catch bad people and prevent crimes, then I am all for it.

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I agree!  I could care less if someone is reading my silly email, or watching who I call or what I do, I have nothing to hide.  If it will help catch bad people and prevent crimes, then I am all for it.



I sorta agree.


It still bothers people who have to be "ahead" of everyone else or the ones who think it will get out of hand.


It is a power thingy... Some people want all the benefits but none of the risk.

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Yeah, sort of...


An excellent tool for border surveillance. But, it's damned if you do and damned if you don't. The same people speaking out against their privacy being invaded are many times the same ones who complain that no one is doing anything about border security.


I do agree some with the pilot guy, though. Those things are designed to be hard to see. I have no idea what altitude they work in, but I'd guess it's within Indian Territory.

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Yeah, sort of...


An excellent tool for border surveillance. But, it's damned if you do and damned if you don't. The same people speaking out against their privacy being invaded are many times the same ones who complain that no one is doing anything about border security.


I do agree some with the pilot guy, though. Those things are designed to be hard to see. I have no idea what altitude they work in, but I'd guess it's within Indian Territory.



That's it! I am going back to being "house husband!"


It just isn't fun anymore when we agree.



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That's it!  I am going back to being "house husband!"


It just isn't fun anymore when we agree.





I think a lot of us agree more than we let on. (Yes, there are exceptions)


PPP, the great melting pot of Buffalo Bills society.


Why are so many people afraid of us? We get along.

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I think a lot of us agree more than we let on. (Yes, there are exceptions)


PPP, the great melting pot of Buffalo Bills society.


Why are so many people afraid of us? We get along.





We seem to be pretty outgoing folks here that "seem" to not hide our heads in the sand (okay some of us... :P ) and speak out.


I can load more on too... My Plimsoll will be going from "W" to "S" soon!

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Holy Cow! How'd I miss this thread? Where's that link to the US Constitution I had laying around?


It blows my mind that people would be OK with government spy drones flying all over the US. "I'm not doing anything wrong, so I have nothing to hide." Would you be cool with a cop just walking into your house when you're at work? You'd be cool with it because you haven't done anything wrong, right? What if they said they wanted to do random house-to-house searches in order to "fight the GWOT"? No problem, you've got nothing to hide right?


Both extreme examples, to be sure, but I hope people would question the "unmanned surveillence drones" with the same incredulity that they would letting the government into their own houses.

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Holy Cow!  How'd I miss this thread?  Where's that link to the US Constitution I had laying around?


It blows my mind that people would be OK with government spy drones flying all over the US.  "I'm not doing anything wrong, so I have nothing to hide."  Would you be cool with a cop just walking into your house when you're at work?  You'd be cool with it because you haven't done anything wrong, right? What if they said they wanted to do random house-to-house searches in order to "fight the GWOT"?  No problem, you've got nothing to hide right?


Both extreme examples, to be sure, but I hope people would question the "unmanned surveillence drones" with the same incredulity that they would letting the government into their own houses.



Ok, if not drones, how about unmanned satellites that have 1' resolutions? Do you think those are up in the air? Shall we shoot them down? How does a satellite seeing what you're doing on a CITY sidewalk differ from a cop seeing you on a CITY sidewalk?


Not that easy, is it?

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Ok, if not drones, how about unmanned satellites that have 1' resolutions?  Do you think those are up in the air?  Shall we shoot them down? How does a satellite seeing what you're doing on a CITY sidewalk differ from a cop seeing you on a CITY sidewalk?


Not that easy, is it?


The city sidewalk is public domain is where I believe you're going with this argument, and I'd be walking around in plain site. But if the sattelites are already there, why would you need a surveillence drone?


I'm assuming these surveillence drones have more capabilities. Am I right? Would they need to get a warrant to use these? Ha! What am I saying? Of course you don't, as long as it's for fighting the GWoT.

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Ok, if not drones, how about unmanned satellites that have 1' resolutions?  Do you think those are up in the air?  Shall we shoot them down? How does a satellite seeing what you're doing on a CITY sidewalk differ from a cop seeing you on a CITY sidewalk?


Not that easy, is it?


If these satellites exist, which I'm pretty sure they do...then why the need for unmanned drones? One thing that comes to mind is weaponry.


It seems very possible that they might want to arm these buggers every once in a while for a little "crowd control."


This is a bit more "conspiracy theory" than I usually allow myself, but what the hell...it's Thursday.

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If these satellites exist, which I'm pretty sure they do...then why the need for unmanned drones? One thing that comes to mind is weaponry.


It seems very possible that they might want to arm these buggers every once in a while for a little "crowd control."


This is a bit more "conspiracy theory" than I usually allow myself, but what the hell...it's Thursday.




It's Thursday?


sh--, that blows my whole argument.



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Since both of you had the same reply - the answer is better utility. How different is an unmanned drone from a manned police helicopter?



Other than the creepy Big Brother feel to it?




Cue, the music, Johnny.

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