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Smoke and Mirrors.......

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Well Ralph did the right thing after the season ended and ended the tenior of the director of the biggest emotional roller coaster ride of the Buffalo Bills fan era. Dismissing TD was the best thing he could have done for the organization. Raplh gets a clean slate and an opprotunity to right the ship. But you cannot raise the titanic so he brings in a fan favorite Marv Levy to inspire us for the dismall season he knows we are going to have in the upcoming season or maybe he didnt maybe he thought he could be a bigger player in FA until the new CBA agreement. I know fans dont want us or the press calling Ralph cheap but lets look at it thus far.....


1.MM quits not fired after his circus the previous year and Raplh pays out no $$$.

2.Marv comes in as Director of football-no contract info available hmmmm cannot be alll that much and is probably saving a bundle after letting go of TD.

3. Hired the cheapest recycled HC in the NFL and cheap assitants.

3. We want to keep Moulds but we are not going to pay him he needs to take a pay cut when he just renogiated his big contract last year for us why should Eric take the cut?

4. Free agency well thus far it has been a joke of off season moves yes we are building depth but we are not paying any real money to these players except the overpaying for TE Royal-hopefully he proves hes worth 2 mil a year.

5. QB competetion with a veteran-career 3rd stringer and back ups spent real money there?? Read the article on TBD seems like Holcomb will be given an opprotuinty but they only spoke Highly of Nall and JP seems to me Holocmb will be a 3rd or cut.

6. Resigned all of our WR that couldnt catch the Balls in the only game of the season Eric didnt play. Great they can play special teams no offense we are really upgrading here. Reed has already proven with Drew hes not a #2 reciever, yes hes definatley a slot reciever but it seems like we have 3 of these and no #2 when Eric is released or traded.

7. We signed a center who has less starting experience then any of the line men we have now... really upgrading here....doesnt seem that way.

8. Need a DT for our new defense and nobody in the draft or Free agency looks like they are going to fit the BILLS. No improvemnet here either.


Which brings me to my point of this post is it Ralphs intent to get us to the playoffs or to get younger and cheaper salaries and hope that they have enough hunger to compete with the top 12 teams in the leaugue? Becuase i have to say for the first time in 16 years I am totally uninspired about this upcoming season and veiw us as the next Lions/Arizona/Houston of this leaugue for the upcoming season how embarrsing going from greatness to the cellar B-):doh:


At least when TD was there he made moves that inspired us to Billieve. Any one else feel this way or is it just me... and Ive never been this pesstimistic :lol: about the upcoming seasons as i am about this one.

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TD did a great job of getting some name talent and helping us fans think we were on the right track. But most of those moves really weren't all that good. Our record last year speaks volumes.


I feel like this is a rebuilding year. Okay our record probably won't be that great, but hopefully I'll get to see some really nice young players step up so that we know what we have for next year. I'll get a lot of enjoyment out of watching these games and watching our young players (hopefully) step up.


But pessimistic about the season? No, not really.

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At least when TD was there he made moves that inspired us to Billieve. Any one else feel this way or is it just me... and Ive never been this pesstimistic  B-) about the upcoming seasons as i am about this one.



Damn, why didn't we keep TD, he had us billieving, Unil the season started and we realised again we were duped.


But lets give him 5 years and Marv 5 minutes cause he is old and didn't sign a big name player to a huge salary. In case you didn't notice, the Bills have alot of holes to fill, and one big name player isn't going to make us improve that much. The team needs to build a solid foundation of young players that Marv is doing now, unfortunately you don't see the rewards from this for a few years and the fans will probably drive Marv out cause it wasn't instant satisfaction. All successful teams were built on big name FA and constructed overnight.


Yet another post explaining how if we only sign player 'X' or paid to get coach 'Z' and Marv would spend money, etc we would be in the SB next year. Marv is cleaning up the mess left by TD just like TD had to clean up the mess from Butler


As for some of your points.

they could have went cheaper on a head coach, but atleast we got a guy who has some experience and has won coach of the year fer christ sakes. And usually the head coach choses his assistants and so far it looks like he made some good choices.


Moulds was asked to take a pay cut cause TD made a mess of his contract and his cap hit is just far too high for a WR like him. TD made that mess, Marv now has to clean it up. TD would have probably cut Moulds at the end of the year because of it, atleast Marv tried to keep him around.


The players Marv signed are good value players with big upsides, they are young and have alot of potential, some might show that potential, others may be cut next offseason, but we won't know til we see them.

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It's no fun being a pesstimist.



It can't be much fun being an optimist either as you always end up disappointed.



I guess it's just not much fun being a Bills fan if winning is important to you. Being a happy Bills fan is like rooting for a kid in the special Olympics...you're just pleased that your kid participated and you got to watch.

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Guest BackInDaDay
It can't be much fun being an optimist either as you always end up disappointed.

I guess it's just not much fun being a Bills fan if winning is important to you.  Being a happy Bills fan is like rooting for a kid in the special Olympics...you're just pleased that your kid participated and you got to watch.


I'm still pulling for a likeness of the battered Hedda Nussbaum as our new logo.

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Damn, why didn't we keep TD, he had us billieving, Unil the season started and we realised again we were duped.


But lets give him 5 years and Marv 5 minutes cause he is old and didn't sign a big name player to a huge salary. In case you didn't notice, the Bills have alot of holes to fill, and one big name player isn't going to make us improve that much. The team needs to build a solid foundation of young players that Marv is doing now, unfortunately you don't see the rewards from this for a few years and the fans will probably drive Marv out cause it wasn't instant satisfaction. All successful teams were built on big name FA and constructed overnight.


Yet another post explaining how if we only sign player 'X' or paid to get coach 'Z' and Marv would spend money, etc we would be in the SB next year. Marv is cleaning up the mess left by TD just like TD had to clean up the mess from Butler


As for some of your points.

they could have went cheaper on a head coach, but atleast we got a guy who has some experience and has won coach of the year fer christ sakes. And usually the head coach choses his assistants and so far it looks like he made some good choices.


Moulds was asked to take a pay cut cause TD made a mess of his contract and his cap hit is just far too high for a WR like him. TD made that mess, Marv now has to clean it up. TD would have probably cut Moulds at the end of the year because of it, atleast Marv tried to keep him around.


The players Marv signed are good value players with big upsides, they are young and have alot of potential, some might show that potential, others may be cut next offseason, but we won't know til we see them.




Sorry I am not just a post about Yet another post explaining how if we only sign player 'X' or paid to get coach 'Z' and Marv would spend money, etc we would be in the SB next year. Marv is cleaning up the mess left by TD just like TD had to clean up the mess from Butler. The only mess Butler had was high priced players we had a playoff team until TD dismantled it and got us out of the so called "cap jail" yet we are always releasing players to get under the cap and able to sign more players.


Lets look at the mess Marv has to clean up- we need a coach with head coaching experience-got him-not even in my top 32 choices but ok he cleaned it up.


We need recievers so he signing of all of them and yup letting the 2nd best one go-good job cleaning it up now we really will have the best recieving core in the leaugue.


We need a veteran to challenge for the QB spot so we get one that has what 1 NFL start but bygollie he was better than all the other walkons and 3 rd stringers in NFLEUROPE whoohoo-hes definately got that one covered.


We need DL amd OL released 1 Dl got one DL still need DL- Sorry but I am a fan fo 16 straight years overly optimistic each and every year, personally I dont mind most of the changes being made and i do think we might be competitve in 2 years maybe 3 im OPTIMISTIC about 2. Unless they told me JP is the starter of all 16 games next season, there is nothing exciting me, Nall yeah he might be ok, I definatley dont want to see Holcomb and I hope marv does all the psotgame interview because Jauron well hes just....zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.


I dont need big name sigings I threw out a list of 12 2nd and 3 tier players we could have had that are all gone that would have made us better. Granted Im not an NFL scout I dont know what makes a NFL caliber player, but then again these guys draft players who are never to be seen again so they are not that good either. A #1 pick could be a bust or a star just as a walkon can be a bust or a star. QBs in the first round could be a star or the one picked last in the 6th round could be a star. I really dont care. I am not oppsed to the moves, but we still have many holes and they are not filling them and theres only 3 weeks left till the end of the first signing period and the draft, I just ant to see quality guys who have started at leatr 32 games signed that is essentially my point!

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OK, I see your points but


Marv wanted to keep Moulds but his contract needs to be redone to make it more cap friendly not just this year but next year too. He is not worth what Buffalo would have to pay him this year. But even if you paid him what he is scheduled to make, he does not want to be here, he wants out. There is nothing Marv can do to change this.


The Bills don't need another veteran QB in the mix to compete, the just need someone to come in who can compete with what we have (weither its a veteran or young player) Nall is not the player most people would have looked at first, but he is intriguging cause he is coming over highly recommended as the packers did not want him to leave but he wanted to explore his options cause he knew chances are likely Favre was coming back. Not saying he is gonna be the Bills Qb of the future, but he may surprise us all and be the guy we need.


Theres still time and the draft for the Dline and Oline, and with the quality (or lack there of) of good young lineman in FA I don't blame Marv for being picky and not rushing out for whats available. Triplett should be a starter, and Fowler is a former 1st round pick with great potential that he has not been able to show his first couple years cause he has had a couple injuries.

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OK, I see your points but


Marv wanted to keep Moulds but his contract needs to be redone to make it more cap friendly not just this year but next year too. He is not worth what Buffalo would have to pay him this year. But even if you paid him what he is scheduled to make, he does not want to be here, he wants out. There is nothing Marv can do to change this.


The Bills don't need another veteran QB in the mix to compete, the just need someone to come in who can compete with what we have (weither its a veteran or young player) Nall is not the player most people would have looked at first, but he is intriguging cause he is coming over highly recommended as the packers did not want him to leave but he wanted to explore his options cause he knew chances are likely Favre was coming back. Not saying he is gonna be the Bills Qb of the future, but he may surprise us all and be the guy we need.


Theres still time and the draft for the Dline and Oline, and with the quality (or lack there of) of good young lineman in FA I don't blame Marv for being picky and not rushing out for whats available. Triplett should be a starter, and Fowler is a former 1st round pick with great potential that he has not been able to show his first couple years cause he has had a couple injuries.




Personnally I have no problem letting go of Moulds, i would like to see the QB(whomever it is) get away from the Moulds offense and start spreading the ball around to receivers wha are open. The point to that is we new this might be a possibilty and Antonia Bryant was the Best available on the market and would have been a good addition to the receving core and we signed Davis njury prone who might not make it through the first 5 games.


I agree Tripplett was a good addition and would have complemented Sam adams nicely, I just hate seeing players released with no viable replacement ( I wanted Sam adams cut too so dont get me wrong here). Milloy was the BEST safety on our team so our secondary is now weaker.

No you want to talk about the OL maybe fowler will be serviceable at the position maybe we will be lucky enough not to get another Mike williams, But we have drafted OL the last 3 years and who is a starter???? We have drafted DL the last 3 years who is the starter?????? Stating that we are going to fill the DL/OL STARTERS through the draft is liking telling the craps table i bet 1,000,000 i will through snake eyes.


Also I beleive TD used that word alot "potential", had a few injuries in his career but he has the potential. Offense is going to be hard to watch. Ans the defense is being dismantled the only inspiring string of hope to hold onto going into the next season Defense will keep us in it. Im sorry if I seem pesstimistic about the upcoming season. Really unless JP is starting and we get a viable back up at RB a Run stopping DL and a good SS it doesnt look all that promising. Truthfully i hope i am dead wrong and we improve through out the year but when you look realistically at the competition in the leaugue you would be hard pressed to find a way to put us in the top 16 teams and it hard to get excited about finishing in the bottom 16.

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Well Ralph did the right thing after the season ended and ended the tenior of the  director of the biggest emotional roller coaster ride of the Buffalo Bills fan era. Dismissing TD was the best thing he could have done for the organization. Raplh gets a clean slate and an opprotunity to right the ship. But you cannot raise the titanic so he brings in a fan favorite Marv Levy to inspire us for the dismall season he knows we are going to have in the upcoming season or maybe he didnt maybe he thought he could be a bigger player in FA until the new CBA agreement. I know fans dont want us or the press calling Ralph cheap but lets look at it thus far.....


1.MM quits not fired after his circus the previous year and Raplh pays out no $$$.

2.Marv comes in as Director of football-no contract info available hmmmm cannot be alll that much and is probably saving a bundle after letting go of TD.

3. Hired the cheapest  recycled HC in the NFL and cheap assitants.

3. We want to keep Moulds but we are not going to pay him he needs to take a pay cut when he just renogiated his big contract last year for us why should Eric take the cut?

4. Free agency well thus far it has been a joke of off season moves yes we are building depth but we are not paying any real money to these players except the overpaying for TE Royal-hopefully he proves hes worth 2 mil a year.

5. QB competetion with a veteran-career 3rd stringer and back ups spent real money there?? Read the article on TBD seems like Holcomb will be given an opprotuinty but they only spoke Highly of Nall and JP seems to me Holocmb will be a 3rd or cut.

6. Resigned all of our WR that couldnt catch the Balls in the only game of the season Eric didnt play. Great they can play special teams no offense we are really upgrading here. Reed has already proven with Drew hes not a #2 reciever, yes hes definatley a slot reciever but it seems like we have 3 of these and no #2 when Eric is released or traded.

7. We signed a center who has less starting experience then any of the line men we have now... really upgrading here....doesnt seem that way.

8. Need a DT for our new defense and nobody in the draft or Free agency looks like they are going to fit the BILLS. No improvemnet here either.


Which brings me to my point of this post is it Ralphs intent to get us to the playoffs or to get younger and cheaper salaries and hope that they have enough hunger to compete with the top 12 teams in the leaugue? Becuase i have to say for the first time in 16 years I am totally uninspired about this upcoming season and veiw us as the next Lions/Arizona/Houston of this leaugue for the upcoming season how embarrsing going from greatness to the cellar :angry:  :D


At least when TD was there he made moves that inspired us to Billieve. Any one else feel this way or is it just me... and Ive never been this pesstimistic  :D about the upcoming seasons as i am about this one.



I could not agree more. I have basically given up. As a Bills fanatic for 35 years, my family cannot believe what I am saying, but you can't deny the facts. This organization stinks from the top down with no hope of being competitive anytime soon. Is it the owner, or just an overall organizational malaise? Who knows and at this point, who cares!! We stink and will continue to smell until they bring in people who really know what to do. All of the people on this site you keep showing blind loyalty need to look closer. If there was hope, I would be the first to say it and I have lived and died with the Bills for many, many years. But I just see an organization with no sense of itself from the owner, to the GM, to the coach, to the players. What is the strategy. What moves have been made to make us better? Why didn't we pursue upgrading the OL, DL and QB? Instead, we sign second and third string players!!!Do we have a coach who knows how to win? Do we have a GM who knows what he is doing? I love Marv levy, but even as a coach he was somewhat questionable given the talent he had. Was he really the best we could do for a GM? Who know!!! I wish I could end my e-mail with my usual Go Bills!! but it rings hollow given what has happened!

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