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Down by Contact


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My best guess would be that if possession did change that the other team would get possession at the spot of the fumble. If the guy picked up the ball and ran it in for a TD you can't possibly give him that if everyone stopped because the whistle blew. And if you did then everyone would just start ignoring the whistle....unless maybe they have a "I really mean it, the play is dead" whistle too. ;)

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My best guess would be that if possession did change that the other team would get possession at the spot of the fumble.  If the guy picked up the ball and ran it in for a TD you can't possibly give him that if everyone stopped because the whistle blew.  And if you did then everyone would just start ignoring the whistle....unless maybe they have a "I really mean it, the play is dead" whistle too.  ;)



well that would mean that everyone is goin to jump on that ball after the whistle no matter what?

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I'm largely speculating here, but a couple of things -


1st I'm assuming that the down by contact that you are referring to does NOT necessarily come into play w/ respect to possession, only whether or not a runner can continue his progress after he is down, or allegedly so.


Perhaps if a runner doesn't 'give up', he's still fair game, i.e. you can hit him if he's moving.


If I'm not mistaken, "way back when", you could continue your progress even after you were down. That must've been messy; a lot different to the QBs in skirts rules that they play under today.


If the rule pertains to whether or not a ball is fumbled, perhaps players will be permitted to pursue a loose ball if it is seen, but no advancement is possible after recovery. The refs will then sort out whether the fumble occurred b4 or after the runner was down.

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1st I'm assuming that the down by contact that you are referring to does NOT necessarily come into play w/ respect to possession, only whether or not a runner can continue his progress after he is down, or allegedly so.



Still have the same problem though don't you? The runner is ruled down, whistle blows, everyone stops.


What will a review do?


Same thing with a fumble--whistle blows, people walk back to the huddle. Oops, not any more. Now they have to ignore the whistle whenever there is a hint of a fumble. There must be more to this, cause it sure sounds ugly.


#54 giving him the business...

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I dont know what you guys are watching, but players go after loose balls anyway already ;) , it is usually after the fact that we find out that a whistle had been blown.


My biggest concern is that it will make zebras even more indecisive. They can get the mentality of just blowing the whistle, probably in the home teams favor, and if they're wrong replay will fix it.


Officiating was too much of a factor in the playoffs and especially the SuperBowl.


Something will have to change eventually cause replay is only making officiating worse.

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This has been my pet peeve with the NFL for years. More often than not, when a down by contact fumble occurs, the whistle doesn't come for at least three or four seconds. I don't think the refs in the NFL blow the whistle very quickly. I believe the change will refer to those quick change of possessions that occur between the time that the ref thinks the player has been tackled and when he blows his whistle. Using TIVO last season, I would go back and check the whistles on those plays and they happen ALL the time.

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