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People hate the JPL Rumor for One Reason

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How about before we make any decision on JP, we draft an O-line! I watched him come back when Holcomb went down against the Jets and throw some incredible passes. He and Lee Evans make a great duo. If the BIlls let this guy go, we will be kicking ourselves for the next 10 years.

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That reason is that the hope that Losman will turn it around is the only hope some people have for this team.


I dont know about this, we have the young big 3 in losman, mcgahee, and evans. It seems to me there a lot of hope in the young talent on this team and not just JP.


This is despite the fact that he was awful last season and appears to be hated by his teammates.


Im not saying anything, but keep in mind holcomb had virtually the same stats, i know he gave us more of a "chance to win" but i wouldnt say JP was awful


If he wasn't a former first round pick, people wouldn't give two craps about this guy leaving the team.


This is what I really want to discuss. You are absolutely right and wrong. So you think that we should give a 1st round pick the same amount of time as a 4th rounder? absolutely not, of course we wouldnt give 2 craps if he wasnt picked in the first round, but is that wrong? we pay way more money for a 1st rounder and the player has way more upside to him, so naturally as fans and an organization, we will try anything to help him develop, and yes he should get more time than a guy picked in another round. thats just the way it is.

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The real issue and I have said it before, regardless of MY views on Losman.  Is if the coaches and management feel he cannot play, then they would be better served trading him this year when they have the chance to get a 1st or 2nd, where they is those who feel he still has an opportunity to flourish.  If they don't think he is the answer and he cannot win the starting job or looks bad again this year, he will have no trade value next year.


If however the Bills management feels he is the answer, or can be, then they need to keep him, play him, and coach him.  They need to surround him with guys that compliment his game style. 


That is what needs to happen.  Again, notice this is a very fair assessment of what needs to happen from a OBD perspective.




Yeah because JP has such high trade value right now. If there even were any other teams interested in him, wouldn't that send up some red flags that maybe he hasn't been given his fair shake yet? This year you play JP all year to see what you got. If he blows, big deal. Cut him at the end of next year and move on. Getting rid of him this year is just plain stupid. It's like playing the pot odds in a hand of poker. There's a monster pot and you have 4 to a flush with an ace. You can either muck your hand now and not put more $ in the pot, or you call a moderate bet and have the possibility of a very high reward (no matter how low the probability of that happening is).

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Actually you are not correct on that (but always entitled to your opinion of course)


It would not matter to me if JPL was a 3rd round pick because I saw enough "potential" out of him to beleive that if he continues to work on getting better he will turn into a top 8 quarterback......


The NFL game is so fast for these kids....and it only slows down with experience...I dont understand why fans fail to realize that.



JP needs to start over 20 games before we can really say that he is a bust.


on the bright side he has won more game then P. Rivers

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Nall is only 26 I believe...His "career" is only a few years along. You could say he hasn't had a chance to shine yet either.



He has shown less over a longer period of time then JP has.


Neither this GM or Head Coach has a history of picking and developing QB's. Marv was handed Kelly and Marchibroda did all the coaching. When Marv had his chance? Well we all remember Todd Collins. As far as DJ? Well his QB record speaks for it's self. The Bears were a nightmare on offense.


If this team has any hope of winning a few games it lies in JP coming through. If Nall's your QB? That puts the Bills on the clock for #1 overall in the 2007 Draft.

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I like JP mainly because of the respect he's shown Buffalo. A lot of people diss that area, but it's obviously near and dear to a lot of our hearts. I wasn't born there, but I spent ten years growing up outside of Rochester. JP adopted the city as his own, and I have absolutely no doubt that he wants to win. It's just a matter of whether he'll get the job done, and we don't know that yet. I'm sorry, but trading him at this point is just stupid.



He loves the area so much he lives in a hotel.


Way to invest in your "adopted" hometown.

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This is despite the fact that he was awful last season and appears to be hated by his teammates.




Be careful not to confuse rumor and speculation with facts. Unless you are in the locker room it is impossible to make the assertion the team hated him.


The entire offensive was bad. JP did not make the offensive look bad, the offensive made JP look bad. The only thing that made Holcomb look good and the offensive under him (and the word "good" is a stretch0 was his 10 years of experience.

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First off, Losman is, dare I say it, a victim of last year's coaching staff. He was named the starter without earning the job, which is something that even he was uncomfortable with it. As a result, I'm sure his teammates, who have all had to fight to earn their starting spot, did not fully buy in to a QB who was inserted into the mix. That certainly didn't help Losman last year as he tried to keep his starting role. It would also account for any rumoured "team doesn't like him" messages...


As to where things are now, it's kind of silly to think that the Bills would be ready to shuffle him off without even seeing him make one throw live, just based on tape. They just started the offseason conditioning program last week, so it seems far too early for the coaching staff to have assessed his current capabilities. Does that mean that Marv and company are not "testing the trade waters?" Absolutely not. You have a 3 way competition at QB (as Marv and Dick pretty much had said all along...Dick saying no one will be handed the starting job at any position, that it has to be earned, and Marv saying they'd be picking up a 2nd tier Free agent QB to give us 3 (non-NFL Europe) QB's), which means that there are 2 out of 3 outcomes that result in Losman not getting the starting job. Now this doesn't mean that Losman only has a 33% chance of getting the job, but if he can't beat out two other candidates in a practice scenario, then he's not going to cut it as a #1 QB for this offense during the season. If one of those two situations happen (Nall or Holcomb get the starting nod), you need to be ready for plan B. Plan B cannot (or at least shouldn't) include keeping Losman as a number 2 so you have to determine what your other options are. A trade is the best overall option because you get something for him. So where people are complaining that Levy won't get anything for Moulds because it's already clear the Bills will release Moulds, he's taking the opposite tack of looking for trade partners first in case he needs to dump Losman. This rumored "trade scenario" is not about Losman losing the team's confidence before he even steps out on the practice field, it's not about dumping a "TD guy," it's talking hypothetically with other teams to guage interest in anticipation of a possible outcome. This scenario would be completely consistent with everything we've heard from the coaching staff and front office, and I haven't seen them do anything that's inconsistent with what they've said they were going to do.

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Listen, I am just trying to figure out if they are doing this to try and get a QB in the draft.  Wouldn't that make sense, or do you think the 3rd string QB from Green Bay is our future?  Relax.



Well then, why dont you post about trading up for vince young a few hundred more times. :angry:


*Hint* - when no one responds to your useless repetitive posts, its not because no one heard you, its because your posts suck.

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That reason is that the hope that Losman will turn it around is the only hope some people have for this team. This is despite the fact that he was awful last season and appears to be hated by his teammates. If he wasn't a former first round pick, people wouldn't give two craps about this guy leaving the team.



I think people on TBD are going to be split on this. Whatver happens we need to support Marv with whatver he does. His record as a general manager is 0-0.

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