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My season pass list from my tivo, shows playing now, in order of priority


Buffalo Sabres Hockey








Dirtiest Jobs

Battlefield WW11

Battlefield Vietnam


Deadliest Catch

Big Love

Green Acres

Historys worst jobs..Alamanc on History international


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Whatever's on that catches my eye as I surf. I leave either the history channel or NGC on quite a bit for background noise, when I'm not listening to music. Sometimes C-Span if there is an issue being discussed I have an interest in. When I remember to, I'll tune in Battlestar Gallactica. Used to watch the old X-Files and Law and Orders, but they've all been repeated too many times to ever catch anything new.


I don't have HBO, so any of those shows are out. I actually HAVE watched some of the new must see shows. Just didn't get into them. 24 is is just too much to take, as I sort of work in that business and can't escape mentally sharpshooting the TV. AI is well...AI. I am surprised at all the spin off shows it has created though. Lost, I saw a couple times and once the flying polar bear appeared, that was it for me.

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NOVA - (very cool last night, the great Robot car race)




Occaisionally Mythbusters, or Book TV on C-Span.


And recently, that Anthony Bourdasian guy on the Travel channel.

Coming soon - Baseball


Damn, I'm boring.

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