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Dems are the party of National Security?

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Speaking of putting words in other people's mouths, where did I fault the Afghans for Bernsten not getting 600 Rangers.

I have read a few books to get a better understanding of the history of the region, and I have a  few more I intend to read.


Bernsten does have some history in the region, as he was deployed to Afghanistan in 1999 as I recall.


By the way, Swami, if your going to lecture me on what I don't comprehend about a particular book, you might want to at least spell the author's name correctly.



I gotta take your back here scraps. It was pretty friggin dumb of the Swami to think that you of all people would read a book that was written by someone named "Bernstein."


Wake up CTM!

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Speaking of putting words in other people's mouths, where did I fault the Afghans for Bernsten not getting 600 Rangers.



When I mentioned, for the second time, that having a "CIA field commander" indicates a !@#$ed-up situation, and you followed it up with:


Whoa, a !@#$ed up situation in Afghanistan where a nutball group of religious fanatics control 80% of the country and a bunch of fueding warlords control the rest.


So either it was a completely irrelevent non-sequiter, or you're blaming the US command-and-control problems I'm talking about on the Afghani people. Take your pick...either way, you're a moron for bringing it up. How you want to be a moron - either by introducing a completely irrelevent non-sequiter, or by making a clearly dumbshit statement - is up to you.

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So, you are not going to admit your mistake?



Just not gonna let you skate. Your trying to make this issue about me because you don't want to answer the questions.


This is what you said


As far as Afghanistan, I imagine that the troops there are real pleased with the Dems saying that they are not doing a good enough job (oh, yeah, it is not their fault. It is Bush's fault since Bush is the one on the ground running the operations). "Yeah troops. You suck."


Where in the documents in question does anyone criticize the troops?

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When I mentioned, for the second time, that having a "CIA field commander" indicates a !@#$ed-up situation, and you followed it up with:

So either it was a completely irrelevent non-sequiter, or you're blaming the US command-and-control problems I'm talking about on the Afghani people.  Take your pick...either way, you're a moron for bringing it up.  How you want to be a moron - either by introducing a completely irrelevent non-sequiter, or by making a clearly dumbshit statement - is up to you.




I'm not blaming it on the Afghani people. An yeah, it was a bizare situation, which doesn't seem all the surprising since it was a unique war.

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In other words, you brought up an irrelevancy. 


C'mon...say it: "What I said was irrelevent."  You can do it.  Five little words...



I don't believe I was being irrelevant. I was replying to what you said, though I don't claim to have the mind reading capabilities that you think you enjoy. Hence I misinterpretted what part of the war led to the !@#$ed up situation you referred to.

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I don't believe I was being irrelevant.  I was replying to what you said, though I don't claim  to have the mind reading capabilities that you think you enjoy.  Hence I misinterpretted what part of the war led to the !@#$ed up situation you referred to.



No, you replied to what you read...but once again, you didn't understand it and failed to establish context.


And it wasn't even difficult. Anyone with half a brain could have twigged that I was talking about US performance and not the Afghani people, by the simple fact that I never mentioned the Afghanis. "Misinterpreted", in this case, is just a fancy word for dodging responsibility for yet again making sh-- up.

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No, you replied to what you read...but once again, you didn't understand it and failed to establish context.


And it wasn't even difficult.  Anyone with half a brain could have twigged that I was talking about US performance and not the Afghani people, by the simple fact that I never mentioned the Afghanis.  "Misinterpreted", in this case, is just a fancy word for dodging responsibility for yet again making sh-- up.



Get with the program here. Bernsten - 600 Rangers = Bush bad. He said he asked for them and he didn't get them. Scraps read that in Bernsten's book.


Game, set, match.

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I am rubber, you are glue.


Na na na na...


And this coming from the people who preach that PPP discussions should be engaging.


:doh:  :D


Ya, I thought this was going to be a good discussion, considering it was about bin laden. Maybe bernsten full of it, maybe not.......Pretty smart people here that provide interesting insight....... And then theres the shiny knome thingy to kick around or the< < < < < or the ding, hot pockets ......... Kinda funny, man, I was hoping for a little more on this topic, maybe tommorow.......

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Just not gonna let you skate.  Your trying to make this issue about me because you don't want to answer the questions.


This is what you said

Where in the documents in question does anyone criticize the troops?



You're the one who made sh-- up and attributed it to BiB and myself. You still have not admitted your guilt. Not suprising, given your history.

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No, you replied to what you read...but once again, you didn't understand it and failed to establish context.


And it wasn't even difficult.  Anyone with half a brain could have twigged that I was talking about US performance and not the Afghani people, by the simple fact that I never mentioned the Afghanis.  "Misinterpreted", in this case, is just a fancy word for dodging responsibility for yet again making sh-- up.



I don't believe you provided much context, hence it is understandable for someone misinterpret which part of the Afghan conflict you are talking about. However if you are in know it all pit bull mode, you may be unable or unwilling to understand that and give someone some leeway during a conversation.

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I don't believe you provided much context, hence it is understandable for someone misinterpret which part of the Afghan conflict you are talking about.  However if you are in know it all pit bull mode, you may be unable or unwilling to understand that and give someone some leeway during a conversation.



You wrongly attribute comments to multiple people within this thread, now you are begging for "leeway" within a conversation? :doh:

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The hole is getting deeper and wider.  :doh:



That's the thing. The lies are here for everyone to see and he is still trying to deny, deflect or play the innocent victim. It is getting embarrassing, now. I'll stop. The point has been made.

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I don't believe you provided much context, hence it is understandable for someone misinterpret which part of the Afghan conflict you are talking about.  However if you are in know it all pit bull mode, you may be unable or unwilling to understand that and give someone some leeway during a conversation.



Hypothetically, even if I were to stipulate that (which I wouldn't, as any halfwit should have been able to discern I was talking about command and control)...that still doesn't explain why you interpreted it as something I never even mentioned.


How the hell is it my fault you assumed I was talking about Afghani politics and society when I was talking about the American effort? Or is this just some bull sh-- face-saving attempt by you to try and admit you were wrong without actually saying you were wrong?

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That's the thing. The lies are here for everyone to see and he is still trying to deny, deflect or play the innocent victim. It is getting embarrassing, now. I'll stop. The point has been made.



Of course you will quit now. You were the first person to put words in others mouths and you can't possibly discuss it. Here is what you said


As far as Afghanistan, I imagine that the troops there are real pleased with the Dems saying that they are not doing a good enough job (oh, yeah, it is not their fault. It is Bush's fault since Bush is the one on the ground running the operations). "Yeah troops. You suck."


Where in the document the Democrats say to the troops "you suck"?

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I apologize for stating that you and BiB just want to say "Clinton Bad" or something to that effect.


Now how about you answer the questions?



As BiB mentioned, the troops are running the show in Afghanistan. Criticizing their accomplishments or lack thereof is criticizing them. Of course, I already said this back on Page 7, but you were too busy trying to deflect things to Clinton (and lying about what people said) and were not paying attention.

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