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Those tricky 15 minutes of fame

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"ASHLAND, Ore. (AP) -- A new twist regarding that family rescued Tuesday after being trapped for nearly two and a-half weeks in their snowbound RV in Oregon.


Two of them, Elbert and Becky Higginbotham of Heber, are named in a drug-related arrest warrants issued in Navajo County.


The warrants were issued Wednesday after Arizona authorities saw TV coverage of the rescue of the Higginbothams and Becky's son and his wife and their two children.


According to Snowflake Justice Court records, the warrant for Elbert charges of possession of dangerous drugs for sale, misconduct involving weapons and possession of drug paraphernalia, according to the court. All are felonies."



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I guess the Higgy's like being not seen?


March 27, 2006


Higginbothams missing ... again


By Robert Plain

Ashland Daily Tidings


Elbert Higginbotham and his wife Rebecca Ann Bess were missing for 17 days before they were found. Now they are, again, missing.


Jackson County Sheriff’s Department had obtained an arrest warrant for the pair, but when deputies went to pick them up today, they were no longer at either of the Ashland addresses where they had been staying.


One of the deputies who went to arrest them confirmed that they had picked up their now-famous RV last night.


“Maybe they are heading back to Arizona to take care of this,” he said.


Ed Hill, father of the Higginbotham’s daughter-in-law, said the Arizona couple left on Sunday night, after retrieving their motorhome.


“They got on the freeway and headed north,” he said. “They might be almost to Canada by now. Oregon doesn’t want them and Arizona doesn’t want them either. We gave them $38 for gas — it’s all we had.”


He added that he was not particularly sad to see them go.


“I’m glad I only met him once,” Hill said, noting that Higginbotham’s alleged criminal past has cast a dark shadow over the rest of the family’s harrowing and heroic adventure. “I feel a lot better now that the stress is off the kids.”

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I remember catching this story as it was breaking and unfolding.  I found it interesting that he noted that they were fine... Had enough propane to heat the RV... 17 friggan' days of propane? :blink:  :P


What were they planning?... In many ways...


:lol:  :lol:


No doubt there was a certain amount of methane gas produced from eating all those Y2K MRE's! :lol:

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